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Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions

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countrymanor Offline
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Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions

In the latest bulletin Ofcom have put Bang Media on notice after further recent breaches and possible statutory sanction. This is after the £159K fine dished out last week. Hope they've got deep pockets!
02-08-2010 14:31
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
might be time to get the coffin ready.

think ill go the diy place buy some nails
02-08-2010 14:45
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Carl-Gen X Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
As if Bang Babes wasnt tame enough...after this latest attack by Fuckoffcom Bang Babes might as well call it a day.

Which channel will be next when Bang Babes goes to the wall...because once that absolute bastard of an organisation gets its way there is no way it will stop will seek out and destroy another channel.

I find it astonishing frankly that channels can show blood and gore by the bucketful...but a pussy flash? oooh no...cant have that. Absurd in the extreme.
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2010 14:57 by Carl-Gen X.)
02-08-2010 14:55
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Chilly Away
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Post: #4
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
Blimey! Bang Media are getting absolutely hammered by Ofcom. bladewave
02-08-2010 14:55
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
their rep i forget his name will be on soon enough with his pitch of good times ahead.

and i wonder who misbeaved this time.

megan perhaps
02-08-2010 15:00
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Carl-Gen X Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
Concerning Ofcom

Ofcom had a budget of £142m for the year end of March 2011.

It has 873 staff.

Its results were:

Programme standards

Of the 10,679 closed cases (28,072 complaints) relating to programme standards:

152 cases were found to be in breach either of the Broadcasting Code, other Ofcom codes or of licence conditions. Of these, six cases were subject to statutory sanctions (involving six separate broadcasters)
13 cases were resolved
10,514 cases were not in breach or out of remit.

SO. It's cost us £142m to find 152 cases that were in breach of the code they set, and only six were a breach to a statutory standard.

Not good value for money!

EDIT : An example of the Nanny stateist Ofcom's hypocrisy at its worst :

"Ofcom received over 30,000 complaints re the broadcasting of Jerry Springer: The Opera and took no action whatsoever. Yet Ofcom receive ONE or TWO complaints from supposed viewers (often rival channels) about "anal or labial detail" (read fleeting glimpse) on a sex chat channel and start demanding midnight start times and mandatory PIN protection".

Clearly, the intent of the law was to prevent religious, racist and sexist propaganda causing widespread offence amongst reasonable and rational viewers. It was not intended to allow some fraction of bigots and hypersensitive 'nannies' to start dictating minority standards to the UK populace.

Ofcom are clearly operating a biased and discriminatory system. Adults that enjoy sexual entertainment are being treated like third-rate citizens, indeed, adults are only permitted to watch 'adult' enetertainment Ofcom deem fit for the under eighteens to watch because mandatory PIN is useless at protecting them...according to Ofcom's so-called 'research'.

Ofcom cannot even be trusted to hand-down accurate and absolute 'guidance' to programme makers. Ofcom claimed that "just because we said that activity could not appear before 10pm doesn't necessarily mean it can appear after 10pm". No it doesn't but, when I see a sign that says "No parking before 9am" I, like every other sane and rational English speaking person in the land, don't assume it means "No parking at anytime".

Ofcom now claim flesh coloured undies are the same as being nude and as some dingbat is offended by such implied nudity then even these are now banned from TV.

Ofcom are off the rails. They are acting without any proper legal oversight or restraint. They have utterly destroyed the little sexual freedom we had in 2004/5 and have certainly not progressed adult TV services or the choice of adult TV services as their remit clearly demands of them. Ofcom simply pamper to the whims of the lowest forms of anti-porn fascist bigots in the UK - and that's exactly what the Human Rights Act is supposed to prevent".

Apology for long post.
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2010 15:17 by Carl-Gen X.)
02-08-2010 15:10
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
why bangbabes didnt get a dutch license like cellcast baffles me,
02-08-2010 15:29
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #8
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
OFCOM are a total disgrace , they have clearly shown that they are vindictive organisation and have some sort agenda with Bangmedia and are clearly out to destroy them , just about all the other shows have far more slips than Bangbabes and are far more explicit in what they show but they very rarely get into trouble , so why is this , do other shows give Ofcom backhanders in order for them to turn a blind eye and Bangmedia don't ? , there is some thing very suspicious about all these breaches while other shows get off Scot free , there should be some sort of government enquiry into OFCOMS bias towards certain channels . PS a certain ex Bangbabe girl on a new channel was flashing her pussy and naked last night much more than she ever did on bangbabes , i bet that show doesn't get into trouble .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
02-08-2010 15:30
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #9
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
Sad days indeed for all at Bangbabes ofcom are nothing but a fucking disgrace and only a miracle can save this once proud channel, hammered hands down by all of the other channels at the weekend and hammered left right and centre by ofcom, it begs the question why have ofcom got it in for this channel and none of the others. Ofcom have broken the law in my view, new government and nothing has changed ofcom are worse than ever. David Cameron and Nick Clegg are fucking liars about treating adults like adults and also stopping ofcom in policy making and their powers would be limited what a fucking bullshit lie. For a democracy this fine is anything but democratic and it shows blatant double standards and is an intrusion on our civil freedom. I call for an end to tv censorship and its facist nazi ideology and its makes you wonder why we went to war in the first place with the Germans who just for the record are more liberal minded than the uk. Great Britain 2010 its a fucking disgrace, democracy is it fuck.
02-08-2010 17:45
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Bang Babes: Further breaches & possible new sanctions
Ouch!!!!!!! This is getting ridiculous. It's unfair that bangbabes are getting hammered like this and yet other channels seem to be getting away with similar things. Looking at the dates for these latest offences they come straight away after the offences that landed bang with the massive fine. So what has gone on Nov 2009-dec 2009 could kill off bangbabes

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
02-08-2010 17:53
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