I don't know what's within U.K law, so this would be a tough one for me.
Considering that the channels can be locked at the moment, so that children can't easily stumble upon them (God forbid

), it's not unreasonable to say that hardcore content could be shown. I'm sure you'll get this response from others as well, because they know that by being able to lock these channels, that that alone is enough to protect people from happening on them. Most little children will be in bed after the watershed, and any rare child who doesn't know the lock code, will not be able to view them. It's all very easy and very safe, and the only reason Ofcom doesn't think it's safe enough, is because they appear to have other motives, and don't want these channels to be able to show what the viewers want, because they themselves don't like it. They just don't agree with it in general, despite them allowing more explicit content to be shown on non adult channels, that pretend to be educational, but are quite raunchy as well. Also, if Ofcom doesn't think it's safe for a child to view a vagina on the adult channels, then why do they think it's safe for a child to view a man getting sodomized by his girlfriend on the channel 176 program Sex: How to do everything?
A bit of hypocrisy there. It's like saying it's OK to show that stuff openly, but it's not OK to show a fully nude woman on the adult channels, after the watershed. Just doesn't make any sense at all, and I don't want to hear the word context
Regardless of allowing hardcore porn/sex on the adult channels without encryption, I find it highly ridiculous that a vagina is considered offensive and dangerous, when it's a normal body part. These so called educational programs are more explicit, and show things that many people would find offensive, like in the example I gave above, so why does a little complaint against a babe channel hold any weight, when we are seeing less explicit content? It's sad that these channels that are meant to arouse, are fined lots of money for showing a natural body part, when the other non adult sex programs are showing much more, and are also meant to arouse. Educational? Maybe, but why should a show on how to have dildo inserted into a man, or how to lick someone's anus (On a few nights ago, on the same channel I think) be allowed and not full frontal nudity on adult TV?
So, if I ran Ofcom, I'd consider allowing B/G sex to be shown, as long as it was not done in a violent way. Sex is natural, but violence during sex could be a bit much, for that one in a million child who might happen upon the channels when they should be in bed. So B/G non violent porn would be the most I would allow, with the very minimum being fully nude women, as that's already been deemed not dangerous by the BBC and from Ofcom surveys. I would also keep the same amount of channels that are currently in existance, as I think that's a nice amount, but I would change the topless watershed to 9pm, instead of ten, because breasts are not harmful in any way.
Though locks on the channels are already safe enough, I know Ofcom would never allow full nudity or more to be shown on daytime TV, so I will not allow it either. The risk is VERY minimal that any child will stumble upon this during the day, and VERY minimal that it would cause considerable harm to them if they did, but just to make things even keeled as to not cause issues, I'd keep all of the nudity and harder content for the night shows. It's just safer that way, and will keep parents from complaing. Any complaining after 9pm will be ignored, as long as the channels have not shown anything with the actual potential to cause harm. Nudity and non violent sex (I mean really violent, not G/G domination, but actual pretend or real scenearios like faked rapes etc) will be tolerated. Anything involving fecal matter, blood, real violence, vomit, urine or more will be dealt with immediately, with strict consequences!
That's how I would rule, in regards to the adult channels. Encryption would work as well, and would be an even full proof option.