Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Orange primary group
look, you broke copyright there mate, to be honest the originals being posted is probably breaking copyright, but she requested your modified one to be removed cos it revealed more of her than she would like in public. its fair enough for her to ask you to take it down. If she'd ask for all the others to be taken down, then i might be inclined to agree with you, but you went too far.
I'm not totally standing up for her cos she really went about it in the wrong way, she should have asked nicely then if you hadn't go to the admin.
How would you like it if someone took a picture of you and put it up on the net for the world to see against your wishes? its just plain wrong. and for that, you're an idiot.
28-01-2009 23:03 |
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RE: Orange primary group
gingerbloke Wrote:It's ok now boys I had to contact Admin to ask why cos it was to hard to contact me and explain but I have recieved a warning for enhancing a picture of HRH Rachel Cole who took offence to it and demanded it was taken off and because she was polite in the way she asked me I just ignored the request so she got on to admin and I got a warning for my trouble...ooh to be a prima dona
Can you not just take a warning! This is the second thread you have opened because you think you are above the rules.
I read the nice message you sent to me, and i was about to reply to it, then i noticed this thread. If you dont want to respect other peoples wishes that is up to you.
Infringing on copyright material is a serious issue, and could result in legal action against the forum staff.
All this fuss over one picture, how do you think the other members would feel if they tried to log in, and found out the forum had been closed down.
We get away with lots of content on here.
please do not try to spoil it for everyone else.
28-01-2009 23:15 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Orange primary group
Well said SMC and JohnnyChrist.
its just all round disrespectful behaviour, to the admin, to fellow board members and to the girl involved. You are not above the rules and deserve to be on orange. Accept it and move on and learn from your mistakes or carry on, get banned. Up to you.
29-01-2009 20:37 |