(27-01-2011 00:07 )Gold Plated Pension Wrote: Yet more investigations against the Babe Channels. I say investigations rather than complaints as i truely believe that excessive compliance monitoring is now being carried out. This goes against Ofc@m's own regulatory principle to operate with a bias against intervention.
How we regulate
• Ofcom will always seek the least intrusive regulatory methods of achieving our objectives.
• Ofcom will strive to ensure that interventions are evidence-based, proportionate, consistent, accountable and transparent in both deliberation and outcome.
• Ofcom will regulate with a clearly articulated and publicly reviewed annual plan, with stated priorities.
Anyway the bad news is that a further three investigations will be carried out against Playboy as licensee.
Up to 21 January 2011
Programme Channel Transmission Date Date Lodged
Red Light Central RedLightZone1 Monday, 03 January 2011 03 January 2011
Red Light Ladies Extreme Friday, 17 December 2010 23 December 2010
Xplicit Tease Me TV2 Monday, 03 January 2011 03 January 2011
Playboy are already under notice to ensure compliance since all licensee's were issued with new guidance late last year. Playboy are yet to attend a further meeting to discuss non-compliance and no doubt these three further investigations will be raised with the prospect now of a financial penalty.
Well i still believe that excessive compliance monitoring is being carried out. Such monitoring was used against
Bang Media (London) Ltd and
Bang Channels Ltd that resulted in the revocation of their 4 licenses.
We already know that
Playboy and
Just4Us are being called in for a last warning with 3 complaints against
Playboy still to be investigated.
Once these investigations have been completed, expect
Playboy to be found in breach with a large financial penalty issued. This will happen within the next 6 weeks, given the stated timescales issued by Ofc@m.
Now we have the next broadcaster to be compliance monitored by the regulator. Already subject to 'in breach' findings for their past daytime content
Elite TV will now be hounded again.
Elite TV previously capitulated with a weak excuse about a junior/inexperienced producer whilst they were on an away day rather than challenge Ofc@m's findings and seeking a review of the decision.
Now buoyed up by their success against Bang including the 'winding up' order with little or no resistance they are going after broadcasters previously found in breach, let's hope that
Playboy and
Elite TV have deep pockets and friendly bank managers.
This weeks list of investigations does not read well with
Elite TV feeling the full brunt of the investigations.
Up to 28 January 2011
Programme Channel Transmission Date Date Lodged
Elite Days Elite TV Tuesday, 30 November 2010 30 November 2010
Elite Days Elite TV Wednesday, 01 December 2010 01 December 2010
Elite Days Elite TV2 Wednesday, 08 December 2010 08 December 2010
Elite Nights Elite TV Tuesday, 30 November 2010 01 December 2010
Elite Nights Elite TV2 Monday, 06 December 2010 06 December 2010
Elite Nights Elite TV Thursday, 16 December 2010 25 January 2011
Elite Nights Elite TV Wednesday, 22 December 2010 25 January 2011
Elite Nights Elite TV Friday, 31 December 2010 06 January 2011
Elite Nights Elite TV Tuesday, 04 January 2011 25 January 2011
We know ultimately where these investigations are going especially since
Elite TV were previously warned over daytime content.
Whether these broadcasters can absorb a large fine, tone down their content to satisfy the regulator and continue to attract revenue from callers only time will tell.
The regulator has got nothing to lose in these actions and bully boy tactics. They are under pressure to justify their existance whilst shedding nearly 170 jobs in the compliance department but still increase the revenue (fines) for the exchequer.
The broadcasters need to work together to challenge the regulator on their overzealous approach and seek change in the codes, i am aware of only one that is doing that.
Ofc@m are currently consulting on their investigation and sanction procedures and i raised a thread on this so that we can comment. The proposed revised procedures even further limits the challenges broadcasters can use against findings and devolve responsibility for breach finding and financial penalties to officer level meaning more inconsistent findings and unjust penalties. This consultation closes soon and i am suprised more posters have not commented on the proposals.
We are not included in consultations that often so when we are we need to ensure our voice is heard and noted. The silent voice has always been regarded as the one that is happy with the current ways.
Are we!!!.