Posts: 190
Joined: Dec 2008
Messages and comments for the owners of The Chat to read!
How does everyone feel about the chat and what changes do you as viewers and followers what to see on the chat to make it even better. I feel the chat is the best show on the 900 channels it not a sex or flurting show, it's a good laugh, with lots of topics and views are shared. I for one would like to have a better set instead of a just blank walls. Also a happy hour with texts to 50p for two hrs a day you would get more people hence more money as some can't always afford high prices and as we are your cumotomers i.e views and most have been loyal so it's a way of you people who own the station to say thanks by having a two hour happy hour. If anyone else has any views on how they would like to see/not see the chat please post. I for one understand why they have the desk as some people would ask to see bums, feet , chest and so on which is not what the chat is about but the screen need to be enlarged a little more so we can see more of the girls and if they want they can give us twirle if they like. They look crampped with a small space. Long live The chat
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2010 20:17 by madhatter13.)
11-03-2010 20:11 |
Junior Poster
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RE: Messages and comments for the owners of The Chat to read!
I agree with some of Madhatter's points. My 2peneth is:-
1. Enlarge the girls screen ( i have poor eyesight and the current layout is to crowded).
2. Reduce the text/calls rate, say every Sunday.
3. When both girls are on the phones have a maximum time of one hour then log off and talk to the texters.
4. New set and i don't mean just sticking up a poster on the back wall.
Vary the show, showing a few clips of the girls out and about during the day would break up monotone format.
You you only live once or maybe twice but i flipping hope it's more.
15-03-2010 12:35 |
Junior Poster
Posts: 73
Joined: Jun 2009
Reputation: 17
RE: Messages and comments for the owners of The Chat to read!
You you only live once or maybe twice but i flipping hope it's more.
25-03-2010 18:43 |
Posts: 190
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: Messages and comments for the owners of The Chat to read!
Mike in reply to your message it's 4 ways of income you forgot picture messages. You can send in pictures but most send pix of thier john thomas which I find odd. But I'm liking the messages in the room. I love the chat so much and not into the other shows. Maybe cellnet is just after maximum income without having to shell out any wonga like on the other shows.I surguest whatever bambi says to the powers that be will fall on deaf ears. But if they was close the show what can we do but show them we care. How hard is it to set up a show like this? If there is a rich young business person out there maybe s/he could set up a channel like the chat which is not on the adult sex menu on sky. But i've noticed that Psychic Tv is in the specialist menu on sky why when it too has texts at £1.50 p/m and phone-ins If the chat was on sumo tv all day we would get more viewers hence more money and would that not solve it?? (25-03-2010 17:11 )mikedafc Wrote: To the owners of The Chat, what other programme that you do gives you three income strands Phone,Text and Chatback?
Does BS Daytime make so much money in relative to the budget given to it than The Chat given the shoestring budget it survives on?
I would really like to know the figures given that understand closing The Chat is again on your agenda.
(This post was last modified: 26-03-2010 09:48 by madhatter13.)
26-03-2010 09:43 |