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If you ran ofcom?

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RCTV Offline
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Post: #1
If you ran ofcom?
What rules would you have? bearing in mind that rules you do have would also have to be within UK law.

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12-04-2011 20:48
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johnm Offline
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Post: #2
RE: If you ran ofcom?
(12-04-2011 20:48 )RCTV Wrote:  What rules would you have? bearing in mind that rules you do have would also have to be within UK law.

for a start r18 material would be allowed to be shown on encrypted channels listed in the adult section on the epg
12-04-2011 20:58
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lucent-x Offline
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Post: #3
RE: If you ran ofcom?
(12-04-2011 20:58 )johnm Wrote:  for a start r18 material would be allowed to be shown on encrypted channels listed in the adult section on the epg

There really is no good reason why this shouldn't be allowed.

I'd also allow 'cunt' to be unbleeped whenever it's used after 10pm and get rid of the silly in context/editorially justified requirements for swearing/nudity.

I would also insist Loose Women be stopped from broadcasting. Indefinitely.
12-04-2011 21:06
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johnm Offline
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Post: #4
RE: If you ran ofcom?
(12-04-2011 21:06 )lucent-x Wrote:  
(12-04-2011 20:58 )johnm Wrote:  for a start r18 material would be allowed to be shown on encrypted channels listed in the adult section on the epg

There really is no good reason why this shouldn't be allowed.

I'd also allow 'cunt' to be unbleeped whenever it's used after 10pm and get rid of the silly in context/editorially justified requirements for swearing/nudity.

I would also insist Loose Women be stopped from broadcasting. Indefinitely.

i bought a motorised dish last year with a subscription card for one of the adult packages on hotbird and couldnt believe how good it is compared to the crap on the adult channels here.
12-04-2011 21:18
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #5
RE: If you ran ofcom?
I don't know what's within U.K law, so this would be a tough one for me.

Considering that the channels can be locked at the moment, so that children can't easily stumble upon them (God forbid Shy ), it's not unreasonable to say that hardcore content could be shown. I'm sure you'll get this response from others as well, because they know that by being able to lock these channels, that that alone is enough to protect people from happening on them. Most little children will be in bed after the watershed, and any rare child who doesn't know the lock code, will not be able to view them. It's all very easy and very safe, and the only reason Ofcom doesn't think it's safe enough, is because they appear to have other motives, and don't want these channels to be able to show what the viewers want, because they themselves don't like it. They just don't agree with it in general, despite them allowing more explicit content to be shown on non adult channels, that pretend to be educational, but are quite raunchy as well. Also, if Ofcom doesn't think it's safe for a child to view a vagina on the adult channels, then why do they think it's safe for a child to view a man getting sodomized by his girlfriend on the channel 176 program Sex: How to do everything?

A bit of hypocrisy there. It's like saying it's OK to show that stuff openly, but it's not OK to show a fully nude woman on the adult channels, after the watershed. Just doesn't make any sense at all, and I don't want to hear the word context Wink

Regardless of allowing hardcore porn/sex on the adult channels without encryption, I find it highly ridiculous that a vagina is considered offensive and dangerous, when it's a normal body part. These so called educational programs are more explicit, and show things that many people would find offensive, like in the example I gave above, so why does a little complaint against a babe channel hold any weight, when we are seeing less explicit content? It's sad that these channels that are meant to arouse, are fined lots of money for showing a natural body part, when the other non adult sex programs are showing much more, and are also meant to arouse. Educational? Maybe, but why should a show on how to have dildo inserted into a man, or how to lick someone's anus (On a few nights ago, on the same channel I think) be allowed and not full frontal nudity on adult TV?

So, if I ran Ofcom, I'd consider allowing B/G sex to be shown, as long as it was not done in a violent way. Sex is natural, but violence during sex could be a bit much, for that one in a million child who might happen upon the channels when they should be in bed. So B/G non violent porn would be the most I would allow, with the very minimum being fully nude women, as that's already been deemed not dangerous by the BBC and from Ofcom surveys. I would also keep the same amount of channels that are currently in existance, as I think that's a nice amount, but I would change the topless watershed to 9pm, instead of ten, because breasts are not harmful in any way.

Though locks on the channels are already safe enough, I know Ofcom would never allow full nudity or more to be shown on daytime TV, so I will not allow it either. The risk is VERY minimal that any child will stumble upon this during the day, and VERY minimal that it would cause considerable harm to them if they did, but just to make things even keeled as to not cause issues, I'd keep all of the nudity and harder content for the night shows. It's just safer that way, and will keep parents from complaing. Any complaining after 9pm will be ignored, as long as the channels have not shown anything with the actual potential to cause harm. Nudity and non violent sex (I mean really violent, not G/G domination, but actual pretend or real scenearios like faked rapes etc) will be tolerated. Anything involving fecal matter, blood, real violence, vomit, urine or more will be dealt with immediately, with strict consequences!

That's how I would rule, in regards to the adult channels. Encryption would work as well, and would be an even full proof option.

(This post was last modified: 13-04-2011 02:42 by mrmann.)
12-04-2011 21:31
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CumbrianTom Offline
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Post: #6
RE: If you ran ofcom?
The present regime for controlling those channels in the 900 section of the E.P.G. are no longer credible. There appears to be a mood developing in the country against the nanny state and those unelected, faceless bureaucrats dictating what we as consenting adults can and can not see and do in the privacy of our own homes. Saying that, there will always be a need for responsible regulation. So if I was running OFCOM, these would be my guiding principals:

1) Those channels broadcasting on the Freeview platform should be regulated more tightly than those transmitting exclusively on Sky. Freeview is broadcast directly into peoples homes over the public airwaves and most, if not all, new TV's are already Freeview ready. So, Kiddies watching at night in their own rooms would be able to view those channels freely. For this reason, the present regulations should remain for those broadcasting on Freeview. Sky on the other hand is different. When choosing to watch TV via a Satellite dish, it is reasonable to expect that viewers must take some responsibility for what is beamed into their homes. If they are easily offended, then they should block out those channels in the adult section or simply discard the dish. Either way, the choice is theirs.

2) The watershed should remain at 9pm. At this time it should be permitted to show the models topless, but not fully naked. At 10pm models could be shown naked, but not displaying vaginal or anal detail. Come Midnight I believe it is reasonable for those viewing to take responsibility for what they see. At midnight the level of nudity could be akin to that in any adult magazine on sale in your local Newsagent e.g. Full frontal nudity, Vaginal and anal detail. The ludicrous restrictions on explicit language would end at 11pm. This relaxation would end at 5am when the current daytime regulations would kick in.

3) R-18 Material. Only to be screened on encrypted channels between midnight and 5am.

4) Abolish the distinction between the "babe" channels and the mainstream entertainment channels. If there are to be broadcasting regulations then those regulations must apply equally to all.

These are only my first thoughts. I haven't got around to putting some meat on the bones but I think my ideas are reasonable. It has been said that nobody has the right to never be offended. But at the moment a minority are dictating what can and can not be screened for no other reason than they don[/font]'t approve. Definitely not right.
13-04-2011 12:46
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #7
RE: If you ran ofcom?

I think this is reasonable too.

As for R-18 only from midnight on, and on encrypted TV, well I guess that would work, but would it really be dangerous to show sex at that time on non encrypted TV, when we can already see the same stuff on Sexcetera and other non adult shows?

What's your definition of R-18? For me, it's basically B/G sex, and that's the most I would allow, because I don't like the twisted extreme or violent stuff that you can see on the internet. From midnight on, on regular SKY, no little child is going to be awake, so it wouldn't really matter anyway IMO. I also say this because I just don't think we will ever get encrypted channels, but maybe I'm wrong.

For my onw viewing experience, I care less about seeing sex, and more about seeing an uncensored female body for once.

I also agree with your watershed comment!
(This post was last modified: 13-04-2011 23:17 by mrmann.)
13-04-2011 12:58
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #8
RE: If you ran ofcom?
First of all I ran Ofcom I would still keep all of the Adult Channels grouped together on the 900 + EPG and thus because of this they would be immune to any kind of complaint due to the fact they can be switched on and off via the pin protection so I would allow for Adult material to be shown on these channels 24 hours a day. Channels outwith this EPG I would also allow Adult material to be shown so long as they were pin protected up to 9 O'Clock to reflect the watershed agreement. I would also insist that SKY reflects the European audience more and include access to the rest of the channels throughout Europe allowing us access to the channels currently only at the moment available on the Astra 1 and Hotbird Satellites and only then would SKY be giving a fairer and more balanced choice of channels to it's customers. Censorship as far as I'm concerned would effectively be scrapped and consigned to the history books. Furthermore for non Adult related matters complaints received would have to have a justification to them, IE - a news report that did not meet fair editorial content and instead used opinion rather than fact could be open to investigation. Petty complaints such as somebody was offended by something they saw or heard on TV not to their taste however would be thrown out of the window. Unless a complaint could be properly justified such as the one as an example above they would all be dismissed out of hand.
(This post was last modified: 13-04-2011 18:53 by Scottishbloke.)
13-04-2011 18:36
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SYBORG666 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: If you ran ofcom?
If I ran Ofcom, I would make these changes:
1)Girls can go topless after 9pm and full proper nudity after 10pm.
2)A minimum of 50 reasonable complaints made before a full investigation is launched. None of this "I saw female genitalia at 11:30pm on a fta adult channel and was offended" bollocks.
3)R18 material allowed on all encrypted adult channels.
4)Sexual language allowed after 9pm.
5)Girls on the dayshows can wear what they want.
That is just a few of the things I would do, with regards to the adult channels,

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13-04-2011 19:23
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #10
RE: If you ran ofcom?
Incase nobody's read this, this is the article from the Guardian on the 11th April from a former member on the Ofcom board highlighting exactly what we all suspect and it's the most flawed argument I have ever read justifying their regulating of the Babe Channels.
14-04-2011 14:50
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