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I wonder if this would work !

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nailpouchofmine Offline

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Post: #1
I wonder if this would work !
What if Sky were to knock all of the babechannels off the epg, and then the only way that anyone who was interested in watching these channels, would be to go to services button on remote and add the channels manually.

Would not this stop these whinging ,moralist,ante-everything to do with sex,puritan,evengelistic arseholes,from accidently discovering these channels?

Would not it stop arseholes like Ofcom from saying that these channels might be looked at by children?

Could that work?

Well could it????????????????????????????????????????????????????
26-01-2011 20:30
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bobek Offline

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Post: #2
RE: I wonder if this would work !

They would still have to broadcast in line with the terms of their licenses.
26-01-2011 20:35
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #3
RE: I wonder if this would work !
We already have measures in place such as locking out the Adult Channels. This is not the answer plus your SKY + recording feature will also not work. Ofcom know the measures that are currently in place but the bastards are still not happy.
26-01-2011 20:44
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Phoenix Offline
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Post: #4
RE: I wonder if this would work !
And the channel's call stats would take a huge hit
26-01-2011 20:44
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #5
RE: I wonder if this would work !
The simple matter is that OFCOM don't like porn and you could have 3 menu's you have to unlock with 10 digit bastard codes but guess what Ofcom would still find a flaw in the system. My advice, get a second satellite dish and point it towards Astra 1 or Hotbird as no matter what you do Ofcom will ALWAYS find a way to object. Did we really win the war???????????
(This post was last modified: 26-01-2011 20:52 by Scottishbloke.)
26-01-2011 20:52
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KRISB Offline
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Post: #6
RE: I wonder if this would work !
There are certain channels on Sky that you can only view if you
subscribe to one of 6 Entertainment Packs at an additional cost of £1 a month. One is the Variety Pack; another is the Children's Pack. Why not introduce a seventh, the Adult Pack,for less restricted Babe shows? If you don't want your kids to see these channels, don't buy the package.

26-01-2011 21:29
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #7
RE: I wonder if this would work !
Here's an idea for you. Why doesn't SKY move all of the Adult Channels into one section say the 900's for example and allow the viewer to switch on or off the channels via the parental control digit code. I'm sure Ofcom would be more than happy with this if this measure was put in place. Oh I forgot that's what we do currently have in place.
26-01-2011 22:18
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eccles Offline
custodes qui custodiet

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Post: #8
RE: I wonder if this would work !
If viewers had to manually tune in it would not stop horny teenagers, and the anti-porn nazis would go out of their way to "sample" the material to protect everyones morals. Never mind that the anti-porn nazis get the horn each Sunday ready sex scandals in the News Of The World, they simply don't realise the futility of their actions and their own hypocrocy.

Then as bobek says, Ofcom would step in if they were UK licenced.

Good suggestion from KrisB except some of the channels are FTA and some are FTV. That means for some you must have a Sky decoder with a Sky card inserted, and for others you just need any satellite decoder because they dont use Sky proproiety encryption. Likewise some of the encrypted channels get authorisation and credit card debits through Skys call centre in Livingstone (staffed by dour Scots who consider Songs of Praise sinful), but some have their own set up. Why? Because some broadcasters dont want to touch Sky systems with a bargepole, and dont want Sky to have access to their customer lists. They will pay for an EPG listing but thats it. Also it could make it difficult to switch from encrypted PPV to FTV and back.

But theres no reason why Sky cannot ship new Sky boxes with the Adult section locked out and send a firmware upgrade to all existing boxes. That would destroy the accidental viewer argument.

Also the default PIN could be more difficult to guess instead of - you know what. Select a random number and include it in the letter with the viewing card. That makes it harder for kids to crack the code.

Even better, have a separate PIN for Adult shows and other stuff (18, PPV, account management). Ofcom spend 50% of their time obsessing about harm and offence from Adult shows, but cannot get off their arses to prevent accidental viewing and child access.

Gone fishing
27-01-2011 00:15
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