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RE: Adding Babestation Babes on Facebook
camilla Wrote:mega79 Wrote:tsurugi Wrote:some guys need to understand its their job to make you think they give a fuck about you they do not want to know you in anykind of way in the real world
Its amazing how many of idiots just don't get this.
The above quote should be pasted on the main page.
So if some of us girls don't care why are we on here ? I've made many friends on here who i speak to and they know who they are. I do give a shit and no it's not just a job but i do need some personal space in my life too. If you feel so strongly maybe you shouldn't watch the shows babe x
ummmm......to sell your websites and get the same guliable guys to keep txting and ringing in
13-02-2009 15:25 |
Posts: 11,516
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Adding Babestation Babes on Facebook
jonnyjohnson42 Wrote:A friend of mine has added Paige, Flo, Yvette and a few others and they dont seem to mind. He just says hi now and then and doesnt say "hey i love your arse" etc etc. Some of these girls do status updates to let there fans know if there on and what day which is what I add them for and to chat and not in a dirty sexual nature so that there family can see.
Not all are like this you know! I respect peoples privacy if I added them and they didnt accept then I dont add them again as I know that they want it to be private... if they accept then thats cool. I got a reply from Cara who was kind enought to mail me and say that her facebook is private and she pointed me to her myspace which I didnt know she had.
Just thought I'd clear up a few points there
give it up dude she aint going to give it to you.....you seem the stalker type so who can blame her
15-02-2009 00:25 |
Would you kindly?
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RE: Adding Babestation Babes on Facebook
waycov Wrote:Sorry to sound like a complete t**t but, when you send a friend request to any of the girls, what do you put in the message without sounding too sycophantic and creepy?
Dear *****,
Hey there saw you the other night on the telly box and thought you looked fabulous. I hope we can be friends and maybe go out for a drink-or maybe a dance-and then get an apartment-and a dog-so what do you think.
P.S. I love your boobs and your eyes.
Yeah, that would work I reckon.
aut viam inveniam aut faciam
15-02-2009 23:00 |