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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
Joined: Apr 2009
Post: #61
RE: Charlie
Big thanks to Charlie for 2 of the hottest nights viewing I've had in a long time! Big Grin

[Image: cdg1_thumb.jpg]

[Image: cdg2_thumb.jpg]

[Image: cdg3_thumb.jpg]

(This post was last modified: 23-02-2010 02:49 by insomniac.)
23-02-2010 02:49
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
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Post: #62
RE: Charlie
[Image: e018d269908063.gif] [Image: 4a87c569908070.gif] [Image: 508bc269908076.gif] [Image: dfc1df69908080.gif] [Image: c18cb269909990.gif] [Image: 9e3e5969909991.gif] [Image: 143b1a69910870.gif] [Image: 76b5fa69910871.gif] [Image: a9bf2869910873.gif] [Image: 3e4dee69910874.gif] [Image: 86a6fa69910876.gif] [Image: 21098369910878.gif] [Image: 15b31569911253.gif] [Image: 94a83069911663.gif] [Image: 8b018369912544.gif] [Image: a9f6ef69912546.gif] [Image: a94f3369912547.gif] [Image: 77551269912548.gif] [Image: 6ba19769912619.gif] [Image: 58f0d269912674.gif] [Image: 2d21be69913160.gif] [Image: bb414d69913162.gif] [Image: 51045c69913534.gif] [Image: 302a8469913536.gif] [Image: 69653369914188.gif] [Image: 4d9a7d69914190.gif] [Image: 263c2569914192.gif] [Image: 2cafe169914193.gif] [Image: e8820e69914714.gif] [Image: 6263b669915239.gif] [Image: 79b02369915240.gif]

(This post was last modified: 27-02-2010 22:38 by insomniac.)
27-02-2010 21:15
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
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Post: #63
RE: Charlie
[Image: 5523cc69921710.gif] [Image: d6ec1f69921712.gif] [Image: 54976469921715.gif] [Image: 7a7ba369922093.gif] [Image: 44e5d669922200.gif] [Image: 044ccd69922280.gif] [Image: cfc79969922517.gif] [Image: e7f73e69922722.gif] [Image: faefbe69922723.gif] [Image: 07cad969922772.gif] [Image: 9f83e869922813.gif] [Image: a948f769925499.gif] [Image: fdf26b69925500.gif] [Image: e417ba69925501.gif] [Image: 320d1769925502.gif] [Image: 54ae7269925504.gif] [Image: 5c290c69925505.gif] [Image: 054a4c69925506.gif] [Image: 87baa269925507.gif] [Image: 39ccb069925509.gif] [Image: ac498969925511.gif] [Image: ac498969925512.gif] [Image: 63eeee69925513.gif] [Image: 0d016069925515.gif] [Image: 6bbdb469925516.gif] [Image: da7a8069925517.gif] [Image: 13e91969925519.gif] [Image: ad207c69925521.gif] [Image: aedbfe69925522.gif] [Image: 0a985e69925525.gif] [Image: fc365a69925529.gif] [Image: 9e8ed269925533.gif] [Image: 85057d69925537.gif] [Image: 5b70a269925542.gif] [Image: 5b5de869925902.gif] [Image: 422b4e69925903.gif] [Image: 76709969933716.gif] [Image: e7d5e069933717.gif] [Image: 4a516d69933821.gif] [Image: a3961f69934076.gif] [Image: adaf8969934077.gif] [Image: 6c0f0569934098.gif] [Image: f444f469934139.gif] [Image: b7e96b69934140.gif]

(This post was last modified: 28-02-2010 02:44 by insomniac.)
27-02-2010 23:44
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
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Post: #64
RE: Charlie
Charlie and TJ on together again Big Grin

[Image: 2ed17270170381.gif] [Image: 893c1370170383.gif] [Image: 51143070175766.gif] [Image: 66dbc970175769.gif] [Image: 2fc5b870175770.gif] [Image: 041cf470176311.gif] [Image: a4d5a470176684.gif] [Image: c53a2570176686.gif] [Image: f85e9170176742.gif] [Image: c93a2f70176803.gif] [Image: 1b2bbb70176877.gif] [Image: 5f55dc70176934.gif] [Image: 60e76e70178890.gif] [Image: 3398b370179153.gif] [Image: 280f8170179161.gif] [Image: 601a4970179181.gif] [Image: bd338470178892.gif] [Image: d2070e70179441.gif] [Image: 4f7a6e70180118.gif] [Image: 829d6170180121.gif]

(This post was last modified: 01-03-2010 22:53 by insomniac.)
01-03-2010 21:22
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
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Post: #65
RE: Charlie
[Image: 61e01670202208.gif] [Image: e64f0170202209.gif] [Image: 63387e70202210.gif] [Image: bf641f70202299.gif] [Image: 4f18ca70202300.gif] [Image: 4f18ca70202514.gif] [Image: 01fc0470202515.gif] [Image: 1582de70202516.gif] [Image: 445ac170202564.gif] [Image: 79ccd870202930.gif] [Image: 9b39d970202935.gif] [Image: 37ab8b70203072.gif] [Image: 8ca0a670203073.gif] [Image: fd02bc70203326.gif] [Image: c4dbf570203500.gif] [Image: a0700370203537.gif] [Image: 5900ea70203839.gif] [Image: 7f8c0370203944.gif]

(This post was last modified: 02-03-2010 03:19 by insomniac.)
02-03-2010 02:59
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charlie-dee Offline
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Post: #66
RE: Charlie
Thank you once again hun for taking time out to post new pics its very much appreciated!! big kisses for you xxxxxx
But i have to say i didnt give the best performance tonight guys, i wasnt feeling all that great, so i do appologise to all of you who tuned in and didnt get the best of me!Sad
But on a better note heres one for you to answer Huh
This week im outfit hunting, out with the old and in with the new!! (any excuse to go shopping especially for sexy outfits and boots, boots and shoes win hands down every time laugh) n im wondering what you guys would like to see me in??? ive been looking along the lines of latex, rubber n fantasy costumes esp in latex, thats my second love Wink
What do ya think guys??? speak now or forever hold ur peace! no seriously all suggestions very welcome, pm me if you,d prefer not to comment on this thread or if suggestions are way too naughty which im sure there not gunna be laugh looking forward to hearing what you have to suggest???
Big, big kisses to you all xxxxxxxxxx
02-03-2010 12:28
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
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Post: #67
RE: Charlie
(02-03-2010 12:28 )charlie-dee Wrote:  Thank you once again hun for taking time out to post new pics its very much appreciated!! big kisses for you xxxxxx
But i have to say i didnt give the best performance tonight guys, i wasnt feeling all that great, so i do appologise to all of you who tuned in and didnt get the best of me!Sad

No problem - you're a joy to cap Cool Easily my favourite babe across any channel right now! Blush Wouldn't have known you were ill from the performance you gave, so I wouldn't worry. Hope you're feeling better too! x

(This post was last modified: 02-03-2010 16:13 by insomniac.)
02-03-2010 15:43
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
Joined: Apr 2009
Post: #68
RE: Charlie
(02-03-2010 12:28 )charlie-dee Wrote:  This week im outfit hunting, out with the old and in with the new!! (any excuse to go shopping especially for sexy outfits and boots, boots and shoes win hands down every time laugh) n im wondering what you guys would like to see me in??? ive been looking along the lines of latex, rubber n fantasy costumes esp in latex, thats my second love Wink
What do ya think guys??? speak now or forever hold ur peace! no seriously all suggestions very welcome, pm me if you,d prefer not to comment on this thread or if suggestions are way too naughty which im sure there not gunna be laugh looking forward to hearing what you have to suggest???
Big, big kisses to you all xxxxxxxxxx

Would love to see you in any of this little lot, though a couple probably wouldn't get past OFCOM Big Grin - take your pick outfit wise!

(This post was last modified: 02-03-2010 16:18 by insomniac.)
02-03-2010 15:54
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charlie-dee Offline
Junior Poster

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Post: #69
RE: Charlie
your very welcome hun!!
theres some seriously sexy outfits you,ve picked, i think latex is wicked! i love the way it feels on ur skin, god dont get me started!!!!!!Blush
I think the last too is in my budget n will defo get them, ive been looking at that site recently n picked a few things myself from there, as for the third hun, i dare say i defo wouldnt even make it to the bed in those, naughty laugh now the top ones are seriously sexy the type of thing id wear n never take off!! but sadly out of my budget Sad unless ur offering hun Wink hehe..................Big Grin ive got a very very sexy pair of patient ballerina fetish ankle boots that would look the business with any of those toe 3 outfits!!! if you come across any more that you think id look fab in keep me posted hun im in again on sunday n monday evening i,ll try my best to acquire some serious rubber for then.
Keep the outfit ideas coming, i wanna know what will really get ur pulses going Tongue
many kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Heart
03-03-2010 00:21
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insomniac Offline
Charlie Dee Fills Me With Glee

Posts: 561
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Post: #70
RE: Charlie
(03-03-2010 00:21 )charlie-dee Wrote:  unless ur offering hun Wink hehe.

don't tempt me, you'd look amazing in that top one+ankle boots. Big Grin

would love to see either of these + Charlie Dee too Blush

03-03-2010 23:55
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