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HEX!T Away

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Post: #11
RE: finaly.
and what the fuck just happend? i make my last post and they start braudcasting.... hmmmm thats eather creepy sceary or pure coincidence, i duno yet....

what ever the case poor charlie has to sit there and wait till the callres realise chatback is braudcasting again... that sux

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Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 13-02-2009 20:14 by HEX!T.)
13-02-2009 20:11
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killyourself Offline
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Post: #12
RE: finaly.
Hexit Wrote:fuckin hell .w.t.fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, awe come on chat back you finaly had somthing to be prased for and then you do this... O.M.G. talk about shooting yerself in the foot...
i can see sum1s ass getting nailed to the wall for this 1.

sum1s ass getting nailed to the wall for this 1? Doubt that will happen.It's pretty obvious the people behind this channel couldn't give a fuck what they broadcast and don't seem to care either.A couple of months ago poeple on here were saying "it's a new channel,give it time" and "they'll get there eventually",but if anything its getting worse-you never know what time it's going to start,girls just walk off set when they feel like it(April) the camera work is unbelievably bad,phones dont work,use the wrong set for the wrong show,awful lighting and now after broadcasting for over 3 months with little or no improvement do we really think it's ever going to get better?
We know Kylie and summer visit here,I just wish when they go into the studio they would tell the producers and cameramen what we all think about the way they atempt to run this sack of shite of a channel.
Kylie,Amy Williams-all the other channels would fall over themselves to have girls like you working for them and the both of you deserve so much better than this tripe.
Chatback Take your misarable,cheap channel and sod off.
Sorry everyone,just wanted to get that off my chest.

Freek on a leash
14-02-2009 01:07
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oopnorth Offline
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Post: #13
RE: finaly.
I was one of those people saying we should give them time to find their feet, but as killyourself has said they haven't learnt even the basics of how to run a channel. The only reason I want them broadcasting is for some of the girls they have, if they lose them, well, last one out, turn off the lights.
14-02-2009 01:21
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killyourself Offline
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Post: #14
RE: finaly.
oopnorth Wrote:I was one of those people saying we should give them time to find their feet, but as killyourself has said they haven't learnt even the basics of how to run a channel. The only reason I want them broadcasting is for some of the girls they have, if they lose them, well, last one out, turn off the lights.

We need to encourage the girls to leave then don't we and put chatback out of it's misery,as i said most channels would bend over backwards to get girls like Kylie and Amy,with there beauty and talent they'll be allright,but I think if they keep working for this lot it will eventually do there reputations more harm than good.
Imagine Kylie on the pad or Amy on party people,ok sets,properly lit and half decent camerawork-now thats something i'd like to see.

Freek on a leash
14-02-2009 01:32
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oopnorth Offline
it's grim

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Post: #15
RE: finaly.
Kylie has said that next week is a trial week of 5am to 10am shows, so we can probably expect 4 girls, 2 phones until 10am and then "the loop" until 11pm. You'd think they would concentrate on getting the day and night shows perfect before adding another shift for them to fuck up.
14-02-2009 01:54
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #16
RE: finaly.
i wonder if it would help if they had more girls on the channel.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
14-02-2009 01:56
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killyourself Offline
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Post: #17
RE: finaly.
kalel76 Wrote:i wonder if it would help if they had more girls on the channel.

The only thing that would help is if the producers and cameramen all disapeared and someone with a bit if inteligence took over and your so right oopnorth,they can't get one show right and now they're gonna atempt to run 3 different shows a day-they're asking for trouble,and are they going to add some new girls to the line-up,probably not which puts an even bigger workload on the girls.
If i'm right i think they only have 6 girls who work there anyway and now there going to atempt to run from 5am to 4am the next day-no chance.

Freek on a leash
14-02-2009 02:15
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Dreamlander Offline

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Post: #18
RE: finaly.
What I don't get is that the guy who owns this channel owns or has owned several others,including Babecast! Is this a franchise channel or something because Babecast always seems to broadcast perfectly?

14-02-2009 10:26
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tapit54 Offline
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Post: #19
RE: finaly.
I see that Summer has said in another thread that there is only going to be one girl on late nights during the week.
So normal service is to be resumed I presume.....long video loops and 1 girl looking bored to death. Backwards step IMO!
15-02-2009 12:06
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