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Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion

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spimmy Offline
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Post: #1551
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
got to admit i am rather disappointed that not everything is hardcore sure they show pussy just watched Camilla and ree petra
after hours video the only thing i would say that's hardcore about it is Camilla kissing ree's pussy piercing

i guess its only the sextstation stream stuff that's truly hardcore
01-03-2011 01:24
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #1552
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
I purchased Xtreme last night for the first time in ages just to see what the live Preeti phone line part of the show was like , the recorded stuff they showed before Preeti's live phone line section is still heavenly censored to what it used to be like .
. I really enjoyed the 30mins live phone line section though , the OSG's were good with just the basic phone numbers being shown and no adverts or black box OSG's , Preeti was naked from the start and showed everything from front and rear , the camera work was also quite good with 2 camera's being used and possibly a hand held camera as well , Preeti put on a good show and seemed quite busy on the phone , Megan also got in on the act , she was on the mic and also came on the bed with Preeti a few times , it actually seemed a bit strange to hear Megan say things on the mic like "come on guys ring up and fuck preeti" , she also mentioned something like "Preeti will stretch her fucking pussy wide if you ask her" which is a bit different to the normal stuff she usually say's . A few draw backs though was that 30min's was just not long enough and the phone calls still cost £1.53 per min , surly if you have already spent a fiver subscribing to the channel then the phone lines should be cheaper , the TVX live phone in encrypted shows used to be cheaper .Anyway i hope they do this type of show again but for longer and with cheaper phone calls .

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02-03-2011 18:51
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m100 Away

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Post: #1553
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
I'd guess this could be the way they take the show now. There has been very little new recorded content listed on the 'on babestation extreme tonight' posts for some time. But as you say the calls should be cheaper if you're paying a fiver out to start with. Half-price of 75p would seem obvious as that would be in line with the sexstation stream. You'd obviously get the callers as they wouldn't be competing with the casual viewers on the other channels so they would know that there was a chance of getting through - it's a case of whether they start filling it up with fake girl callers, fake couples etc or the babestation girls who won't go naked.

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03-03-2011 08:25
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #1554
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
It's critical to any hope of success for Naked Babestation to not reduce it to the quality and f**king OSGs of the normal channels. Keep it as clear and clean as possible.
Clearly you have to have the phone number otherwise how will people know to call, and you have to show the costs. This is fine as it stands at present being centre-bottom of screen and is also partly transparent.
For channel awareness you need to have the gold girl logo (I guess they feel that's important).
I'm not clear on why there is thought to be a need to have the URL in the top right of the screen (and also this needs to move more top-right that at present if it is going to stay).

I'm very happy to watch Naked Babestation - it just needs due care and consideration to how they present it, the girls they get onto the show etc.
Let's hope they leave what we have here and now well alone, and just keep to 30 to 60 minute slots with a conveyor-belt of beauties from the normal shows (Camilla, Michelle Moist, Lynsey, Caprice, Tiffany, Jess, Jordan, Georgie, Stevie, Geri, and of course Paige are top of my wish list).
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2011 22:23 by dirk362.)
04-03-2011 22:14
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #1555
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
In respect of new content for the channel, over a week there are between 2 and 6 new scenes on average (outside the liveshow stuff). Clearly not to the strength of the golden era, but still it's new content. According to their recent producer blog entries, they're apprently recording at least 1 scene a day and sometimes more. It takes time to edit, so perhaps there's a glut of new stuff just on the horizon.
Looks like the new Amanda and Delta scene is on tonight which was filmed sometime in February, which is hopefully everything we hope it to be...
04-03-2011 22:19
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gunflash10 Offline
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Post: #1556
[split] On Babestation Xtreme tonight
Any info on the line up tonight its normally been posted by now can you let us know babestation.SmileSmile

Victoria Concordia Crescit
05-03-2011 18:49
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Snooks Away
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Post: #1557
RE: On Babestation Xtreme tonight
Priya and Amanda Rendall are doing Naked Babestation shows tonight.

(This post was last modified: 06-03-2011 00:42 by Snooks.)
05-03-2011 23:25
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #1558
RE: On Babestation Xtreme tonight
The two 30-minute Naked Babestation shows with Amanda and Priya replaced the Live shows. In terms of what else was on there were repeats of Camilla/Ree for Vampire, some of the chez-lounge sets, a new Lesbian (euro) scene, and then some US film tat.

With Live shows you get 2 x 20-minute shows with two babes per show.
With Naked shows you get 2 x 30-minute shows with one babe per show.

Hopefully we'll get to see a mixture of Live and Naked shows as they've done this week (3 x Naked and 1 x Live so far, would be nice to still retain the 2 x Live if they can)
06-03-2011 10:00
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m100 Away

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Post: #1559
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
So I watched extreme on Friday night - mainly for the Camilla and Ava live show which, though not up to the old standard, was very good. Obviously was 'live' too given the number of times the camera failed to pan away particularly in the second show. Though I also wanted to see the camilla and reede scene and the tina and ree petra scene neither of which I'd seen before. Surprisingly the leah and amanda scene was bordering on the old strength though. All in all it was worth a fiver but as there was no schedule for last night I didn't bother - anyone know who or what was on last night?

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06-03-2011 11:01
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #1560
RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
I also watched Xtreme on Friday and didn't think the Cammilla and Ava live show was that good , there was to much use of their toys licking and fingering , non of which can be show in full view so they adopt the side ways on view and we don't get to see much Sad
I agree with the Amanda and Leah scene being good , the close up camera work was very good , most of the scenes featuring Leah with the handy cam are good .
I also watched the show last night or i should say i just watched the LIVE phone in sections Amanda and Preeti did , each girl did a live separate 30min naked Babestation phone line section , once again both sections were very good , Amanda was on from around 12.30am -1am and Preeti from around 1.30am-2am . Amanda's section was absolutely brilliant , the camera work was first class with a hand held camera also being used , Amanda brought the oil or lube out stuck her ass to camera on poured on the oil/lube in extreme close up and rubbed it in , Amanda enjoyed using the F and C words when on the mic and even got geri saying "fuck" when she appeared on the mic from time to time , Amanda was in her element on this show and lets just say she lived up to her reputation of pushing things more than other girls if you know what i mean Big Grin . As for the recorded stuff i haven't got a clue what was on , i just watched the great live sections , when the live sections were not on i watched Jemma Jey all naked and oily on RLC and couldn't help thinking how good Jemma would be on these BSXtreme naked live shows .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
06-03-2011 17:51
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babestation xtra