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moron50 Away
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Post: #1
Not sure if this is the right place??

Anyone else experience this?:- You hit a link for a d/load for example & it gives a code to enter. Not generally a problem. Just sometimes, the thing is ridiculously illegible. Just came across one - took about 8 attempts, until something appeared with relative clarity. Difficult to explain properly unless you've had the same problem.
09-03-2009 04:17
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Pass/codes
I'm starting to even have trouble with Megaupload ones now - sign of age I guess - as well as the bloody things being ridiculously illegible! Wink

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
09-03-2009 04:36
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moron50 Away
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Post: #3
RE: Pass/codes
I think it was one of theirs Skate. Nothing to do with age or eyesight, just fu**ed up for the sake of being fu**ed up I think. Idiots.
09-03-2009 05:18
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #4
RE: Pass/codes
normaly if the site is well programed it will have a "speak letters" button but yeah yer rite somtimes they are a joke. my absolute fave was print only the letters containing a cat ??? they looked like a 2 yo had just jammed a crayon up its nose and sneezed it out hitting the screen...

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
09-03-2009 12:14
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Red Offline
Knight Errant?

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Post: #5
RE: Pass/codes
Yup Captcha has been around for years but getting more prevalent and complicated as the bots get better at identifying characters.
Personally I think in the coming years captcha will progress to the next level that some are already playing with where an image is displayed and you type what you see. Problems abound with that at the moment though due to language and people's perception

I don't even know who I am so you'll forgive me if I ask 'Who the f**k do you think you are?!'
09-03-2009 13:56
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