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BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion

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Post: #141
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
Another channel bites the dust. That without doubt will leave girls without jobs and with bills to pay. What could be a worrying scenario is some of the girls could take the road to something more extreme in the sex industry, and do something that they will have been forced into by the stranglehold that Ofcom seems determined to keep tightening on the babechannels.

Ofcom may not be responsible for BabeWorld going off the air, but it's not helped with it's non-bending rules that's keeping everyone running scared. The jobs these girls do might not satisfy the puritans among us who want to protect us against the evil flesh. But they work hard and it's honest work they do. And far better than what some of the ladies may be forced into if Ofcom doesn't allow these programmes a bit of slack.
27-01-2011 21:08
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irishdude85 Offline
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Post: #142
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
whats your name? teri is it, you shouldn't be saying anything to me, you should be saying it to your stupid lazy ass producers for running one of the best shows into the ground.
27-01-2011 21:15
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #143
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
Yes it's a double edged sword these days, go too far with the channel and incur the wrath of ofcom, go too safe with the channel which had been the case with Babeworld and risk little income coming in thus as it looks gone bust. I agree they are far worse places the girls could be working in or for. Ofcom do need to cut the slack across the whole board of channels because right now rather than the focus being on entertaining the viewers/callers we instead get frighted little lambs more worried about oh I'd better be careful here not to offend the board of censors. This is unfair and unrealistic to expect any of the babe channels to work under such constraints for a late night sexline channel. And in the case of Babeworld Tv we ended up with a channel that was an absolute shambles and a shadow of it's former glory. Fair enough if you're reading the news or something then obviously try not to be showing too much flesh but come on we're all on this channel for one reason and one reason alone.
27-01-2011 21:25
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #144
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
Interesting developments happening at the moment on channel 908 and 949. Still black screen but now with an onsceen message saying. We apologise for the break in transmission normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Now the big question mark is will it be Babeworld Tv or another channel in it's place.
27-01-2011 22:26
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #145
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
A caption has appeared on 908 and 951 saying
'We apologise for the break in transmission. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible'
(This post was last modified: 27-01-2011 22:27 by Charlemagne.)
27-01-2011 22:26
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #146
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
Looking at the message onscreen it looks very similar to Sportxxx when I recall they had a few technical issues last month. Don't quote me on this because I'm merely just guessing as to who the new landlords might me. I read on another post that Babeworld Tv has now officially closed down so it won't be them back on our screens and that came from faye rampton who confirmed this by saying she was now looking for another job.
27-01-2011 23:53
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Posting Machine

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Post: #147
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
The reality of the present situation is that nobody on this site knows what is going on; with an insight from talking to girls about past events it's probable that many of them don't know either.

The onscreen display eventually displayed only suggests that something will happen soon,
..... but meanwhile it's all guesswork & speculation.

As I posted in my post #122 Corinne told me a fortnight ago that BW were recruiting more girls, 3 have since started & Charlie-Dee signed up to return, seems at odds with having cashflow issues starting 4 girls in the space of a fortnight; only other thing I can think of on that score with my limited knowledge is the general running costs, as previously they shared facilities with SportXXX in Milton Keynes but are now based independently in London.

28-01-2011 02:11
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jay0987 Offline
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Post: #148
[split] Babeworld, in pictures..
are there any pics of babs and sarah louise together on babeworld
30-11-2012 13:07
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R.W.Emerson Offline

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Post: #149
RE: BabeWorld - Chat & Discussion
Just remembered a piss funny story one of the BW girls told me about when 3 of them were at one of the others house one morning post-shift and her new boyfriend came in giving it the big'un about what he'd do to them all and how none of them would be walking afterward blah blah so all 3 turned round and said here and now then all of us or any of us you want, as the other 2 were in a position to do so commitments wise at the time as it were, then the guy couldn't get it up and all they were all crying Big Laugh and he was like annoyed.

Ah I miss the BW days, a good bunch all round generally. [Image: grouphug.gif]
22-11-2015 16:09
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