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Question about Sasha

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Question about Sasha
For ages Sasha's been saying to us to stop posting steamy pics of her but I have to say some of the stuff we’ve been posting isn’t as graphic as some of the stuff she wears on the call channels, even last night she was wearing the smallest panties I’ve seen any 1 wear & I can tell you with those panties you could see what your getting for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Dessert… Big Grin

All I can say is Sasha make up your mind on what you want people to see or post Because softer stuff has been removed cause you complained about it. You even got at me for no reason & I only replied to a post.

Don’t get me wrong Sasha I’m not giving you a grilling over your decisions, You either want people to see/post things or you don’t you can’t have both.

Guy’s what do you think am I right or wrong in saying this??
13-02-2009 12:37
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doc7576 Offline
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RE: Question about Sasha
Having been inactive for a while from here until recently then I may have missed something with regards to content that has been removed. The only content that I have seen could in no way be referred to as being tamer than any outfit choice made.

Also being only a part time watcher of the channels I also cannot really comment on the clothes to which you mention as I did not see them last night. However as a general comment is seem that these ladies income/jobs depend on them getting good call stats and as such they wear clothing that will entice the callers in. Sometimes this can lead to incidents etc (whether accidental or on purpose) and seems to be part of the current climate.

Again with reference to material being removed then I suppose that is down to the individual, however if they regret some of the work that they have done in the past then it does seem unfair that this material is openly available on a forum that they contribute to.

Peoples perceptions of material on here and that of the live shows will undoubtedly differ and this should be kept in mind. Past material can be viewed with the benefit of hind sight whereas the current work is done in the moment and looking back those people involved may have made different choices.

Before anyone starts jumping on the arse kissing or this place has become worse since the models joined bandwagon, I would just like to point out that ass2cam asked for opinions which he is free to do and I have answered in the same vein. I am in no way sticking up for any decisions anyone has made and from what I have read sasha is certainly able to argue her own corner.

Finally if I have missed something with regards to what content has been removed the again apologies for rambling on.
13-02-2009 17:05
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Carl13 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Question about Sasha
I believe I was not a member of the forum when said content was posted so can not compare those pics and / or videos to Sasha's outfits which are, I admit, pushing the boundaries but certainly not H/C porn and I think everyone would be disappointed if she was to join the "2 pairs of pants" group.

I have however seen her in some hard core action and would understand her desire to try to leave that behind if she felt she made the wrong decision due to either 3rd party pressure or difficult personal circumstances. No-one wants to be reminded of their errors in judgement on a daily basis especially by a group of people you don't really know. I also have to admit that if she did not post here and I therefore had not been aware of her feelings I would have posted these links for the members to see.

If said content was of the same standard in terms of exposure as her performances on Bang Babes I do understand your frustrations but it could be that her objection relates more to how the product has been used by others for their own gain rather than how much she is showing. However, that is only a suggestion and I'm sure she would be happy to put her point of view either here or more likely by PM to you if what you say is correct.
13-02-2009 21:58
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steve6660 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Question about Sasha
I think it's more to do with the fact she's trying to leave her past behind her because of her kids and just do bang babes and get over the early porn stuff.

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13-02-2009 22:09
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Post: #5
RE: Question about Sasha
steve6660 Wrote:I think it's more to do with the fact she's trying to leave her past behind her because of her kids and just do bang babes and get over the early porn stuff.

The point I'm getting at is Sasha's always telling us not to post any steamy pics of her but for the past few nights she's been wearing panties so small you can see everything, So why should members stop posting stuff when she's more or less still showing everything. Yeah I understand about her kids but what she's doing is still showing flashes so it's the same as what guys posts…

That’s why I was saying Sasha make up your mind on what you want people to see or post!!
13-02-2009 22:29
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