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Freedom - Allow R18 on TV

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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #31
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
I'm just wondering if the government has even taken a blind bit of notice regarding this freedom website or is it just a scam to make us think they are more in touch with 21st century Britain. David Cameron before he took office stated that ofcom as we know it would cease to exist and its powers would be limited. Try telling that to Bangbabes after the recent £170,000 grand fine they recieved which has all but finacially crippled them. Never trust a politician they are lieing decieving fucking scum conning their way into office. Since the general election nothing! has changed, we are still as censored as ever in this fucked up excuse for a democratic country.
12-08-2010 20:27
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Rogerbee Offline

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Post: #32
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
Yeah, well, we know the last lot were good at spin, maybe you have a point!

12-08-2010 21:47
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eccles Offline
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Post: #33
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
(04-08-2010 15:53 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  In terms of lapdancing jobs being advertised in the jobcentre, I actually think that is probably appropriate, could you imagine the scenaria if some unfortunate suspect was either forced to take the job or force losing their dole money, it doesn't bear thinking about, its one thing going along as a customer to watch and I've been to these clubs many a time mainly when I'm on holiday but so long as the models are happy with what they are doing then I'm perfectly happy too, I would oppose if anyone however was forced to work there against their own free will.

The arrangement was that lapdancing clubs could advertise, but no-one would be told take the job or loose your benefit. Just as well really when you look at some of the Vikky Pollards queuing up for their giros.

Gone fishing
12-08-2010 22:13
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eccles Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
(12-08-2010 14:48 )MajorTomsReturn Wrote:  just signed up and stuck my feelings to the cause, hope someone finally listens and makes changes

Thanks Major Tom.

Will the government take notice? Possibly. I'm not sure how it works - whether there are armies of MPs trawling through every single suggestion, or if they get filtered by civil servants. There do seem to be a large number of loopey ideas with one or two votes, but there also seem to be some hot topics. "Repeal the Digital Economy Bill" has the 4th most comments (408 comments, 2028 votes), "Ban the smoking ban in pubs" is 5th (407 comments, 847 votes), and loads of stuff you might expect in the Daily Mail. Strangely topics can be sorted by score (new ones iften get 5.0 because only 1 person has voted), Latest Ideas, or Most Comments, but there isn't an option for Most Votes.

Anyway, if I was a career conscious MP I be all over this website for popular ideas. If politics popularity counts for as much as being right.

On the positive side there don't seem to be any posts suggesting tighter censorship.

Gone fishing
12-08-2010 22:36
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eccles Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
Thanks to everyone who voted. The Government "Freedom" website shut last weekend and they say they are looking at all the ideas. The response was a bit disappointing at 104 votes, but thats quite high for that website. The official line is that 46,000 people posted 14,000 ideas. Don't quite understand how that adds up, unless loads of people only voted on other peoples ideas. Thats less than 1/1000 of the population who heard of the website and actually commented or voted. Still, 104 votes is way ahead of many other ideas and I didn't see a single proposal on that site or the "Savings" one saying tighten up censorship, increase fines or encourage fines by giving the money to Ofcom. There were other threads on similar lines to mine and several calls for Ofcom to be broken up, abolished, replaced or given an elected board. One idea I hope takes off is that in this day and age in a free society it is absurd to spend tens of millions of pounds on a morality censor. Thanks again to everyone who gave support.

Gone fishing
19-09-2010 00:37
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #36
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
At times you begin to wonder if it is a democracy we live in, but in terms of censorship we don't need ofcom and just for the record the tv and internet is supposed to be catered for everybody's tastes and if anybody is offended by what they see then they should accept that this is the price you have to pay to live in a democracy. Although the uk is in no way near the level of censorship that other countries such as China has its still unacceptable for a western democracy to be censoring anything in this country especially when its us taxpayers that are funding the purpose.
19-09-2010 01:30
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #37
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
In the next 10 years we'll probably have about 100 babe channels not to mention internet tv, ofcom won't exist and the government will have finally admitted defeat in trying to keep a leash on all on that. You'll be able to see what the hell you want to see at any point of the day and night and the responsibility will finally rest on the shoulders of the parent/guardians in what their youngsters are exposed to. Sky could even be back to broadcasting at the 19.2 degree slot which will mean the whole of europe coming closer together and coming to an agreement that allows access to the other countries channels along with the uk based sky ones.
20-09-2010 15:39
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petethemanc Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
I have never understood ofcom, i think the saw franchise personally is SICK. Ok thats the BBFC, but we can not watch what adults do naturally every day. Makes no sens to me at all.
07-11-2010 02:59
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Sootbag1 Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
(07-11-2010 02:59 )petethemanc Wrote:  I have never understood ofcom, i think the saw franchise personally is SICK. Ok thats the BBFC

How to make a point, and then discredit that exact same point, in the course of the same sentance. Big Grin Wink

(07-11-2010 02:59 )petethemanc Wrote:  we can not watch what adults do naturally every day. Makes no sens to me at all.

Yes you can. Rent an R18 film or look on the internet.
07-11-2010 14:28
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #40
RE: Freedom - Allow R18 on TV
I just can't believe the softcore shit that is still shown on the tvx channels. Ofcom should have no power over the subscription based ones. As a customer I fuckin want my moneys worth instead of this night after night pile of shit that airs.
07-11-2010 19:27
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