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Fantasy Village - Weekly Show Reviews 2011

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welshken Offline
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Post: #21
Sarah Arnolds - Jan 24th
[Image: tn_38.jpg]

Leather and pantyhose
I'm off out tonight and I'm in the mood to get some attention. What do you think of my outfit? It's a tiny leather-look black minidress with sheer black pantyhose and high black heels. I'd see you across the bar and catch your eye, before long i'd drag you home so I can have some fun teasing you. As I move and strike naughty poses for you you can see my cute pink g-string panties through my pantyhose. Want to see more? Well you're in luck as tonight I'm feeling VERY naughty......


It's been a while, a bit too long really, Sarah is a great girl and I remember her last show as being rather hot, so this one is looking good.

We join Sarah, in a very tight black leather dress and tights, although the dress was not very long at all, I'm glad to say, leaving that cute lil arse sticking out. Yes, this is gonna be a good show.

We all offer a few complimentary comments as Sarah moves herself around a bit, and then she slowly removes the dress, mmmm, very nice. She's got a great body and the lovely pink bra looks wonderful indeed.

So now the attention moves to tights, as some of us have noticed a lil G-string underneath  and as Sarah, slowly lowers the tight, treating is to a lovely view of that bum, but then she pulls the tight back up, the tease!

No, next to come off is the bra, as she slowly removes it, allowing the first view tonight of those lovely boobies of hers, they are quite lovely indeed.

Then she turns round and slips both hands down the tights at the back, over that sweet peachy bum, and instantly, we all want to be those hands!

Then she slips the tights down, and off, leaving her wearing just a single G-string, with most of us busy admiring that cute lil arse. And as we do, she slowly lowers the G-string, and slips it off, leaving is speechless.

Then a few calls for the tights to go back on, and there is some healthy debate on whether she should put the tights back on or not. Personally, I'm glad to say she doesn't. I understand that there are a few tights fetish chaps here, but I think they were outvoted, but only just! And besides, that's what a 121 is for, your own personal fantasy.

Indeed, as the show draws to a close, we can admire a fully naked babe, looking really sexy and lovely, and leaving is all thinking, please don't leave it so long next time 

Two very small thoughts from tonight's show:
Needed a bit more lighting maybe
While the banter flowed, the interaction wasn't as heavy as usual, maybe because she hasn't been on for a while, to be fair to her

But, still a very lovely and enjoyable show, further proof that we need Sarah to be on more often!
14-02-2011 00:02
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welshken Offline
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Post: #22
Hannah Claydon - Jan 26th
[Image: tn_28.jpg]

Ride'em, Cowgirl!
Yeehah boys! Tonight i'm going to show you my wild (west) side, and dress up for you as a naughty cowgirl! Wearing a very sexy rodeo inspired outfit featuring a pink gingham cropped top, denim, cowgirl hat and matching boots, i'm going to dance to some sexy country music especially for you, cowboy! Come and watch me sway and girate to the music, till there's not much left but my hat covering my modesty!


It's not long since we last saw Hannah – but you can't get too much of a good thing.

To be honest I am not paying too much attention at the start as I am thinking about the free nude 1-2-1 to follow – and which, as usual, I am very confident about winning. I just know my number is going to come up tonight.

Unfortunately it is soon clear there is a good sized audience present – as a mathematician I perceive that this will reduce my chances of winning the free show – bother! Can't these people go and watch Eastenders or something.

Might as well just concentrate on enjoying this show.

Hannah of course looks stunningly beautiful as always, dressed in a style associated with the American mid-West (don't like that term "cow girl" – quite inappropriate for the refined GSL ladies).

Immediately noticed the gingham cropped top – who better to wear one of these than the voluptuous Hannah. In fact who better to wear any kind of top than Hannah, but I digress. Of course Hannah was attired in other items of apparel as well, but I did not really notice these at this point. Funny how that top seemed to draw my eye.

Hannah apologises for having forgotten to bring her C & W music. A number of us express disappointment, but decide to stay anyway.

As usual with Hannah there is a nice flow of banter as a looooooong slow tease progresses.

We enjoy the sight of her bra in the same gingham pattern as her top (which is now removed by the way). Hannah advises that the bra does not offer much support, leading to a tendency for much boob bouncing. We express our sympathy. Poor girl.

Next the very short denim pants are gone revealing tights and a matching pair of panties – Gingham Girl.

The tights go after much debate as to what should go next. Those of us who voted for the bra are compensated with a number of brilliant cleavage close ups.

Eventually though our patience is rewarded and Hannah expertly removes her bra (or unstacks her goodies as I think our American friends say). My favourite bit of the show of course and some very wonderful boob close-ups, jiggles and juggles follow.

Now comes the draw, which I had forgotten about by now. Number 15 has it, which is not me. Having played only rugby and cricket at school I am well drilled in good sportsmanship, so I (and many others) wish the winner all the best. (Jammy bugger!)

So another very highly erotic and entertaining show from Hannah much enjoyed by all I am sure.
14-02-2011 00:41
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Post: #23
Milly Hedgeland - February 20th
[Image: tn_32.jpg]

Sexy stripper
I used to work as a dancer and I loved to tease the guys watching but tonight I'm going to put on a show just for you. I'll be wearing a sexy black dress with sheer black hold-ups and underneath i'll have on a lacy black teddy. I'll move to the music and slowly remove each item while you sit captivated until I'm wearing nothing but a smile Smile

Milly welcomes us to her bedroom with an amazing view straight down her cleavage. No-one says anything, but her nipples are already making a bid for freedom. Great start! Tongue

She's wearing a skintight black dress. It's low-cut in front and very short. Milly's got on black sheer holdups and killer heels as well. I guess we'll find out what's on underneath a little later.

Milly wants to know if she's still got it as a stripper.

She wiggles her bum at us, and her dress rides up as if by magic. She's wearing something sheer underneath. Could it be a teddy? Milly asks if the dress should come off. Apparently, and this is a surprise, people want it to come off.

Milly is indeed wearing a teddy, and if my eyes don't deceive me, it's the very one she's wearing in her current GSL profile picture. And, as with most of Milly's outfits, her nipples just won't stay inside it. Not too many complaints there Big Grin

Milly slips her arms out of the teddy's straps and bends forward to give us a stunning view of the tops of her breasts and her cleavage. Since they're popping out anyway, Milly pulls the teddy down and bares her breasts. They're gorgeous. Tongue

She turns around and shakes her bum at us some more, then turns back and, gently fondling her breasts, pushes the teddy down to her waist. Milly pushes it down over her bum, leaving herself only partly covered, and suggests that maybe the teddy should come off.

Rolling around on the bed, she's very hard to resist. Someone wants her shoes off, so Milly takes them off, and then finally slides the teddy off and down her legs. Kneeling up in front of us in just her holdups, she lets us enjoy her naked body. Then she turns around and lets us enjoy her naked body from the back as well, wiggling her naked bum at the camera.

There's some discussion about whether the stockings should stay on or come off, but by this point I'm not really paying attention to the chat window, just watching the stunning babe writhing naked on the bed in front of me. Big Grin

But Milly wants to get completely naked, so lying on her back, with her legs in the air, she slips the stockings off one at a time and shows off her completely naked body.

It's a great show, very interactive, with lots of chat and amazing moves from Milly.
20-02-2011 23:18
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Post: #24
Hannah Claydon - February 24th
[Image: tn_28.jpg]

Nude and Messy!
Tonight boys I'm going to be getting extremely messy with you! It's a bit of a secret, but I love getting messy with food! There's something about the feeling of some sticky, sweet liquid dripping down my body..... So tonight I want you to come watch every second of my secret messy fetish! I'm going to be getting messy with some velvety smooth custard, pouring it all over my curves....then out comes the cream, I like a bit of that too, it's so yummy, then to top it all off, some chocolate sauce, heaven! I can't help myself but have a little taste as I go! The thing is, this fetish of mine is so messy, I have to do it in the shower, and you know what that clothes!! So come watch me strip absolutely nude for you, then let the messy fun begin! Boys, this is only my second nude show ever, so its not to be missed! xxxx

Hannah starts the show in the bathroom, the shower behind her and a suspicious-looking jug of something yellow parked on the toilet seat.

She's wearing a pink blouse that is, well, let's be honest, straining a bit to hold her in - it's unbuttoned enough to she a stunning cleavage as well. Hannah's also got on a grey skirt and stockings - we can see the tops of her suspenders just below the hem of her skirt.

She welcomes us all into the room - and there are a lot of us - before showing off her outfit a bit more, sticking on some music and gently swaying to it, swinging her hips in a most distracting manner Tongue

It has to be said that throughout this show, Hannah is very responsive to the chat from the audience, no mean feat when you consider how busy this show really was.

She pulls up the hem of her skirt and shows off her stocking tops a bit more, bending over and letting the skirt pull tight across the curves of her bum. She unbuttons her blouse a little more, showing off gorgeous lingeir beneath. Then it's back to the skirt, pulling it up high and showing off her bum in a thong and a gorgeous corset.

Hannah turns away and slides out of the skirt. That disposed of, she unbuttons the blouse and slips that off too, leaving her in some very sexy lingerie. The stockings are next to go, pushed down her legs and tossed aside nonchalantly. Hannah unfastens the corset and takes that off and then quickly follows that up with the bra.

Normally, Hannah spends a long time teasing us as she strips. Tonight was no exception. This both surprised and delighted me. I was expecting the strip to be somewhat shorter than it turned out to be, but no, Hannah still took her time, which was nice to see.

The bra comes off next and Hannah slowly reveals her stunning breasts. Clad in just her thong, she shows us the jug - it's full of custard, and she slips a finger in and licks it clean. Then she starts to slide her thong down, pushing it just past her buttocks and teasing us with some amazing views of her almost-naked body. Tongue

Hannah pushes the thong down until it falls away under its own weight, and turns to the camera, her hands covering her modesty. And then, with a smile, she reveals all Big Grin

On a normal show, that would be the whole thing. But not tonight. Hannah dances naked for us for a minute, then picks up the jug of custard and stands with it poised to run out over her naked breasts. She teases us with that for a moment and then lets it slowly drip out onto her chest. She lifts her breasts up and licks some of the custard off. Tasty. Tongue

Hannah asks where we think it should go next. Buttocks appears to be the answer, so she turns away and pours some over her lovely bum before pouring a whole lot over her breasts. This final load runs down her chest and her stomach and - as Hannah says, it truly has gone everywhere! Big Grin
25-02-2011 18:33
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welshken Offline
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Post: #25
Rachel Taylor - Jan 29th
[Image: tn_84.jpg]

College tease
When I was at college I was very naughty and I used to love teasing the other boys in class. I'd look cute with my hair in pigtails and wearing specs, a short pink skirt and top and long white socks so no one would suspect me of being a naughty tease. I'd pretend I didn't notice that they could see my cleavage under my shirt, or that I was showing my innocent full-back white cotton panties when I bent over. But I knew they were looking and I liked it Wink But now that it's just you and me I can go much further than just teasing.....


Having seen Rachel before I knew we were in for an excellent show – and we were not to be disappointed.

Rachel appeared in what can only be described as a rather unusual school (sorry, college) uniform, which included a very short pink skirt and top, white socks and white pants. What was more the top was losing an unequal struggle with Rachel's right boob.

No wonder education standards are slipping in the UK.

Anyway none of us minded the wardrobe malfunction involving the aforementioned right boob. But Rachel, applying somewhat perverse logic decided it would be less distracting if she took the top off completely. Well we didn't complain.

I forget a little how the plot developed from there but it involved Rachel oiling her beautiful boobs and providing some brilliant close ups. From the way the light passed through the oil we could see a practical example of refraction (µ=sini/sinr).

So Rachel cleverly dealt at the same time with a physics and anatomy demonstration.

But hang on she was supposed to be a student, not a teacher – but she has me completely confused. Plus I am too busy concentrating on the anatomy demo, and you can stuff the physics.

Oh I forgot to mention there was also a debate on whether Rachel's hair was in pigtails or bunches .......not everyone including Rachel seemed to think this was important. In fact I don't think anyone else gave a bugger but it is essential that the review gets such things correct. So for the record it was in bunches, or could be pigtails.

Some good banter throughout, Rachel seemed to know a number of members from previous encounters. Someone commented on Rachel's nice TNTS towards the end, which seemed rather an unfortunate typo and led to some comments from certain quarters on impending explosions.

Rachel tells us she will be going nude next time we see her. The mind boggles.

Altogether a very nice show from the lovely Rachel, enjoyed by all I am sure.
26-02-2011 00:43
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welshken Offline
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Post: #26
Danni King - 30th Jan
[Image: tn_106.jpg]

Sexy equestrian
I think there's nothing sexier than a lady in elegant and smart horse riding attire. I'll look refined in my navy jacket, tight white jodhpurs, crisp shirt and shiny black leather riding boots. All of your fantasies will come true as I start to striptease for you, revealing my black silky lingerie and showing you how horse riding has given me such a toned figure. I'll also have a riding crop which is just perfect for spanking.....


Danni starts the show by welcoming is all to her stables, she's in full riding gear and looking quite tasty indeed.
she been riding all day and is quite hot, so we are looking good for a sexy strip indeed.

first to go is the jacket, then the rather tight white shirt.

next its the boots and pants, and wow as the pants come off, Danni reveals a rather sexy set of stockings and suspenders.

damn shes looking hot.

next it's the suspender belt and stockings to go

and then the bra, revealing a lovely welsh chest indeed.

but Danni's been a naughty girl so a little bit of self administered punishment with her riding crop is needed, on that cute lil arse, but I'm sure there's a queue to provide some TLC afterwards.

an excellent show from Danni.
26-02-2011 00:48
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welshken Offline
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Post: #27
Nikki Lee - Feb 1st
[Image: tn_5.jpg]

Sailor Sailor
I have a brand new shiny blue sailor outfit that I wanna strip out of just for you, i'll have sexy white undies on underneath and cute white hold-ups! Get ready to set sail Captain Wink


Oi Oi its Nikki time

Nikki, looking too sexy to be legal, in a shiny blue 2-piece, just bursts on to the screen, in her usual subtle way Smile
this girl is a real live wire, and is a hotty for sure.

after a few quick words of chat, she puts on the tune and treats us all to a sexy strip.

First removing the top, to reveal a struggling bra, and then she slips of the socks, and damn she's looking good, so bubbly and full of energy and great looks as well.

As she bounces around, looking really quite tasty indeed, she slips off the shiny blue shorts, revealing her legendary micro bikini bottoms.
They are there, just, but they look just so right on Nikki's sexy body.

Then its time to brace, as she removes the bra, and unleashes her impressive set of boobies, damn they are fine.
As she cavorts around, dancing to the music, and just being Nikki, alive and awesome, we just and watch with grins in our faces.
big boobs fans, this ones for you!

and as always the time goes way to fast, despite an overrun by Nikki
26-02-2011 01:09
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welshken Offline
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Post: #28
Abi Toyne - Feb 2nd
[Image: tn_96.jpg]

Secretary fantasies
One of my favourite naughty fantasies is that I'm working as a secretary and my boss can't keep his eyes off of me, so for tonight I thought you could be my boss Smile I'll come into work wearing specs, a white shirt which exposes my cleavage and naughty bra and a pencil skirt. As I bend over your desk you see the outline of my garter belt so you know I'm wearing seamed black stockings and it drives you wild trying to imagine me out of my outfit. It makes me feel naughty to see you undressing me with your eyes so, I'll close the office door and have some fun teasing you. I'll do whatever you say, you're the boss after all Smile


Abi's last show was excellent so I had hope expectations for this show too..
and we weren't disappointed at all !

Abi starts in a very sexy secretarial outfit and we all have a lovely chat, she's trying to secure her position as a secretary, and if her appearance is anything to go by, she has succeeded in style. She looks wonderful.

As we all chat, she slowly undressing and making the most the sexiest moves possible, its difficult to concentrate at all!

In no time at all, she's virtually naked, with those lovely breasts and the cute bum through those sexy panties, looking just amazing.
As the chat continues, its obvious to all of us that she's got the job, but to just make sure,, she removes the panties.

Damn, this is too hot, she's showing us a few moves and poses she likes, and we're all just drooling!

Abi is a very sexy girl, that knows just how to move and make that wonderful body leave us in just a heap on the floor, and that's exactly what she's done yet again

Awesome show from a great girl
27-02-2011 03:22
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Post: #29
Melanie Walsh - Feb 4th
[Image: tn_51.jpg]

Naughty cheerleader
Give me an 'H'! Give me an 'O'! Give me an 'T'! What does it spell? Hot! That's exactly what I'm going to be tonight, VERY hot. I'm trying out for the cheerleading squad but it's very competitive so I think I need my performance to be EXTRA special to catch the coaches eye. Why don't you come along tonight and give me your opinion on my outfit and routine? I'll have my hair in pigtails and I'll be wearing a blue and white tight cheerleader's uniform, shiny tan tights, pink legwarmers and trainers. I'm going to perform a rousing routine, kicking and bouncing around flashing you my little white cotton panties. After I've teased you for a while I'll finish my routine by stripping out of uniform and cooling off with some stretches Smile


Excuse typing. I am still shaking all over.

In view of the recent discussion on the Forum about the show matching the description I decide to undertake some research on Cheerleading beforehand. Just to make sure everything is OK. So in the manner of today's elite crop of students I google Wikipedia.
So having consulted the fount of all knowledge I am looking out for tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers and stunting (eh?). Note – no taking of the clothes off. I will return to my assessment later.

Mel appears in the OT Cheerleaders uniform – nice tight blue outfit, with pinkie purpley socks. Plus tights and white panties. Altogether a very nice ensemble befitting the beautiful Mel. And purple pom poms, almost forgot.

She advises us she is auditioning for a place on the Cheerleader team. But we give her the job straight away and just sit back and enjoy.

Mel shows us her command of the Cheer leader alphabet (not mentioned in Wiki – someone edit please). So she spells out various complicated words like Mel and GSL. Very fluent she is.

We have some good cheers, jumps and dancing. That will do, who cares about tumbling and stunting. Plus I am sure stripping should be included in the job description too, despite Wikipedia.

Anyway, Mel is getting hot and removes her top – but being a good mannered lady she asks the selection panel first if this is OK. We agree. The top is very tight so Mel says she has to pull it. No comment.

So my favourite bit, the revelation of the boobs and – with Mel not wearing a bra this happens very quickly. Mel's beautiful boobs..... (Need to pause here a bit)

But I am a little disappointed to see that my name is no longer written in green icing on Mel's left shoulder...from the Bake a Cake show a few weeks ago.. Maybe it was washed off accidently. Or eaten.

Mel then undertakes a fair series of stretches, advising us that is how she keeps fit. Her panties are lowered so we can see how firm her buttocks are as a result of this exercise. In fact this is done several times. I need to pause again for a minute here.

So the show draws to a close. We are advised that Mel's next appearance will be as an Elvis impersonator. The mind boggles.

Overall assessment of the show – excellent – definitely of merchantable quality and fit for purpose. Brilliant in fact.
27-02-2011 03:27
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Post: #30
Holly McGuire - Feb 5th
[Image: tn_61.jpg]

Mile High Club
One of my favourite fantasies is to join the mile high club, but not as a passenger - I like to imagine i'm the pilot, I put the plane onto auto-pilot and pick a passenger or a few Wink drag them into the cockpit and give them the time of their life. I'll give you a taster of my fantasy tonight - I'll be wearing a short but smart navy blue pilots dress, hat and high gloss sheer nude pantyhose. I'll perform a slow striptease and reveal white lace lingerie with a tiny g-string. Now strap yourself in as I remove EVERYTHING but my hat, I'm taking you straight to cloud 9....

Please be seated, as we are about to get airborne with Holly Airways!

This show had all the signs and makings of an excellent show, up to the point we all join the show and saw the video feed, which was not the best, to be fair, thanks to a certain ISP. But Holly is so damn hot, we aint gonna let a crappy internet service provider ruin it for us

and what a show it was, Holly looked sensational in her airline outfit, with her massive cleavage and tasty body, we all knew we were in for a treat.
as she slowly stripped for us, it was straight to 40, 000 feet, way above that needed for the mile high club (5280 feet) , but damn, seeing Holly wow, it was straight up supersonic!

As she got down to her bra and G-string, things were certainly heating up, the banter was great, and the sights were very impressive, we even had a roving camera , courtesy of Holly, and although she was moving it, she must have been reading our minds, because it was great!

then the bra came off, revealing those heavenly hooters, her massive cleavage was a joy to see, and we even had some more excellent close ups, very nice indeed

then wow, the panties are off, and all credit, she looks amazing. a truly lovely sight indeed, and not one of these, 2 second flashes, she's naked and she staying naked.

as we get a full spin of her lovely body, Holly then chats to us via the keyboard, and watching this is a real delight, she got the cam above, pointing down at her, sitting there, naked!

Oh sweet joy! And even better, we has nearly half an hour!

an excellent show from Holly, definitely needs a rerun of the exact same show, once the video is fixed!
thank you Holly, most impressive
(This post was last modified: 27-02-2011 09:58 by welshken.)
27-02-2011 03:33
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