(17-03-2010 20:23 )SxciiSooky Wrote: Secondly - The Babechannels by their very definition is 'softcore', so to expect anything other is futile.
That's not strictly true, indeed, several did 'hardcore' encrypted shows after midnight - until Ofcom came along and stopped it.
Quote:Fourthly - the perpetual myth that Ofcom is a self appointed body with no powers etc is just that, a myth. Ofcom came about as a direct evolution of the broadcasting regulatory bodies over the years - coming into being as a direct result of a parliamentary act (The Communications Act 2003).
Did you have any choice in appointing members of the Ofcom Boards? Despite this outfit being a publically funded body, the public do not appear to have the power of shareholders to hire and fire Board members at will. Indeed, Ofcom/Government hand pick who sits on these Boards and only select those who agree with and enforce Ofcom strictures against sexual material.
Quote:But I find it interesting again that specific points in my posts consistently get ignored 
Sooky, I've been watching 'adult' TV since HVC morphed into TAC. Over the years I've subscribed to TAC, PB, Spice, TVX, XplicitXXX and, on the odd occasion I even watched the XXX encrypted babe shows on LiveXXX or SportXXX. What I expect from an 'adult' service is no less than I expect from an 'adult' movie - i.e. explicit sex and nudity - and why not?
Sure, the Babe Channels are a different thing, they occupy their own niche - its live and interactive. I do not dispute all the girls have their own personal limits but, the ones who are prepared to go a lot further cannot because of Ofcom's senseless, evidenceless, mythological bullshit about protecting children from the 'dangers' of sexually arousing material. And note, Ofcom's 'rules' only apply to sexually arousing material, not hardcore scenes in 'mainstream' (18-rated) films or 'med-sex-edutainment' programmes like Embarrassing Bodies, The Sex Ed Show or 21st Century Girls Guide To Sex.
There is clear PREJUDICE at work in Ofcom. And it culminates in DISCRIMINATION on the grounds of our sexual tastes and preferences, placing the 'offence' claimed by religiously deluded freaks above the rights of liberal and open-minded people like ourselves. It's WRONG. It's ILLEGAL. I like PORN. I see nothing 'wrong', 'dangerous', 'unhealthy' or 'immoral' about it. It is just sex - sex for the sheer pleasure of sex. To deny any artistry, progress, experiment and exploration involving human sexuality is to deny the very essence of human existence, our intellect and our creativity. We're born to try new things and to experiment. We're born with an inherant 'need' to try and understand the entire workings of the world/universe - and that includes ourselves, our sex drive, our fantasies, our own lives!
No one has a right to say "You can't look at that because I don't like it". Yet this is the very rights abusing foundation at the root of all Britain's censorial control freakery.
I promise you, Ofcom's adjudications would never stand-up to the scrutiny of a court of law. Ofcom's power exists only within the confines of Riverside House and the Comms Act 2003 - step outside that little empire and we'll discover Ofcom are nought but a bunch of deluded rights-abusing monsters. The BBFC tried the old 'protecting children' bullshit while trying to keep hardcore out of R18. The High Court stood for none of it. Evidence of harm, and significant harm at that, MUST exist to allow any public body to ban certain material. It cannot be banned upon beliefs, cautionary approaches, hearsay, myth or supposed 'common sense'. Causing 'offence' is the very PURPOSE of Freedom of Expression for if we were free to cause offence there would be no need to PROTECT Freedom of Expression. Ofcom are required by the Comms Act to respect Freedom of Expression yet, as we can see, they IGNORE the fact that FoE OVERRULES censorship on the grounds of 'offence', 'taste' and 'decency'. Not applying the law properly is what tripped-up the BBFC. Ofcom are no better, indeed, they're far, far worse.