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Bluearmy71 Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Goodbye
You know the thought has often occurred to me that some things are just better left on Facebook! I mean surely if the girls wanted their news broadcast on this or any other forum they would do it themselves!!!!!

I am sure that Archangel and Ynot had every intention of paying the models what they were owed but then again you be the people with the hierarchy pulling the plug on your show see what position you are left in........not a very good one I should imagine, apply some logic to things for god sake people and don't be so quick to point the finger of blame at those who are probably just as innocent as the unpaid models in all of this!
15-03-2010 19:37
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #42
RE: Goodbye
Danielle was head hunted by Elite before the channel closed, leaving the Angel channel minus one of their star babes. She did not leave them because she had not been paid. And I for one did not know the terms of her employment.

Due to this I don't think there was any love lost between the Angels management and Danielle.

Another babe I have messaged was happy to have worked for Angels.

We need to find out more before coming to conclusions.
(This post was last modified: 15-03-2010 20:46 by Charlemagne.)
15-03-2010 20:24
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Archangel Offline
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Post: #43
RE: Goodbye
Hi everyone, after reading the above i'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight.

As you all know myself and Dominic are directors of a management company called ANGELS TELEVISION LIMITED. We are registered with companies house and for your info have shares but no assets.

On the 15th of january 2010 we entered into a contract with a company called Star Bazaar Ltd and more importantly dealt with its director Ms Irene Mclaughlin. The contract was signed by all parties and is legal and binding.

The contract states that Angels Tv shall develop run and manage all affairs on channel 914 , and as you guys were with us for our journey you will know that this was fraught with problems.

I quote from paragraph 7 of the contract.

"7. Girls wages are to be paid to ANGELS TV LIMTED within 5 working days after the end of each month. The wages for the 15 days of operations will be paid from past cash flow and remain the duty of Star Bazaar Ltd. Failure to make the first payment will constitute the breach of this agreement and therefore null and void"

We were paid a sum of money from Star Bazaar for the first 15 days of operations, albeit 4k short and ALL the money we recieved was paid to girls and crew.

Content that we were paid something for the first 15days, We soldiered on into february... we had a good month despite still having teething problems ( mostly with our phone system or ivr as its known ) .. Angels TV came to an abrupt end on the 22nd February , as you know and we were asked to leave as Playtime tv were taking over, we were asked to hand back our keys and leave the building. this was done with no notice whatsoever and we were treated quite harshly.

So we invoiced Star Bazaar for the money that is owed to our girls and crew for the latter part of january and the hours worked for the month of february... only to be informed by Star Bazaar that they dispute our invoice and do not intend to pay.

Myself and dominic are devastated , and we now face taking Star Bazaar to court for what the girls and crew are owed


So while it is true that money is owed to girls and crew, It is Star Bazaar that havnt Paid , Not Angels TV.

We are being f**ked over for the wages for our crew and girls and im deeply saddened that people can do this and intend to get away with it.

I am here to answer any queries that any of you may have, Myself and dominic are not hiding .. we welcome all comments good and bad.
15-03-2010 20:27
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Chilly Away
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Post: #44
RE: Goodbye
Thanks for that, Cleo! You must be so stressed, really is a sad thing to happen. Sad I wish you and Dominic all the best, and hopefully Angels TV will one day be back on our screens. Smile
(This post was last modified: 15-03-2010 21:23 by Chilly.)
15-03-2010 20:45
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ynot2005 Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Goodbye
After this experience...I am quite doubtful either of u want to get into babe channels ever again

(15-03-2010 20:45 )Chilly Wrote:  Thanks for that, Cleo! You must be so stressed, really is a sad thing to happen. Sad I wish you and Dominic all the best, and hopefully Angels TV will one day be back on our screens. Smile
15-03-2010 22:18
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Chilly Away
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Post: #46
RE: Goodbye
(15-03-2010 22:18 )ynot2005 Wrote:  After this experience...I am quite doubtful either of u want to get into babe channels ever again

(15-03-2010 20:45 )Chilly Wrote:  Thanks for that, Cleo! You must be so stressed, really is a sad thing to happen. Sad I wish you and Dominic all the best, and hopefully Angels TV will one day be back on our screens. Smile

Can't say I blame you, ynot2005. Sad Selfishly, I was just hoping you guys would be back, as then you could've rescued Holly from that other channel. Wink

Oh well, chin up, Dom! You sure provided many of us on here with some great daytime/nighttime viewing when Angels TV was on air. Smile
(This post was last modified: 16-03-2010 16:31 by Chilly.)
15-03-2010 22:29
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rawr1 Offline

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Post: #47
RE: Goodbye
Best of luck to you guys in court. I can't stand people being treated badly for no reason.

You had been doing such a great job and I hope you get back on your feet and get back into the 900 channel mix at some point.
15-03-2010 23:15
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Rammyrascal Online
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Post: #48
RE: Goodbye
thanks for putting the record straight Cleo. hope you can get the money owed to you dominic and all the other people who worked hard during angelstv short run. I think you will since youve said the contract is legal and binding. its shocking how you and dominic have been treated by star bazaar and its unfair they are at the moment getting away with not paying you.

when i posted what danielle said on fb i was just letting people know what danielle was saying since it was posted on here that the angelstv babes had been paid up and this was contradicting this. was not attacking dominic and cleo or anyone else connected with angelstv as they all worked very hard to get angels working

keep your chin up. hopefully youll get your money owed to you soon and hopefully youll be back on the babeshows and put this episode behind you.

a positive you can take is that you found some gorgeous babes espeically danielle maye and lexi lowe. oh yes and a babe called cleo lol

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
16-03-2010 17:20
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Winston Wolfe Offline
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Post: #49
RE: Goodbye
Sorry to hear this has happened Archangel, but it's not easy to give an unbiased opinion without knowing the actual figures and contract details involved...

Unless you're dealing with rank amateurs looking for a quick fix, then there is no logical reason why they would do this on purpose.

I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen.
19-03-2010 08:00
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Deadman 30 Offline
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Post: #50
RE: Goodbye
Thanks for the update Cleo, and for setting the record straight. I feel so, so sorry for you and Dominic and for all the girls. I really hope you do win a court case, because justice would certainly be done. annoyed

Star Bazarr should have the book thrown at them for breaking a contractual agreement. Its so unfair, the more I hear of this the sadder it makes me. SadSadSad

All my best wishes to you Cleo, I'm rooting for you. Heart
19-03-2010 20:36
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