RE: Babestation review thread.
First a note about my earlier comments re Crappy Cam on BS1. After the excellent previous night I was exasperated that the camera problems had returned and, although it was obvious that the studio crew were aware of the situation, that exasperation was reflected in my post. Also I missed Kandi's on screen acknowledgement of the situation because I'd gone channel-hopping to find out where the Cleo/Rochelle content had come from (BS2). If I'd heard that I think my tone would have been a bit milder.
Technical problems are one thing, show content is quite another and I was disappointed with the 2-4-1s on BS1 last night after such an excellent show the night before - 'chalk and cheese' just about covers it. We got two very short Kandi/Tiffany offorts which looked as if some malevolent Time Lord had sabotaged the channel. Anyone watching who hadn't seen the show since it opened on Freeview back in March 2009 could be forgiven for thinking that nothing much had changed in the meantime. Kandi gave Tiff's nipple a couple of flicks with her tongue at the start of the first one and there was some brief boob groping and a couple of quick pecks in the second one but otherwise it was back to the old no-touching, no-kissing, no-licking, no-sucking formula that I thought was a thing of the past. The rest of BS1 was back to normal with Tiff getting messy the way she likes to and Jada going nude later on.
Cleo and Rochelle gave us an entertaining 2-4-1 on BS2, where Charlie and Jada both went nude and Karina looked superb in some black latex gear. Although Charlie and Rochelle both went nude in their 2-4-1 they didn't do a lot, at least not on Freeview, spending a good deal of the time in the old Freeview side-by-side face-down position. They were very conscious of the approach of Freeview shutdown, making a point of mentioning it, so it would be interesting to know what they got up to when released from the surviving Freeview restrictions. My screen didn't go black at 4:49am like PNG's - the show carried on to the usual 5:00am close.
Charlie and Tiff went nude in their BSX 2-4-1, which could have been excellent but was spoiled by the cameraman's intrusive censorship. Every time Charlie seemed about to do something interesting the camera zoomed in for a close-up of Tiff's face and whatever Charlie was doing was off screen. He wouldn't even show Charlie removing her panties, ffs! He was a bit late when Charlie removed Tiff's panties and finally got his rightful comeuppance when he was completely unable to do anything about Tiff's later 'oops' moment. There was plenty else to enjoy on BSX (see MrMystery's post) but I still resent the fact that Freeview isn't allowed to see the sort of stuff that Sky gets pre-12:00am which I've seen recordings of.
On 'tame' PL Cleo's solo session was no different from what she does elsewhere except that she didn't go nude. Her 2-4-1 action with Karina was very sexy and although not very explicit was, not for the first time, much better than what was offered on BS1. On the other hand Kandi/Karina was a non-event. Did Kandi suffer some sort of reaction after pulling out all the stops the previous night?
(This post was last modified: 23-03-2010 01:51 by vila.)