(20-06-2010 00:58 )BLUEBIRD OFFICIAL Wrote: (19-06-2010 23:51 )Grawth Wrote: And your on screen promos will be . . .
a) completely truthful about what can and can't be seen on your Sky and Freeview channels or
b) suggestive, hinting at far stronger material if you pay money, containing phrases similar to "we get so much harder after encryption" and "if you want to see me f**ked by 6 guys at once, subscribe now"
Well? After all it's only the third time I've asked.
You can keep asking. We're exercising Our right not to enter any further dialogue with you. Until you apologise for calling us 'liars'.
(19-06-2010 23:58 )StanTheMan Wrote: This reminds me of those tv interviews with politicians 
Why don't you just answer the man's question, Bluebird? It seems a perfectly fair one to me.
If someone else wishes to ask the question we'll be happy to answer. We are entering into no further dialogue with Grawth until he apologises for calling us 'liars'.
I very nearly pissed myself laughing when I read this.

Now, let me help you clear up your toys and pop them back in the pram for you.
Let's set a few things straight shall we.
You claimed that Ofcom cannot be challenged because they are merely exercising their discretionary right to decide what is or is not acceptable as a broadcast.
Then along came John Gaunt who won the right to a judicial review of the decision that found him in breach of their code. That review is taking in both the Generally Accepted Standards and the Offensive Material policies.
I suggested this proves that Ofcom's judgements and decisions can be challenged, but you maintained that, as this was a poitical discussion it does not affect whether you - an adult broadcaster - can also challenge Ofcom.
I said you were "making claims that aren't true" (which you have taken as me calling you liars).
Let me try one more time to explain why it DOES have an impact on your situation. Ofcom received a complaint. They judged the broadcast to be in breach. That decision was challenged with the result that there is now a juducial review of whether it was fair and ressonable.
Now let's imagine. You broadcast something that is beyond what is currently seen on TV. Ofcom receive a complaint. They judge the broadcast to be in breach. You apply for a judicial review of whether that decision is fair and reasonable. You ask for that review to cover Generally Accepted Standards, Offensive Material, and the reasonableness of banning R18 material merely on the "precautionary principle". Within that review you could point to all manor of studies which demonstrate the acceptableness of porn being broadcast within certain safeguards; you could even point to the high court ruling stating that porn was NOT harmful or offensive enough, even to minors, to justify banning the sale of DVDs or magazines; and of course you could point to the hardcore channels which ARE broadcast from abroad into this country, which Ofcom has done NOTHING to proscribe.
You might also like to point out the difference between "Offensive Material" and "material that has offended someone", because Ofcom seems to believe that they are the same thing when, in law, they are not.
Oh by the way, you also claimed earlier in this thread that "Ofcom was delegated by Parliament the statutory legal power to censor what appears on TV in this country". That's not true either. Censorship is pre-broadcast. It prevents people seeing what you don't want them to see. Ofcom is post-broadcast. It judges whether or not it's code has been broken AFTER the broadcast and SUBSEQUENT to complaints being received.
As to lying - well that would only be true if you knew what you were saying was inaccurate. It's my belief that you have made at least two claims that are not true. That is all I have said. There is a difference between deliberately lying about something, and just getting it wrong. Only you know which side you are on - and although of course I suppose you may still believe Ofcom cannot be challenged, you ought to know that they are NOT a censor.
No need for me to ask my question again as it has been asked by someone else now (as you requested) - thanks Jonny2009
One more thing - you keep putting 'liars' in those dinky little quote marks. I'd love you to show me where I've actually used that word.