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Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?

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Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
Although some would, I’m sure, disagree with my assessment, I’ve found all of the channels on FV to be particularly dull of late (there’s always the chance of an occasional better performance, of course, but generally, rather poor), and was wondering if there had been any news on Ofcon’s proposed ban of babe channels on FV, which might provide an explanation i.e. the channels are on best behaviour, trying to avoid this fate (as well as the hassle BB have got from Ofcon in recent weeks)?

Generally, are the babe channels on satellite any good at the moment? Is it just FV that is rarely worth watching (as usual!)?
18-04-2010 11:25
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RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
there no different on sky m8 what you see on fv is broadcast on sky 2, if you mean other channels that aint on fv then there about the same level as B.S.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

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18-04-2010 16:28
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IanG Offline
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RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
A ban on Freeview, Ofcom? ON WHO'S AUTHORITY? UNDER WHO'S LAW?


A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
18-06-2010 20:02
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sweetsugar007 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
I have Sky but in one of the spare rooms we have a freeview box. Many of the babe channels are not on the freeview box but then the freeview box has BSX for what thats worth. To be fair I would think I was missing out if i did not have sky or cable.

If they pulled the babe channels from FV that would be just criminal however!!! Do they think all FV viewers go to bed at 8.00pm!!!!

Spiderman,Spiderman,does whatever a Spider can!!!
19-06-2010 07:34
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trevor format Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
I thought they only proposed to ban the babe channels on freeview before midnight?
19-06-2010 08:19
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IanG Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
Criminal is I think the right word there, sugar.

You have a legal right to know: On who's authority? Under who's law? Whenever some 'Body' starts throwing its weight about you ask those questions and 99% of the time they'll just leave you alone because they have no right, no law and no authority to do anything.

WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE SOVEREIGN POWER OF THIS NATION. IT IS OUR COUNTRY not some jumped-up tit's the UK Gov. waved into being to fuck our lives up.

You will not find Ofcom can ban chat channels on Freeview in the Comms Act that's for sure. There may be a VAGUE reference to "programmes of a particular description" in Ofcom's 'review criteria' (319(4)) but no Court in this land can tell you what they are or what that 'particular description' is because the Act doesn't say - that's UNLAWFUL and UNENFORCEABLE.

The ONLY type of service described in the Comms Act requiring Ofcom's 'special attention' are RELIGIOUS programmes. We may therefore ASSUME, possibly, and reasonably that these 'programmes of a particular description' are in fact RELIGIOUS programmes not 'adult', not 'adult chat' or anything else Ofcom WANTS or finds CONVENIENT to finger.

It is NOT in Ofcom's power to dictate what we can watch. It is Ofcom's DUTY to prevent the broadcast of illegal material that we DO NOT want to watch as stipulated by Law.

Ofcom have overstepped their remit. They are CLEARLY acting as dictators.

A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
19-06-2010 08:22
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eccles Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
If anything this shows how incompetent Ofcom are. For ages they have argued that adult sex channels must be lockable AS A BLOCK. They have argued that adult sex channels are not allowed on Freeview AT ALL because a new channel can pop up without parents knowing about it. They also argue that explicit content at 2am is not permitted because kids might be watching. And naughty content on the likes of Bravo, Virgin1 etc is not allowed because they aren't in the lockable adult section.

Suddenly Ofcom decides it's OK, but only after midnight.

So what's changed?

Gone fishing
19-06-2010 22:59
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IanG Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Ofcon’s Proposed Ban of Babe Channels on Freeview?
eccles, I don't know what's changed but, it sure as hell can't be their mind. Wink

A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
22-06-2010 20:58
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