(20-06-2010 19:34 )TheDarkKnight Wrote: Yeah sorry man, I got your post completely wrong there.
My apologies.
No problem...
(20-06-2010 19:34 )TheDarkKnight Wrote: I assumed, because you mentioned there being no alternatives for girls not wanting to do HC except the babe channels, that you were saying the deregulation of the babe channels would lead the producers to force those girls into shooting HC.
Even if hardcore was available on UK TV, there would still be a market for people who want to chat or have phone sex with the girls. I just think the time has come for something different on pay-per-view. Something that will appeal to the most popular girls, who don't do hardcore porn...
The producers of free-to-view shows, that involve premium rate services, have their hands tied to a certain extent due to OFCOM & PhonepayPlus (ICSTIS) rules & regulations. There are a few other things they could do to keep things interesting for their viewers/customers, but generally it's a tricky situation in case they get stitched up.
(20-06-2010 19:34 )TheDarkKnight Wrote: When you say you would keep the availability of hardcore as it is currently (internet and DVD only), are you saying that purely for commercial reasons? (your first post)
I'd pull the plug, come up with alternatives for pay-per-view and keep hardcore for the Internet & DVD for several reasons... Firstly, I don't believe in half measures when it comes to porn. Either do it properly or don't bother is my motto. Under the current rules it's not possible to do that on UK pay-per-view, so channels are risking their reputations by implying something harder is available when they are unable to deliver. Also, it would send a message to OFCOM that if they won't let directors/producers have more freedom to show hardcore on pay-per-view, then they won't dictate that channels show softcore either. If OFCOM kept putting their big snouts in after that, then there would be a stronger case for prejudice and restriction of trade against the UK Adult Industry...
The flip side of the coin is if suckers keep spending their money on softcore, then that's their lookout. It's a bit like mug punters who complain about fixed horse races and skullduggery in the racing industry, but don't understand how the handicap system works. Nobody forces anyone to bet or pay for adult services.
(20-06-2010 19:34 )TheDarkKnight Wrote: When you say you *would* allow hardcore on pay-per-view (your last post) why would you object to HC being available on freeview, given that the only difference between the two is the customers ability to pay for it?
I wouldn't object to it on Freeview... The more choice the better, but channel slots on Freeview are more expensive than Sky and the lack of an official adult section, rather than just random channels, is an issue commercially.
When there was disputes between members on here about Sky & Freeview, my main input was to cover all the angles about Freeview (knowing OFCOM would try and take advantage of certain flaws). As far as free-to-view channels on Freeview are concerned, OFCOM have been looking to change the rules ever since Party Girls first appeared on that platform. Turns out what I expected to happen looks like it will, unfortunately...
(20-06-2010 19:34 )TheDarkKnight Wrote: Good luck with your project, I'm all for new forms of adult entertainment, especially creative ones. 
Muchas gracias amigo...