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BROADCASTERS: Please read.

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vostok 1 Offline
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Post: #1
BROADCASTERS: Please read.
A message for staff at Bang Media, Sport TV and Cellcast:

As you are all aware, the following Ofcom consultation "Rules on the promotion of premium rate services" is currently taking place.

There are many members of this forum who want to make their voices heard in this, who want to help guarantee the longevity of the Babe Channels and help to make sure that your businesses can continue.

However, as it is being discussed in this thread:
Ofcoms "plain English" is not too easy to decipher.

If a rep from the PTBA the Participation Television Broadcasters’ Association, the group that you are a member of, signed up to the forum and gave a plain english translation to Ofcom's "plain english", then there is a likely hood that forum members would be inclined to respond to this consultation once they have a better understanding of what it actually means.

A rep's view and assistance would not be illegal, it would not influence any opinion to the consultation, it would simply stress the importance of the viewers voice being heard.

I have previously asked "Hofmiester" from Babe World, the other member of the PTBA, if a PTBA rep could sign up here and assist. Doing that would only benefit you, your staff and business.
08-11-2009 21:26
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TheDarkKnight Offline
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Post: #2
RE: BROADCASTERS: Please read.
I think there's facility within the consultation procedure for Ofcom to produce a plain English version of the document, but I don't know how to go about getting them to do that. Huh

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08-11-2009 22:01
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vostok 1 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: BROADCASTERS: Please read.
A bump for this, as the clock is ticking on the consultation.
30-11-2009 23:56
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