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Going from a PC to a MacBook laptop

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sean in a womans thong Offline
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Going from a PC to a MacBook laptop
Hi guys i`ve been concidering getting rid of my pc and getting a MacBook laptop. The only sticking point about the upgrade are 1. will my lexmark printer work if i plug it into the MacBook?? 2. will the screensaver i have on my pc work on the MacBook??

Need some advice form the guys and galls out there that are more knowledgeable about computers than me.

Alysha`s No.1 Fan!!
15-05-2011 00:04
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HEX!T Away

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RE: Going from a PC to a MacBook laptop
the screen saver is unlikely to work. you will have to find a mac version.
most printers dont care what there connected to. its just a case of finding the drivers for them.

what model of printer is it?

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15-05-2011 00:43
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sean in a womans thong Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Going from a PC to a MacBook laptop
For the screen saver i`ll have to contact the guy who made it to see if he still has a mac version.

For the model of the lexmark printer i`ve got its the X1250.

Alysha`s No.1 Fan!!
15-05-2011 00:55
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