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Louise Kay - Chat, Caps and Vids

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Gaz "AV1" Aston Away
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Post: #1
Louise Kay - Chat, Caps and Vids
I thought i'd start up a brand new thread to mark Louise's return to our
screens tomorrow....Good luck with your CP trial Louise, i'll be watching Heart
28-04-2011 18:49
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gazfc Away
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Post: #2
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
Aye good luck, I'm afraid I'll be watching the wedding Wink
(This post was last modified: 28-04-2011 20:18 by gazfc.)
28-04-2011 19:31
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
good luck louise

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
28-04-2011 22:28
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Gaz "AV1" Aston Away
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Post: #4
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
All she had to do was ask...of course i'll be watching Big Grin

Ive got the day to myself tomorrow so will be doing plenty of capping and recording (possibly) aswell! I hope they've fixed that mic Big Grin
28-04-2011 22:43
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mr williams Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
Can I just confirm that Louise is going to be doing the dayshift? I may have mis-read or mis-understood but I thought she was going onto nights??

Whichever she is doing she's a quality act and I hope it works out for her, as we shouldn't be losing people of her talent and ability from our screens.

follow me on twitter @mrwilliamsforum

(This post was last modified: 28-04-2011 23:12 by mr williams.)
28-04-2011 23:10
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Gaz "AV1" Aston Away
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Post: #6
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
^^ The plan was to do nights on TVX mr williams but alas her trial shifts (3 of them) are all days i believe!
28-04-2011 23:16
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Gaz "AV1" Aston Away
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Post: #7
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
Just to confirm....

[Image: snap20110429005245005.jpg]

Big Grin
28-04-2011 23:54
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MeTarzan Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
Good luck Louise.

I know you'll do well on CP. You're not just a stunner, but fun, witty and obviously a nice person.

I think your popularity on here owes as much to your personality as your looks.

Best Wishes.RolleyesHeartRolleyesHeart

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29-04-2011 06:35
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Louise Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
Hey guys! Wow I am so flattered to have a thread made before I've even started Smile I'm on my way into the studio now very excited and I did get some new outfits to wear as well. Bit of a shame I'm on the same time as the wedding but I have more shifts and I will ask them about doing a trial on the nights!

Hope u all enjoy my show today

Louise xxx
29-04-2011 09:09
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Louise Kay - Club Paradiso-Chat, Caps and vids
someone had to be one the same time as the wedding louise. hope you have a good day today and hopefully youll join permanently

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
29-04-2011 09:19
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