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Bedroom TV

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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Bedroom TV
what is bedroom tv?
any good?
15-01-2009 00:47
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datalossfs Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Bedroom TV
Its a EPG placeholder with 16.9 on 4.3 ratio Chatback until 9pm, quite good this two threads about nothing Smile

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15-01-2009 01:02
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A Spider Monkey Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Bedroom TV
gazwim Wrote:what is bedroom tv?
any good?

It's a pile of shite

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15-01-2009 16:46
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #14
RE: Bedroom TV
no point watching then lol Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 15-01-2009 17:17 by G@Z!.)
15-01-2009 16:54
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dublinlad Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Bedroom TV
A Spider Monkey Wrote:This thread should be merged with the other one.
No, because the other thread has degenerated into a flame war.
The other thread should be deleted: I just wasted 10 minutes reading all of it.

I have just one question about Bedroom TV - is it the same Bedroom TV that used to be at the top of Sky's music channels (near where NME is now) and showed nothing but DIY videos of people (usually in their bedroom) singing along to their chart faves? Real youtube or myspace type stuff, and it seemed to be on a 1 hour loop.
15-01-2009 19:37
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datalossfs Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Bedroom TV
I think they are just using the name for the EPG, they could hardly call it Tron Direct on that EPG number.

Sorry for the flame war in the other thread, my fault partially and I've tried to put it out. still slightly simmering ash though. Like the forum version of Fallout 3 in there.

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15-01-2009 19:48
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A Spider Monkey Offline
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Post: #17
RE: Bedroom TV
dublinlad Wrote:
A Spider Monkey Wrote:This thread should be merged with the other one.
No, because the other thread has degenerated into a flame war.
The other thread should be deleted: I just wasted 10 minutes reading all of it.

Maybe we should drag this one the same way. Hopefully it will die out like these channels hopefully will as well.

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15-01-2009 23:39
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Digital Dave Away

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Post: #18
RE: Bedroom TV
datalossfs Wrote:I think they are just using the name for the EPG, they could hardly call it Tron Direct on that EPG number.

Sorry for the flame war in the other thread, my fault partially and I've tried to put it out. still slightly simmering ash though. Like the forum version of Fallout 3 in there.

I can't be silent any longer! What do you mean 'partially'? It's your fault 100% because of your bizarre and obsessive behaviour and your refusal to take on board anything that anyone says to you, unless it's to worship at the altar of 'April'. It must be so nice to go through life wrapped in a warm cloak of denial and self delusion.

Hexit made some very good points yesterday but you steadfastly refuse to address any of them. You may think you're being reasonable but you're not, you're being infuriating and evasive, which is why people blow up at you!

As for your relentless hero worship, if I was April I'd have gone to the Police by now.

What in name of God has triggered this ludicrous adulation of a model on a sex wank channel? Even though you'll deny it forever, you've created this fantasy human in your mind who can do no wrong and is destined for greatness, without any knowledge of her or her capabilities. (Yes I know you claim to 'know her' but we all know you really don't).

As Hexit says, she's decided to work as a semi-nude sex chat operator, ironically something she's actually very bad at, to earn a crust. Her lack of skills were demonstrated when the new girl (can't remember her name) worked alongside her a couple of nights ago and obviously took to it like a duck to water.

If April wants to make it in any form of showbiz (and we have no evidence that she does) this career choice is very unwise. You haven't a comment to make on this of course, nor did you comment on the very perceptive posts made in the 'should April 960 be on air' thread. That's because such issues get in the way of your fantasy perception. I felt that the posters there, including me, care far more about April than you ever can because we see the reality rather than some fairy tale that you seem to be living in.

In your eyes April's a combination of Princess Grace of Monaco, Princess Di, Mother Theresa and who knows who else, rather than being a normal human being.

Why did you and Colin inflict your 'help' on April in the first place? Did she ask for it? Is she so clueless she's incapable of doing anything for herself? I haven't checked recently but I feel it's very telling that she has seemingly wanted nothing to do with her Myspace site. Your April Effect forum is pretty quiet too.

You keep saying you're just 'helping her along' but it's far more than that isn't it?

It's got to stop David, really, it's got to stop. Get a grip and get a job.
16-01-2009 00:29
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datalossfs Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Bedroom TV
Digital Dave Wrote:In your eyes April's a combination of Princess Grace of Monaco, Princess Di, Mother Theresa and who knows who else, rather than being a normal human being.

That is really interesting statement, I see you moonlight in Psychotherapy on the internet. When you have finished with medical school I'm sure your have a bright future ahead of you and yes I'm being sarcastic but your not qualified to judge someone's character over a internet forum. All people are normal human beings as far as being normal goes but I don't know what that is. I'm not a Psychologist either. April seems normal to me if she was any of these things you stated above she certainly would not be a member of this forum or where she is today.

Might I suggest the flaming stop towards myself or anyone else right now, people blowing up at me will solve nothing, other than detract from any reasonable discussion in a forum thread that has nothing do with the rant you wish to subject myself too. Flaming is not one persons responsibility when they are the victim of it. I've been around on boards since before there was commercial internet i.e dial up BBS's and I've never seen such silly childish behavior from a select group of people. Its basically become the internet version of a bunch of villagers with pitch forks and a burning wicker-man. This is a public forum not a battleground.

As for me I'm going to bed, may I suggest before I depart that you look around at the people around you in life and wonder what would happen if you walked up to a stranger in the street thats share's one point of view and you another and proceed to rant at them. My guess would be some sort of physical fight, hurling of abuse and being dragged off the cells for the night. Just because this is the internet does not make that behavior right either.

Its got to stop. It probably won't though as someone said to me today "LOL thats forums for ya"


PS the new girl on 960 is Faye Louis otherwise known as "Summer960"

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(This post was last modified: 16-01-2009 01:42 by datalossfs.)
16-01-2009 01:29
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #20
RE: Bedroom TV
we aint judging yer charicter pal we are judging yer irrational behaviour, this aint a flame ware eather no1 has called you a NOOB Tongue . its a couple of grown ups telling sum1 who is old enough to know better to grow up, face reality. the only time april has been here is to flame at people, other than that she hasent replyed in any public way.

you say people should stop having a swipe at you "RIGHT NOW!!".. as it detracts from any serious discussion. there is NO serious discussion in any of these threads apart from a few of us discussing your behaviour. and watching you making a fool of yourself while your giving the impression that these forums are inhabbited by wierdos who obssess over girls on tv...

well most of us dont, we come here for a laugh, not to be shown up by some love sick puppy thats trying to hump aprils summers's leg.

oh and yeah if i was (lets say for argument sake) admiring a woman the way you in a bar, she looked over and said "hello" then went about her buisness. i then went outside and shouted "theres a georgous girl in this bar you guys come and look", "but remember are not worthy", "she pails all other women in comarison", "i know here and you havent even spoke to her", i then carryed this on all night... there would be a fight and i would be the victim of a hefty beating off half a dozen random guys and probably rightly so. the final straw would likley be when im lying on the ground pleading for them to stop, blood pouring out on to the pavment, the girl walks out and shouts "you creepy fuck" then stamps on my metophorical balls...

yes it was nice at first when you posted a few pics but over the weeks we have watched it turn in to sumthing alltogether unhealthy. i dare say if april thaught we were wrong. she would have been here defending you long b4 now, but i think she knows that doing so would only encourage you to carry on in the same old fasion or even make you step up a gear...

so what im saying david is calm down take a deep breath, and stop posting overly flattering eulogys to this unobtainable dream you have of april summers... you do that and i guarentee you will be treat with respect and left to post comments like the rest of us...

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

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(This post was last modified: 16-01-2009 03:49 by HEX!T.)
16-01-2009 03:44
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