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Naked In Theatre

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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Naked In Theatre
What a great thread!! I'm always checking Sky Arts during the affy in the hope of catching a bit of cultured daytime nudity.
10-06-2010 00:02
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eccles Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Naked In Theatre

9 naked dancers do their impression of a wind farm to atonal modern music. A naked woman attempts to erect a sun shade indoors.
8 min 3 seconds. No real background on this.

Uploaded by ramzalio. - Find more steamy, sexy videos.

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22-07-2010 01:19
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Post: #13
RE: Naked In Theatre
Dance of the Swans (au naturel)
Think that translates as big birds with no clothes on.
The original posters name suggests a Russian origin - wonder if this was performed at the Bolshoi.
1 min 56 secs.

Dance of the Swans (au naturel)
Uploaded by ramzalio. - Independent web videos.

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22-07-2010 01:22
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eccles Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Naked In Theatre
Vanessa Skantze as Lucifer
A deranged woman makes an ill-timed commercial for BP.
4 min 55 sec.

Vanessa Skantze as Lucifer
Uploaded by ramzalio. - Independent web videos.

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22-07-2010 01:34
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eccles Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Naked In Theatre
Cavallo Meccanico, scutura sullo sfondo della canzone di noemi. Opera di Franco Losvizzero
(Mechanical Horse scutura, background song by noemi. Performance art piece By Franco Losvizzero, 2008)
A pale naked young woman wearing a bunny mask rides a bucking horse sculpture in front of art gallery patrons.
It's probably meant to encapsulate what you might imagine when looking at a horse sculpture.
By the way, the dancers name is Anna Bastoni.

Girogirotondo di Franco Losvizzero
Uploaded by ramzalio. - Get intimate with more sexy videos.

Uploaded to DailyMotion by Ramzalio.
A YouTube version of a similar piece can be founf at

In the interests of equality there is also a male version, dangly bits and all, bit I seem to have lost the link.

The artists MySpace page is at for all you culture vultures.

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(This post was last modified: 04-08-2010 01:01 by eccles.)
04-08-2010 00:57
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eccles Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Naked In Theatre
Rosa: Marie Angel

"Australian soprano Marie Angel in the bizarre opera Rosa, Death of a Composer, which caused a scandal when it was staged in Copenhagen – not least because she spent almost the whole opera naked."

Dont you just love that word - Australian.
30 second clip, interesting. Translation anyone?

Rosa: Marie Angel
Uploaded by KismetUK. - Arts and animation videos.

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04-08-2010 01:29
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Post: #17
RE: Naked In Theatre

An Italian theatre company’s production of the original Oscar Wilde play

Must be Culture, it's from the Bible. 4 min 34.

Salome on stage
Uploaded by KismetUK. - Discover more animation and arts videos.

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04-08-2010 01:36
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Post: #18
RE: Naked In Theatre
Cant believe it is 4 months since I last posted here.

Heres a Japanese art house film style piece by French chereographer Alain Escalle. Its not wierd, its Art and hugely symbolic. Probably. Possibly about destruction and renewal. Or birds and printer ink. Who knows.

"Buto danse Piece Performed by Kakuya Ohashi. By Alain Escalle (2001)"

Buto danse Piece Performed by Kakuya Ohashi. By Alain Escalle (2001) from Escalle Alain on Vimeo.

"A Buto dance Piece created and Performed with the body cover of clay. by the Japanese danser Kakuya Ohashi. Extract from the film "Le conte du Monde Flottant" (Aka "The Tale from the Floating World" / 3Ukiyo Monogatari") director: Alain Escalle (2001)"

Worth a visit to for some of his other stuff.

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08-12-2010 02:32
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eccles Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Naked In Theatre
Extremely Naked woman doing ballet dancing
Warning: Do not watch if easily shocked.

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25-01-2011 23:22
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eccles Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Naked In Theatre
Sea of Skin

Believe it or not this is a Vaseline advert.

Slightly misplaced as it is not pure art, but adds something to the thread so here it is.

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25-01-2011 23:27
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