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Open letter to Ofcom

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IanG Offline
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Post: #1
Open letter to Ofcom
Guys, I suspect many of you believe I may have taken leave of my senses after making some very serious accusations against Ofcom. In mitigation, can I explain that my ravings were made after 48hrs without sleep as I tried (perhaps unsuccessfully) to temper my language and set out a reasoned and justified argument while in a fuming rage and sufferring the debilitating effects of sleep depravation. I am much calmer now and well rested so there is no need for concern over my mental state.

I am about to send this open letter to Ofcom and I wondered if there were any further issues any of you guys would like to raise with the Office of Communications while I`m at it?


Dear Ofcom,
As you may or may not be aware, I have made some rather serious accusations against you on the melonfarmers anti-censorship web forum ( and the babeshows fan forum ( In your Bulletin no. 151, you make several statements and claims about seeing various acts and female body parts complained about by a viewer of "Bangbabes", which you state are "so strongly sexual that they likely exceeded the expectations of the vast majority of the audience". As the audience are red-blooded males (to coin a phrase) I find this hard to believe. Indeed, I find it hard to believe any regular member of this audience would have any cause to complain at all.

I have seen some rather poor quality clips from what I believe are the shows in question, posted on a thread by one of the regular and much appreciated `caps n vids` contributors to the babeshows forum. I believe, although I cannot be certain as the clips are not time-stamped, that I have found the acts as you describe that occurred at the times compained about. I cannot however distinguish the anal and labial detail you say is visible nor do I feel the action on screen is so strongly sexual it would exceed any reasonable person`s expectations of what might appear on a sex chat channel in the so-called "adult section of the EPG" at around 02:00 in the wee hours of the morning.

I would like, therefore, for you to provide to myself (via the webmaster at, and to anyone else who may be interested, evidence to prove:
a) the acts complained about are so strongly sexual that they are likely to exceed the expectations of the vast majority of the audience;
b) clear footage of the anal and labial detail that exceeds that specified in your published Code for a programme of this particular description at this time of the day; and
c) the clause(s) in your published Code that specify what can and cannot be broadcast in a programme of this particular description at this time of day.

Kind regards and thanks in advance


A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
20-06-2010 06:07
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mjw664 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
What's the point? Surely by showing them this forum your just giving them more ammunition?

There may be no I in team but there's a U in C U N T
20-06-2010 09:29
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IanG Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
mjw664, I am providing US WITH AMMUNITION.

Can you prove the acts compained about did exceed the expectations of the vast majotiy of the audience? Do you know which shows we're even talking about?

Do you know which clause of the Code bans this type of anatomical detail (assuming it is in fact visible as Ofcom claim) after midnight and why, if its clearly visible on other FTA channels in the early evening?

And do you know for sure Ofcom are acting according to the law as specified in their legally enforced job description? Because that is what this is all about (if you've read the posts below).

And what would you think if a Judge told you "I know I said you're not supposed to do that before 10pm, but as someone has now complained about it after 10pm then, that's not exactly what I're nicked!".

A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
(This post was last modified: 20-06-2010 12:33 by IanG.)
20-06-2010 12:19
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TheDarkKnight Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
"Guys, I suspect many of you believe I may have taken leave of my senses after making some very serious accusations against Ofcom"


Taking leave of your sense = 'Righteous Indignation'

Making serious accusations = pointing out the obvious.


The military might be driving technology forward, but pornography is riding shotgun.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Napoleon Bonaparte.

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ONE LOVE                                                                        LUHG
20-06-2010 13:59
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IanG Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
Thank you Sir.

A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
20-06-2010 14:27
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TheDarkKnight Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
No problem matey.

There are many aspects that I would like to see OfCom asked about, mainly revolving around their survey results and why they chose to use ambiguous language when the survey participants expressed opinions not conducive with those of the moral minority and why they used exact numbers when they didn't. I'd also like to know how they worked out how the majority of a minority can ever be described as 'the majority'. I'd ask the home secretary to assure me that OfCom were unbiased and not, as it seems, pushing a minority opinion onto us. I would like assurances that OfCom's priorities were the telecomunications industry of Briton and that they're not a thinly disguised morality organisation with powers well beyond that which they should have. I would like to know why they ignore valid points raised in their consultations and, given that they do, that these consultations are actually being taken seriously by OfCom and that they're not seen as a 'necessary evil' to keep up the pretence of democracy. I would like to know why they are wasting taxpayers money on a useless reclassification excersice that achieves nothing and why they ignore genuine issues raised against such a reclassification and why they push it through regardles of those concerns.

I would like to know why, when the survey participants ignored the restriction of a watershed when expressly given it as an option to apply to adult broadcasts on specialist channels, they then commissioned ANOTHER survey, at taxpayers expense, specifically on the subject of the watershed, only this time, they used a 'selective' section of society instead of the representive selection of people that had ALREADY told them the watershed wasn't an issue. I would ask for assurances that this wasn't a cynical attempt to manipulate the results to produce a false picture of the opinion of the people of Briton.

I would ask why, when OfCom acknowledge that 'there is a need for adult broadcasts' and when they assert that harm and offence may be caused by such broadcasts on the freeview platform becuase of the lack on an adult section of an EPG, why they don't put through legislation forcing manufacturers and broadcasters of the DVB-T platform to create and use an effective EPG to keep such 'offensive' material away from people who would be offended by it. I would suggest that, since they haven't that this was indicative of a hidden agenda and ask for clarification that there as no such hidden agenda. I would suggest that, whatever the agenda, the lack of an effective EPG on the DVB-T platform was a failure of OfCom duties to protect people from 'offensive' material.

I would also like to know how the term 'freedom of expression' can be partially applied and where on earth they got the notion that said freedom 'doesn't apply as much to the broadcast of adult material', especially when the statistics show that societies where such freedoms have been bestowed upon adult material, the incidences of sexual abuse has dramatically been reduced across all age ranges, including those of children.

I would then ask if the 'moral minority' are inherently evil and should we not, as a nation, be on our guard against our regulatory bodies being infiltrated by persons of that mentality.

And i could go on all fecking day... Big Grin

I'll also add, If you're gonna quiz OfCom, you might consider CC'ing the home office and your local MP. You're much less likely to get fobbed off if they know members of parliament are being involved in the discussion.

Power to ya. o/

The military might be driving technology forward, but pornography is riding shotgun.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Napoleon Bonaparte.

"What chance does Gotham have when good people do nothing?" Rachel Dawes.

ONE LOVE                                                                        LUHG
20-06-2010 15:05
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TheDarkKnight Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Open letter to Ofcom

^ a report on the statistics I mentioned in the above post, if anyones interested.

The military might be driving technology forward, but pornography is riding shotgun.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Napoleon Bonaparte.

"What chance does Gotham have when good people do nothing?" Rachel Dawes.

ONE LOVE                                                                        LUHG
20-06-2010 15:32
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mjw664 Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
woah woah i'm on your side i'm just saying if they decided to check our little forum with all our daytime nip slips and such.........

There may be no I in team but there's a U in C U N T
20-06-2010 22:03
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vostok 1 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
(20-06-2010 22:03 )mjw664 Wrote:  woah woah i'm on your side i'm just saying if they decided to check our little forum with all our daytime nip slips and such.........

They really don't need to check. "Rival Broadcasters" give Ofcom all the ammunition they need.

The trade organisation that represents several of the Babe channels had this to say on the issue of complaints:

"There seems no justification for this regulation on the basis of causation of harm or offence or the receipt of consumer complaints. We believe that all of the only 40 or so complaints received by OFCOM in the last 5 years have been made anonymously by industry competitors, a fact that is known to OFCOM."

Largest Ofcom fine on record for an adult broadcaster, £75,000, came as a result from a complaint by a "Rival Broadcaster" according to the adjudication.

Ofcom has essentially been used as a tool by Broadcasters to harm each other.
20-06-2010 22:28
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IanG Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Open letter to Ofcom
I hope this helps explains some of my irratic posts of late - I was just doing an Ofcom take on the world as I don't see it Wink

A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return)
22-06-2010 12:24
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