Gaz "AV1" Aston
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RE: Bluebird TV - Chat & Discussion
(07-07-2010 00:09 )MrJack Wrote: I think I have heard of no-compete clauses but I think that only entailed someone owning a business and having that business bought off them rather than a contract of employment. Where's a lawyer when you need one?!
Dont worry im sure its being researched as we speak
@Chrislatimer - i dont think there critics corner could cope with the amount of critics!
07-07-2010 00:15 |
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RE: Bluebird TV - Chat & Discussion
and they replaced it with,
our very own section hahahahahahaha.
it gets lamer
07-07-2010 00:25 |
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RE: Bluebird TV - Chat & Discussion
(07-07-2010 00:58 )amandasnumerounofan Wrote: Even if I could, it would of ended up on here any way. . So when BluebirdTV launches and becomes a successful babechannel, who will be laughing then.
you on the payroll simon,
why you still here if your all about the bluebird.
07-07-2010 01:02 |
N7 FemShep
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RE: Bluebird TV - Chat & Discussion
(06-07-2010 19:41 )amandasnumerounofan Wrote: Thank you Chris because was also going to post it here but was trying to decide which thread to post it in. The reason for that post on the Bluebird forum is because I don't think it is fair to start insulting the girls because of the dislike for the company they've moved to and because of the reason they moved there. At the end of the day, if a company offered us more money, would we not move.
just one thing I am sure someone else has pointed this out but I also wanted to say it no one has insulted any of the girls no one insulting bb as a company and there guys who were on here full of lies is not insulting the girls you always get fools but the mods ban them when they have stepped over the line
so can we not buy into this story that the bb guy is putting around that the girls are scare of us all because its a lie and if they were tell them give the mods here names times and post they can check and they will ban anyone guilty bet the girls do not even know anything about this
also on there contracts I know its not the same but wwe have contracts and in them it says if you are fired you cannot work for another major company for a set amount of time this clause has been look at in court in the states and it must be ok as its still being put in there contracts
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(This post was last modified: 07-07-2010 01:36 by KateP.)
07-07-2010 01:25 |
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RE: Bluebird TV - Chat & Discussion
(07-07-2010 01:25 )KateP Wrote: so can we not buy into this story that the bb guy is putting around that the girls are scare of us all because its a lie and if they were tell them give the mods here names times and post they can check and they will ban anyone guilty bet the girls do not even know anything about this
If you go to the front page of the forum and scroll down far enough, you'll see a list of who's online.
One Kiran Khan was on earlier, whatever she makes of all this, compared to what the Bluebird staffers will tell us she makes of all this we may never know. I for one hold no grudges, I just watch and wank so it's all the same to me
EDIT: The reason why I raise this point is because Kiran has a section on the .com forum containing one thread titled "Is this a 100% done deal?" with the Bluebird staffers basically saying something along the lines of "Ummm ahhhh... we'll get back to you on that"
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2010 01:53 by MrJack.)
07-07-2010 01:41 |
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RE: Bluebird TV - Chat & Discussion
; (06-07-2010 21:18 )tsurugi Wrote: (06-07-2010 20:17 )amandasnumerounofan Wrote: I don't think it is fair to post pics intended to insult the Bluebird girls in general.
Please tell me you don't mean the picture in this post. Surely no babe would take that as an "insult" i like to think most of them have a sense of humour
......I think it may have been that pic, but not your post, as Carl43a included it in his post, which triggered my following post,(pic removed by MODS), asking (very tongue in cheek), which one is Ashley Emma; if he is so po-faced that he can't see the topical humour, free of any malice in that, he would be better confining himself to the forum devoted to Mrs Rendall & her employer, that way he won't get his feelings hurt by reading the scurrilous comments posted in this forum.
07-07-2010 01:57 |