(20-05-2010 13:57 )Rammyrascal Wrote: CHELSEA IS IN THIS MONTHS MAYFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got it because anna lovato is the covergirl and her sexy pics inside, but the very first babe featured is CHELSEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she starts off in a sexy white and black corset, black skirt, tiny black knicks and fishnet stockings but the corset, skirt and knicks are soon discarded and chelsea shows a lot more than she does on tv including a shot where she spreads her bum cheeks to expose her pussy and arsehole.
im scanning the anna lovato pics in first and then the chelsea ones over the weekend
LOL, you have not been keeping up with Chelsea's career recently have you?
Rep? If it paid the bills I may give a shit.
20-05-2010 15:49
Team Thicc
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(20-05-2010 13:57 )Rammyrascal Wrote: CHELSEA IS IN THIS MONTHS MAYFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got it because anna lovato is the covergirl and her sexy pics inside, but the very first babe featured is CHELSEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she starts off in a sexy white and black corset, black skirt, tiny black knicks and fishnet stockings but the corset, skirt and knicks are soon discarded and chelsea shows a lot more than she does on tv including a shot where she spreads her bum cheeks to expose her pussy and arsehole.
im scanning the anna lovato pics in first and then the chelsea ones over the weekend
Heres a thing, just seen on her blog that she is posting the full 196 image set from Mayfair's set plus the full video in her members area! This is todays update!! Its still on the special starting offer so may just join up now!! What a stunner eh guys, she is top of the ladder in my eyes and a Mayfair Magazine feature just proves that hey!! xx
Hope i can attach this screen capture from the blog?!!
(20-05-2010 15:49 )bunnybc Wrote: LOL, you have not been keeping up with Chelsea's career recently have you?
Well bunny, I really dont know how you keep up mate?!! You could run your own industry blog i reckon LOL
Yeah, I should concentrate on real life sometime.
The story behind the Mayfair photoset is that Chelsea's photographer/videographer/webmaster does all the content for Chelsea's website - that's why all 196 photos are there as well as the upcoming video. He also supplied twistys.com with their content but I'm not sure about the atkpremium and karupsha stuff (there is another photographer Iain T. (?) who does a lot of the UK models).
I don't want to sound as though I'm working for her (which obviously I'm not) but Chelsea's website is extremely good VFM and as long as the updates keep coming this fan will be happy.
I have to say ive been guilty of ignoring Chelsea of late to my shame but she has re-appeared on my radar lately and now i know shes in Mayfair this month i shall visit the newsagents a bit later today...what a stunner!!!
(21-05-2010 07:53 )astonv1 Wrote: I have to say ive been guilty of ignoring Chelsea of late to my shame but she has re-appeared on my radar lately and now i know shes in Mayfair this month i shall visit the newsagents a bit later today...what a stunner!!!
Yeah I got mine today! She looks fantastic in Mayfair. Chelsea French in Mayfair - there is justice in the world!! She has only been around since late last year so Twistys and Mayfair already hey - go girl!!!
Bunny, you sure your not on commission to her site or something...? I love your enthusiasm though but cant help thinking your her photographer or agent or something....? No seriously I also love the content on the site!! The extra pics from that Mayfair set are great aren't they man?!!! I will certainly be staying a member if the photo sets are going to be that dam hot!! I look forward to the webcam too, that was one of the first reasons I wanted to join the site. You cant get much sexier than a live cam session with her pheeweee LOL
21-05-2010 10:39
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