(02-08-2010 15:29 )chrislatimer Wrote: why bangbabes didnt get a dutch license like cellcast baffles me,
Really Chris?
Who gets the £150,000 fine Ofcom handed to Bang Media?
Who's money was/is it really? The fines are capped based on income, not pre or post tax profit - i.e. its not Bang Media's money per se but the callers'.
All I see is an illegal Code being used to front a money laundering operation.
I think we need to put a few things straight. The 'Right of Reply', which is what the Ofcom complaints procedure is supposed to implement, exists to allow members of the public (or small companies) to seek redress without the expense of taking, say, C4 Despatches or BBC Watchdog or Rogue Traders to court for libelous slander.
Ofcom's Code is supposed to be clear, concise, precise. The Code is supposed to "ensure the under eighteens are protected" and that "members of the public are adequately protected from offensive and harmful material". Instead, however, Ofcom's pathetic Code allows broadcasters to include supposed 'offensive material' IF, in the licensee's opinion, it can be "justified by the context" (Rule 2.3). HOW EXACTLY does this ENSURE "adequate protection from the inclusion of offensive and/or harmful material" as per Rule 2.1 of Ofcom's Code or, indeed, clause 319(2)(f) of the Communications Act 2003?
Ofcom are at fault. Ofcom have GRANTED the RIGHT AND ABILITY for their Licensee's to fall foul of FUTURE DECISIONS made by the Ofcom Content Board - who ALONE have final say as to whether ANYTHING broadcast and complained about actually 'is' or 'was' "justified by the context" according to their interpretation of their poxy, misleading, contradictory excuse for a Standards Code.
This whole system has been in operation for over 5 years and, as we all know, has completely DESTROYED the fabled 'status quo' created by the ITC that Ofcom claimed to be preserving.
Ofcom are a bunch of lying, hypocritical, untrustworthy CROOKS. The Code IS NOT THE LAW. The Code is in itself a piece of fraudulent, contradictory and illegal bullshit that doesn't reflect the law that requires and specifies its creation. Ofcom have taken it upon themselves to invent rules that not only don't do what the law requires Ofcom to do but, indeed, flout the actual intent and will of Parliament in protecting the public and esp. the under 18s.