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Day is the new night

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Shandy Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Day is the new night
tsurugi Wrote:the pad has uped them game as of late and chatback has the best daytime and pp need to up there game the girls just lay there like sloths

If you read around, BSD & PP are being tighter on the rules cos of the pad and chatback are drawing offcoms attention and cellcast have more at risk if the channels get fined, so better to play it safe and ride it out than go under.
18-02-2009 10:07
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #12
RE: Day is the new night
the only time ofcom have had complaints latley have been from the competition, if you look at the last couple of ofcom rulings you will see they wernt braught about by joe public. the reason we dont see the girls rubbing and writhing like we used to is due to rival channels retaliating to complaints made by other competitiors starting a catch 22. they dont get that in the end they are all loosing out as they endup giving less value for money so less people call in.
so if ofcom is looking to the pad and others and not at bsd and pp you can sorta guess who is gona be complaining and and whos trying to look whiter than white.

i would link you the decisions but the ofcom site is slow atm...

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 18-02-2009 11:03 by HEX!T.)
18-02-2009 11:01
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #13
RE: Day is the new night
Well it may be that its been down to competitors doing the complaints or whatever, its still better to be safe than sorry. you never know, some joe public might complain, just cos the last couple weren't doesn't mean they still might do it. Plus think of it from the business side, play it safe whilst the competition go further, yea the pad and that will prob make a bit more profit in the short term, but if & when Offcom get involved, there could be hefty fines or licence pulled. I presume offcom will look back at the channels over the last coupla months, if so, they will see that cellcast have been responsible and should still get to keep going. So i think its still a valid point. plus the BSD & PP girls are still getting calls and texts, from what i see, it looks like they're on the phone more than the pad girls, but then thats only from a coupla days rough comparison.
18-02-2009 11:32
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #14
RE: Day is the new night
m8 after reading 1 or 2 of the complaints i can see bsd and pp both getting hauled over the coals. they both put up adverts for lori and lynesy's websites, this may well be a major rule break as the girls may work for them but the websites are products from the girls themselfs,. the show can advertise bsdaytime and p-chat sites as they are directly related to the program, but the girls sites arnt, also advertised the sites when the girls were on days during there shows, as the sites are 18+ again it could well be a major rule break. so if they were to complain (i dont know if they are and im not saying they will) then they best look at there own pratices.

i know your a fan of the pp girls and im not trying to wind you up here. im just putting your statment in to perspective.
id say there all probably guilty of breaking the daytime rules and the only people that will lose out is us if they start another round of they did this they did that with ofcom.
maybe sum1 with legal knowlage can clarify it.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 18-02-2009 12:02 by HEX!T.)
18-02-2009 12:00
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #15
RE: Day is the new night
there's no winding up in my opinion so don't worry. i was only just making the point that we've been told from various sources on the forum that cellcast are just being cautious at the moment whilst the other channels are pushing it.
18-02-2009 12:04
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cherryryder Offline

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Post: #16
RE: Day is the new night
been watching channel 960 on the webstream and the babe was literally bending over and helping a guy wank off...good on ya girl!
18-02-2009 18:36
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Rivers Offline
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Post: #17
RE: Day is the new night
I have to admit I've been having a lot more fun watching the daytime shows than the nightime shows lately. As has been said, The Pad and Chat Back are really pushing boundaries and it's great!

I mean Michelle Thorne is on TV now dressed as a schoolgirl. What more could I ask for at 7.30 in the evening? Smile
18-02-2009 19:28
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theicon Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Day is the new night
Rivers Wrote:I have to admit I've been having a lot more fun watching the daytime shows than the nightime shows lately. As has been said, The Pad and Chat Back are really pushing boundaries and it's great!

I mean Michelle Thorne is on TV now dressed as a schoolgirl. What more could I ask for at 7.30 in the evening? Smile

caught the big girl with black hair on 956 the other day talking on the phone and rubbing the mike furiously up and down
18-02-2009 20:00
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Rivers Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Day is the new night
Haha, I never watch 956 but maybe I should start!

Was quite funny earlier actually, Michelle Thorne was on the mic and said something like, 'And on 948 we've got Vikki Thomas wearing pink to make the boys wink......and other things beginning with w....'

Little bit risky for daytime perhaps but funny and most likely true!
18-02-2009 20:19
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Day is the new night
What I don't get is who actually complains to Ofcom from the public? I mean, how do you stumble upon these channels and then feel outraged enough to lodge a complaint? You only generally find them if you're looking for them since they're so far up the TV guide in the middle of adult channels and who that's looking for them would complain?
18-02-2009 20:38
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