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RE: Movie News
Word is that Joss Whedon is going to be working on, and possibly directing The Avengers film. To be honest, he's probably the best choice since jon favareau took himself out of the running. Simply put, this has to be good as there is alot riding on it, since it was set up at the post credits scene of Iron Man with Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury.
Also this will give DC entertainment a chance to see how to do it, or not do it when they release a justice league film, which is rumoured to be announcced at San diego comicon this year
13-04-2010 23:21 |
Posts: 219
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RE: Movie News
yea the 2nd wolverine film and deadpool film have been talked about already, either this thread or the comic one, can't remember which.
apparantly as well possibly directing the Avengers film, Joss Whedon is said to be rewriting Zak Penn's script for The Avengers and is also doing rewrites on Captain America.
15-04-2010 18:00 |
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RE: Movie News
Found some news regarding star wars films being made into 3d, taken from
It's been widely reported that George Lucas has expressed interest in bringing the Star Wars movies back to theaters with a fresh 3D treatment. Today in the IGN Theater at the C2E2 convention in Chicago, Lucasfilm Director of Fan Relations Steve Sansweet addressed those reports.
He says: "George has publicly expressed an interest in doing Star Wars 3D. Right now there are a number of different technologies, there's some criticism out there about some of the movies that have quickly changed to 3D, so you have to pick the right technology, you have to get it to a cost that makes sense, and you have to have the time of the director and producer -- George -- to actually go in there, because you can't push a button and stuff goes in one end and comes out 3D…
"Saying all that, George remains very interested in doing the Star Wars movies, all six, in 3D, and I hope it will happen someday in the not too distant future."
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
17-04-2010 23:49 |
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RE: Movie News
Also found a little news about the green lantern film this what geoff johns had to say about the movie, once again taken from
"The movie looks fantastic," he tells CBR. "I'm heading back down to New Orleans in a few weeks, but I just watched the Abin Sur/Hal Jordan dailies, and it's amazing seeing that ring passed to Hal in live action. Abin Sur looks kick-ass."
Alas, there's no confirmation in the interview as to whether or not those rumors about Ryan Reynolds donning an all-CGI costume are true. But not surprisingly, Johns is pretty much psyched about the whole project.
"They did such a great job," he says. "They've got Grant [Major] as a production designer. He's from Lord of the Rings, and the visuals on this film are nothing like you could imagine. It's definitely a Green Lantern fan's dream. For me, it's kind of insane to see this stuff come to life. … And Ryan Reynolds is a perfect Hal Jordan. He brings a lot of humor to it, but he also has the humanity that Hal has. And a little bit of the arrogance, so it's a great match."
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
17-04-2010 23:54 |
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RE: Movie News
Two more bits of news regarding men in black 3 and bad boys 3 both bits of news taken from
We knew that Will Smith has been weighing his options regarding his next project, with Men in Black III and the fantasy-adventure City That Sailed both vying for the star's attention. Well, now it looks like he's made up his mind.
According to Showbiz 411's Roger Friedman (yes, he of Wolverine piracy infamy), series director Barry Sonnenfeld is saying that not only has Smith signed on for the picture, but so has his costar Tommy Lee Jones.
Also, the script is in progress, and of course, the plan is now to make the film in 3D.
It looks like the 'Bad Boys' could be heading to a cinema screen near you soon, with Martin Lawrence talking up plans to reunite with Will Smith for the action sequel.
According to the Death at a Funeral star, Smith recently paid him a visit to discuss Bad Boys III with Lawrence telling MTV "Any time you can get Big Willie to come out and talk about doing a third installment of a hot movie like Bad Boys, you have to take notice."
And as for the participation of director Michael Bay, who has since gone on to helm the Transformers flicks, Lawrence said "I met with Michael Bay, and he's onboard too - so it's real."
Peter Craig is currently hard at work on the script for part three
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
21-04-2010 20:14 |