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In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet

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Nigma Away
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Post: #71
RE: In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet
I think I scared her off Sad


15-02-2011 19:22
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Trickster Offline
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Post: #72
RE: In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet
Am sure u didn't Nigma... Id like to know what happened to the website and the porn stuff she said she was doing on her night show she did when on the fone to her...

Mariam ChatGirlTV Hottest Babe Channel Girl!!!
15-02-2011 21:22
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Nigma Away
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Post: #73
RE: In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet

Come back Kylie

Okay, ignore the last questions. How about just these two?

1. How have you been?
2. What are you up to now?

In return, I offer this:

bunny cups

Alternatively, I can also offer kittens, puppies, or the blood of a virgin (I'm sure we have plenty of eligible candidates).

C'mon.. we're not so bad. Don't leave us hanging.
(This post was last modified: 17-02-2011 20:57 by Nigma.)
17-02-2011 19:12
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Kylie Tyler Offline
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Post: #74
RE: In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet


OK..ok... ill answer Wink

Ive been OK. Many things have changed in my life.
Im still dancing in one of the clubs in London. (PM me if you want a name :rolleyesSmile
Ive stopped all the porn thing, many other things to do now.


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18-02-2011 02:05
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Nigma Away
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Post: #75
RE: In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet
Alright! You came back Smile

Glad to hear you're doing okay. I seem to recall you saying you liked dancing so it's good that it's still working out for you.

Another question, if I may..

Do you not want to be on the channels any more, or do you no longer have the option?

And my offering for this question:

A baby bunny

I only ask because I (and probably others) am genuinely interested and as I mentioned, you were damn good on days and nights, so it's curious why you left and say you won't be back.

Plus the offer of virgin blood is still on the table. We pretty much have all varieties here - cold, hot, and (if we wind up the fanboys enough) carbonated.
(This post was last modified: 18-02-2011 16:41 by Nigma.)
18-02-2011 09:08
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Nigma Away
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Post: #76
RE: In Anticipation of Kylie's Arrival, this is her Red Carpet
08-03-2011 20:42
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