(05-07-2010 21:58 )astonv1 Wrote: (05-07-2010 18:32 )StanTheMan Wrote: My guess is that it would get an 18, but only just... kind of the weakest 18 cert you can imagine.
I think it would more likely be a 15A 
I am not aware of a 15a rating but the BBFC guidance on a 15 rating is
Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail.
There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.
which is the category where i would place it.
Nudity is the least of concerns to the general public when watching films etc and this is backed up as far back as 1999 when the BBFC carried out their
Sense and Sensibilities: Public Opinion & the BBFC Guidelines survey.
This was not some tiny survey of a select portion of the population but an independant survey conducted by three consultants involving around 3100 people using methods such as roadshows, internet surveys, postal questionaires, national surveys and Juries.
I was actually involved in one of the roadshows when the BBFC did a presentation at a three day licensing seminar that had an audience profile of local authority policy makers, solicitors/barristers/QC's representing the licensing industry and government officials, an audience of some 200 people.
The BBFC presentation was fair and balanced and the movie clips shown depicted various levels of violence, drug use, nudity (both fleeting and graphic), sexual intercourse (both consensual and forced), strong language etc.
The published results showed that out of a category of seven different elements of films, bad language, sex, violence, horror, blasphemy, nudity and drug use that nudity was generally of least concern to adults. Portrayals of drug use, violence and sex were the top three.
When the results were analysed comments were quoted as,
'There is an anomaly about not being able to watch sex but being able to have sex' and be a parent.
'At R18, both juries concluded that anything legal should be permitted'.
'If you are going to that extreme anyway, why do they say you can't have semen on your face'.
It was following this survey that the BBFC started to require film distributors to include in all advertising such phrases as
'This films contains two scenes of nudity and one offensive word' etc etc etc that we see on all film posters these days.
So whilst i'm taking this survey out of context with regard to the babe shows it is indicative of a more tolerant attitude of society to such things as nudity, sex etc even back in 1999.
Since then the internet has grown, satellites are beaming images all around the world, europe is all embracing AND Babe channels are a regular feature for adult viewing. Accept it Ofcom and let adults be adults and give parents back the responsibility of supervision of their children.
Tonight is part two of Channel 4's sex education show at 9pm and it's about the fanny. Last night was the penis and it was not that far beyond the watershed that close up live images were shown, but hey it's education and not titillation so whilst i guess there will be a lot of complaints from the usual groups Ofcom will no doubt state 'no breach' because it's in context.
I know why i'm going to be watching it, 'education' boll#cks.