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babe forumite of the year part 2!

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admin. Offline

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Post: #21
RE: babe forumite of the year part 2!
To prevent this from becoming a saga of who's in and who isn't, admin has added all the names suggested so far to jasonhallceltic's poll.

No more nominations now, thanks. Those so far make a reasonably round number of 30 anyway.

Forum Admin
07-01-2009 11:00
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elgar1uk Offline
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Post: #22
RE: babe forumite of the year part 2!
The names I can think of who are not included are quite new to the forum anyway, so probably nobody can reasonably complain about them not being included. I'm thinking of delta white, teri fox and michelle moist, who are all newcomers I think it's fair to say.
07-01-2009 11:10
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #23
RE: babe forumite of the year part 2!
yes they are newcomers Smile
07-01-2009 11:12
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$h!ny h3lm3t Offline
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Post: #24
RE: babe forumite of the year part 2!
gazwim Wrote:yes they are newcomers Smile

or rather latecomers in which case they should wait until 2010 Big Grin

If your dying day is near, spend it with a can of beer.
When the angels start to call, make sure you`ve drunk it all.
07-01-2009 15:26
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #25
RE: babe forumite of the year part 2!
agreed but they still cannot have a vote unless people want to Smile
07-01-2009 15:28
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steven6 Offline
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Post: #26
RE: babe forumite of the year part 2!
i can't believe cherry only got 8%

I wish I could go back in time and kill whoever invented Breast Implants!!!!!!
07-01-2009 20:44
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