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Fantasy Village - Weekly Show Reviews 2011

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welshken Offline
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Post: #51
Sophia Smith - March 6th
[Image: tn_11.jpg]

Sexy sailor in the shower

Ahoy there shipmate! After a long hard day sailing the seven seas, it will be all hands on deck as I slowly take off my sailor hat, baby doll and black sheer lace-top hold-ups. I will be your frisky first mate and you can be the captain as I step into a hot shower wearing nothing by my sailor bikini ;-) Lets hope we don't rock the boat too much!


Well it's been a long time since we had a show with Sophia, too damn long, so you'll understand that I'm really looking forward to this show Smile

We join Sophia in her bathroom, dressed as described, and looking damn fine too

As we all join and she gets going ,we suffer a small glitch, losing video, but she quickly fixes this and then its off we go again.
She steps into the bath and switches on the shower, grabbing the shower head. She's getting quite wet quite quickly, and asks us if we'd like to see her hair get wet, which gets a nice yes from the grinning masses

so she slips under the shower, and gets it nice and wet. Next she asks if we'd like to help her take the sailors outfit off. of course we would, but then we'd miss the show, so its a massive yes, we would like to, and with that, she takes it off, revealing a very sexy striped 2-piece swimsuit. Very sexy indeed, with her slim and gorgeous figure.

then its time for the soap, and I do like this bit Smile she asks if she should take the top off? mmmm, bet you cant guess the answer!

so she turns her back to the cam, and slips it off, then turns back to face us, arms covering that lovely chest. She comes closer to the cam, and slowly but surely reveals all, and proving that you dont need massive boobs to look stunning.

We are then treated to several lovely closes ups, including Sophia grabbing the cam, and providing a roving cam treat, with some extreme boobie closeups.

Someone asks if we can have the same for her gorgeous bum, and she duly obliges, with the panties firmly pulled tight, she allows the cam to provide a lovely sight.

then its back to the cam stand, and my God, its been nearly 25mins.
time flies when you're having a great time, and oh boy have we had a great time!

excellent show, thank you Sophia
09-03-2011 00:39
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welshken Offline
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Post: #52
Morgan Louise Lees - March 7th
[Image: tn_91.jpg]

Date night

Tonight I am feeling really sexy and I want to take YOU on a date......I will be wearing my short black dress, stockings and heels and as we start to get to know each other and exchange cheeky looks I feel really sexy. I decide to practise the art of seduction, slowly removing my dress and teasing you as I run my hands over my body peeling off my red bra with lace detail and my thong. Then I'm going to massage my naked body with baby oil to tease you some more - so just have a glass of wine, unwind and watch me perform for you


OK, I'm gonna try and be objective here, but please remember, that we've just had a very hot nude show, and for me, followed by a cracking 121 Smile

OK, we started with some pre show free chat, we get the usual freeloaders, of course they'll be at the show, yeah right! and a few of my fellow colleagues are also present, and we all have a nice chat with Morgan, and yes, she could sell sand to the Arabs, with body like that, hell yeah!

So now we have the show, and damn we're all excited, not only do we have a nude show, but Morgan announces, she has baby oil ! !

Tonight, as always, she's looking bloody hot, but strangely enough, as she starts to strip, she just seems to get hotter and hotter.

As she moves that hot body about, slipping clothes off, and revealing more and more of that heavenly body, those adorable boobies, that cute arse, those luscious legs, damn this show is getting steamy!
She just melts the internet, and then, in no time at all, she naked!

Yes, Morgan is totally naked, and we're in melt down, what a body.

Then it's time for our two favourite bro's , Johnson and Johnson (actually, it was three brothers that started the company, Robert, James and Edward, but right now, who cares )

Morgan is making that baby oil sooooo good, as she pours it over her body, first her boobies enjoy a good massage, following by the bodacious bum.

She'd got a red hot body, glistening in oil, and slowing smoldering internet feeds across the world.

A bloody excellent show from Morgan indeed.
09-03-2011 00:42
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welshken Offline
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Post: #53
Porchia Watson - March 8th
[Image: tn_103.jpg]

St Trinian

I was always getting into trouble at my old college so I have been sent to St Trinians - a college for uncontrollable girls. Its my first day and I have been called in to see the headmaster for wearing the college uniform in an inappropriate way. He says that its not acceptable for my dress to be so tight, revealing my cleavage and that I'm not allowed to wear my white, over the knee socks with my short little red skirt that reveals my panties. I have my little tie on and my cute hat as well. Being the naughty girl I am I have told him - If I can't wear my uniform in the way I want to then I will have to take it off...........


Must admit, kind of looking forward to this show, Porchia is quite a looker Smile

We join Porchia as she's sitting there, on a red leather sofa, in a disgracefully hot schoolgirl outfit, and we know for a fact, that we are about to get one hell of a show.

We wait a few minutes for a few late arrivals ( I hate that, keeping a lady waiting),
and then here we go, as she puts on some great music, and treats us to heaven!

it's obvious from the start that this is going to be a silent but deadly show, and to be honest, I like this sometimes, no chat , just straight to business, and when it happens its brings a different dimension to the shows, not better or worse, just a bit different, which is good.

And in this show it works well, as Porchia performs what can only be described as a sizzlingly hot strip.
She's got a magnificent body and boy can she move it well.
We get over 20 mins of absolute heaven, and towards the end, when she's down to just a tiny thong, and as we are all nearly passing out, she starts toying with the thong!
OMG will she or wont she?
we just don't know!
and that what sets some shows aside to others, when the girl gets the tease factor just right.
and yes, Porchia gets it spot on!

An excellent show indeed, a very sexy girl that knows how to move her body to maximum effect, together with tease excellence

Thank you Porchia, that was first rate
13-03-2011 23:46
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welshken Offline
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Post: #54
Hannah Claydon - March 10th
[Image: tn_28.jpg]

Amorous Air Hostess

I love role play, and tonight i'm going to be telling you to fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a very pleasurable ride! I'll be your air hostess tonight on Pan-Han Flight 69!
I've got a brand new uniform for the job that I haven't yet worn anywhere, and I cant wait to wear it for you!
It's red, tight, and very very sexy, and I'll be wearing it with red lingerie and garter belt and black sheer seamed stockings. There seems to be a problem with the air con on Pan-Han Flight 69 though, so please forgive me as i'm overcome with the need to slowly strip off each layer as it gets hotter and hotter.........


My first show this week – Hannah as an Air Vice-Marshall. Or something to do with planes.

That means a uniform, sexy lingerie and bossing us around – this will be good!

I used to complain about Hannah's shows as it always seemed to take such a long time to get to my favourite bit (regular show members will know what that is). But under the guidance of the GSL boob addiction counselling service I now find that I really appreciate Hannah's much more. And we still get to my favourite bit eventually

As usual with Hannah there is quite a large audience, Hannah does really well welcoming everyone , even those members with unpronounceable names. (come on fellas make it a bit easier for the girls).

Hannah is dressed exactly as per description – standard airline issue, that sort of thing. A bit on the short side though, and not sure about that cleavage. Still there is a lot of competition for passengers these days.

As is always the case with Hannah, there is good banter and chat throughout, with her lovely infectious laugh as well.

Hannah enquires if any of us are members of the mile high club, to which I have to say no. Then, being multi lingual as air hostesses must be (except BA) she describes her own mile high type experiences in French. Unfortunately the English translation is contrary to the GSL rules, so cannot be repeated here. Naughty girl!

But it is not all chat, sometimes we all go quiet so as to better admire Hannah's beautiful body, especially when she moves into close up mode.

Gradually the uniform is removed. Hannah reveals a pair of pants on which some practical joker has sewn the words "Shagging crew". Obviously Hannah was not aware of this being a lady and all that. Anyway these pants are removed, to reveal a very nice pair of flimsy red panties underneath.

At some point the stockings, suspenders and shoes also come off. And all the time – more cleavage close ups!

Eventually my favourite bit arrives – landing. No only joking I mean of course the bra removal sequence. We streuggle to find the right superlatives for Hannah's beauriful boobs All that counselling really did me no good.

Hannah finishes on a more serious note referring back to her gunge show and promises to bring along chocolate and sauce next time – there is no bloody pleasing some people.

Regrettably – the shows is over, Hannah bids us all good bye individually.

A very enjoyable show indeed .

13-03-2011 23:48
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welshken Offline
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Post: #55
Chelsea French - March 11th
[Image: tn_140.jpg]

Unzip me ;-)

Tonight I have been out clubbing. All the guys in the club have been staring at me while I was sexily dancing in my skin-tight, zip up purple dress and sheer black stockings. I loved feeling them undressing me with their eyes and It got me feeling really naughty. Now that I am home I have decided that I am going to put on a sexy show just for you. As I continue to sexily dance for you I am going to slowly pull down the zip on my dress and take it off to show you my tiny black bra and panties. As you watch me move around my bedroom I will tease you until I am only wearing my stockings and panties.


OK, first of all, there's no audio, Chelsea tell us that the audio feed is causing a video feed issue. something to do with her broadband connection, but she's trying to get it sorted, but tonight's show will be in silent mode.
I quite like this sometimes, with no sound at all (apart from our beating hearts), we seem to concentrate on the video better Smile

So tonight, Chelsea is wearing her purple dress with the zipper right down the front, and as she slowly undoes it, the effect is quite good indeed!
And damn, she's not wearing bra

Yes, we are topless inside the first 5 mins of the show! Usually the preserve of Nikki Lee (she likes to treat us to lots of boobage)
Chelsea then proceeds to show sexy angle after sexy angle of that cracking body, and that arse is brilliant
You wouldn't think a show where the girl takes one item off, could be so good, but trust me it is.

But to be fair, she does slip the stockings off near the end to reveal those hot hot legs

An excellent show indeed.
13-03-2011 23:51
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welshken Offline
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Post: #56
Rosie Whiteman - March 12th
[Image: tn_70.jpg]

Work out with Rosie

Tonight guys I am going to put you through a vigorous workout. Lets start the pace nice and fast to really get your hearts racing as you watch me bend and stretch in my black leotard with pale pink opaque pantyhose and leg warmers. As I bounce around, moving my hips to the music I start to feel so naughty knowing you are undressing me with you eyes. As it starts to get hot and steamy I may even have to take my clothes off...................


Rosie greets us all by name as we join – I like that, especially as last time I saw her I somehow got missed off throughout the entire show. And I had not been to see her since.

First thing you always notice about Rosie – she is very beautiful. Second thing – we will get to them shortly.

Rosie is dressed in a black leotard, pink tights and leg warmers. Lovely cleavage!

We start with some floor exercises – I think that is the technical term – those legs – amazing.

The talk turns to gym equipment and Rosie amongst other things demonstrates in close up the effect the treadmill has on a certain part of her anatomy. I find that very interesting and have to ask for it to be repeated several times.

More exercises and gym related chat follows. A bit lost on me as I have never knowingly undertaken anything that could be mistaken for a keep fit activity.

Then the leotard comes off – what a sensational body! Beautiful!

After some more exercises and treadmill demonstrations Rosie asks what next – tights or bra. A bit of a debate follows before finally my favourite part of every show – the removal of the bra. Fantastic! Rosie has absolutely perfect boobs even by GSL standards. Much silent admiration follows.

The tights come off next, all the while with Rosie continuing with her exercises.

Have I mentioned her bum – if not well that is perfect as well.

Rosie goes well into overtime and continues a nice chat, for those not completely entranced by her beautiful body. She suggests we may have been perving her – a bit unfair as we are really only interested in anatomy and movement etc.

Very great show – a few regulars missing tonight – you should have been there – this was a classic!

Thanks very much Rosie
13-03-2011 23:53
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Post: #57
Milly Hedgeland - March 13th
[Image: tn_32.jpg]

Alice in Wonderland
Welcome to my wonderland- this is the place where all of your dreams and fantasies become reality. So what would you wish for.......? Is it perhaps to see what panties I am wearing under my short blue costume with white apron, or is it for me to tease and temp you as I show you my smooth, bare thighs above white thigh high socks? Maybe its to magic my clothes away to reveal my black silk lingerie? Well if you wish hard enough, it may just happen............

Milly (or is it Alice?) welcomes us into her Wonderland. Although it looks like her bedroom to me. Actually, having been to Milly's bedroom a few times before, I'm not sure it's not Wonderland Smile But I digress...

She's wearing a blue dress with a white apron. Yes, a classic Alice dress, worn off the shoulder for a very sexy look. White stockings with little black bows. And naughty black silk panties. Not sure they're authentic Alice, but I ain't complainin' Big Grin

There are a fair number of Alice-related puns from both Milly and the assembled audience throughout the show which adds to the sense of fun, and, as ever, Milly is extremely chatty throughout. She asks what we like about her outfit. Perhaps, it's the fact that it's extremely cleavage-inducing. Perhaps, it's that she's wearing stockings and her thighs are bare. Perhaps, it's the black panties. Perhaps, it's just that she's wearing it.

Or maybe it's that we know it's coming off Tongue

Milly lifts the dress to show off her panties fully. Then she fondles a breast, pushing the top down a bit, just enough to expose a nipple. She stands up, so that just her legs are visible, along with just the very bottom of her, er, bottom. Then she's back down on all fours, cleavage filling the screen. The girl's got moves Heart

She wiggles her bum at the camera, then starts to undo her dress, back towards us as she pushes it down. Half turned, Milly exposes first one breast, and then both of them, cupping them gently and giving them the squeeze that I'll bet half the audience wish they could.

Milly slides the dress down, and then proceeds to gyrate her body on the bed. On her back, arched so her breasts thrust upwards. On all fours, her bum wiggling straight to camera. Kneeling, her legs wide apart. Oh where's that wardrobe malfunction when you want one? Wink

A really nice striptease from Milly, and as she herself said, since it was a topless show, she could be a little naughtier with some of the poses as she didn't have to watch what she was showing. Lots of interaction as ever, and thoroughly enjoyable. Roll on the next one, Milly Smile
13-03-2011 23:59
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