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Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX

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NHawk Offline
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Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
Just curious - who would pay a fiver to watch non-explicit naked babestation shows on BSX, if favourites like Paige and Georgie were to do them? Perhaps a bit more risque with the girls being able to do things Ofcom will no longer tolerate on the free to air channels, but still maintaining their modesty.

So - for the most part similar to the FTA shows, but without the advertising OSG's, presenters and girl callers that for some reduce the enjoyment of the shows and their desire to phone in.

The callers would come I'm sure - whats an extra fiver for a greatly improved viewing experience (and no girl callers preventing you getting through) when the call itself will cost up to around £30 anyway.

I could be wrong, but I don't think many regular BSX buyers would mind the soft content either. The porn movies on BSX don't show genitalia during penetration. BSX customers either don't mind this or actually prefer this to the more explicit content they could buy elsewhere.

It would add much needed variety back to the naked babestation shows too imo.
(This post was last modified: 31-07-2011 17:42 by NHawk.)
31-07-2011 17:39
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
I would certainly pay five pounds, but only if women like them would show full frontal. If not, then it will be no different to the current night shows. Also, modesty shmodesty!!!! Most of these women have had slips, or have been close to slipping, and they don't really seem too bothered by, and plus, we all know what a vagina looks like, so it's not like full frontal would tarnish their image. I have little hope that any of these channels will change from the current lame censorship, which is sad because I'm sure they could find a way to show us what we want, as well as making more money.
31-07-2011 17:56
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SYBORG666 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
They would have to pay me to watch BSX if they expect me to phone in as well as pay a fiver a night and unless it was full frontal then why would any sane person pay a fiver to watch the same strength material that you already get on the fta channels, plus from what i've heard they still plug pics and vids on there.
So in reality, the only way they could generate more callers is to put it on all viewing formats and add a monthly subscription option.

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31-07-2011 18:18
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GTIMKV Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
(31-07-2011 17:39 )NHawk Wrote:  RolleyesRolleyesRolleyes

I was thinking along similar lines some time back. Given that it is usually billed as seeing the BS girls go further - Guess it could also be used as a home for 2-4-1s that have become so restricted on FTA.

I don't know anyone who buys it just for the constantly repeated "porn" movies.

The only reasons I've purchased BSX in the past is for the live shows or Naked, if any of my "favourites" are on. The live shows seem to have died a death as well. I just scanned thru some of my Xtreme recordings (ahem!) and saw some Naked sections of Priya & Preeti that were gatecrashed by Amanda Rendall and so turning a generally sterile scene into a bit of fun. Worked quite well IMO -

If I knew about Delta & Georgie in advance (see screenshots thread) I may have shelled out for BSX that night.

Anyway, of the regular night girls, I think Paige and Ella are the only ones who haven't appeared on BSX in any capacity.
31-07-2011 18:40
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
(31-07-2011 18:40 )GTIMKV Wrote:  
(31-07-2011 17:39 )NHawk Wrote:  RolleyesRolleyesRolleyes

I was thinking along similar lines some time back. Given that it is usually billed as seeing the BS girls go further - Guess it could also be used as a home for 2-4-1s that have become so restricted on FTA.

I don't know anyone who buys it just for the constantly repeated "porn" movies.

The only reasons I've purchased BSX in the past is for the live shows or Naked, if any of my "favourites" are on. The live shows seem to have died a death as well. I just scanned thru some of my Xtreme recordings (ahem!) and saw some Naked sections of Priya & Preeti that were gatecrashed by Amanda Rendall and so turning a generally sterile scene into a bit of fun. Worked quite well IMO -

If I knew about Delta & Georgie in advance (see screenshots thread) I may have shelled out for BSX that night.

Anyway, of the regular night girls, I think Paige and Ella are the only ones who haven't appeared on BSX in any capacity.

The Georgie/Delta Xtreme show was apprently tame and there was no full frontal from Georgie.
31-07-2011 18:53
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #6
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
Firstly i wouldn't pay to watch a adult 18+ encrypted babe show were the girls don't show their bits , i watch and pay for Xtreme mainly for the live shows , most are very good and are as explicit as what is allowed on UK encrypted tv , Ava was brilliant last night Big Grin , but it wouldn't bother me if occasionally a not to explicit section was done by the girls that don't usually do explicit stuff , just so long as they did show every thing but not open legged if they didn't want to , but other sections in the night would have to be explicit for me to pay , Lilly Roma did a non explicit show a while back and it was good , but i wouldn't want to see tame shows all night long .
Secondly if Cellcast did start putting girls on Xtreme that got naked and didn't show every thing and people payed for this then knowing Cellcast the regular shows would get even tamer and they would probably prevent their girls on regular channels from getting naked at all , they would then start advertising the fact that if you want to see our girls naked then you have to press the red button on freeview CH 96 and pay a fiver .

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(This post was last modified: 31-07-2011 19:16 by mr mystery.)
31-07-2011 19:14
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jocky.wilson Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
I know what your saying about paying a fiver for non full frontal but i think I agree with the first post, Let me explain, most of the girls on BSX are regulars now and are porn stars, why not get them still on flashing the gash but get a glamour babe such as Paige on to be with them being a bit daring without flashing the gash, lets be fair geri does it a lot.

The other night paiges slot with Lolly was hot and they were amazing together maybe worth a go to see someone like fit paige next to a full opened leg babe I`d be willing to see if that was hot and livened things up a bit, maybe could change their ideas as well when theyve done it
Just make Paige and Tammy Taylor to go first
31-07-2011 19:39
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SteveHG Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
I was thinking of something on similar lines in a an earlier post I made.
I think a mix of our favourite babes (Paige, Tammy, Georgie etc) doing 2-4-1s and other stuff they are now not allowed to do on BS, together with some of the naked babestations, and get rid of the pointless porn movies, would be ideal and something I might pay for (especially if they tell us who's on in advance!). It might even be cheaper for BS as they have the girls in anyway and save them having to pay for the rubbish Killergram stuff.
31-07-2011 21:04
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #9
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
There has to be a happy middle ground to appease those that feel 'full frontal' is the only way to bring in the customers, and those that would like to see the girls in a more relaxed and naked but not 'in your face' manner.
For me personally, what works as a solution is BSXtreme channel 2 - ie. another channel that is pay-per-view, with no adverts and very limited OSG to only show what regulatory text is needed and the number to call.
A 2nd channel would given the pay-per-view nature mean that different styles of content could be provided across the two.
But it would have to be sensible money wise as we're not all rich you know. £3 per channel of say £5 for both for the night. Something that effectively entices you.
Given RedHot on $ky can provide £5 per night for all their channels, that must be a viable proposition financially...

Me personally - I'd much prefer to see the non-rude girls going naked but doing a non-explicit show than not seeing them at all on the normal channels for all the fucking OSGs they plaster everywhere plus the adverts every 20 odd minutes. Annoying doesn't come close hence why I miss out on much as I just don't watch their normal channels anymore.
31-07-2011 21:10
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eccles Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Soft 'naked babestation' sections on BSX
Sorry but Im not shelling out a fiver on a regular basis for soft material. And the recorded shows mostly piss me off. What I like is knowing the content is live, spontaneous and unhampered by rules (apart from the camera). On the free channels the babes are sometimes terrified to move because there are so many rules, some unwritten. Allow them to finger themselves (unseen) or move in a revealing way and the atmosphere changes for the better. That would still be true for softer content, but I wouldnt be enough to get me to part with money, because what really gets my interest is knowing that they are having genuine sex, live, in front of me, even if the detail is not shown.

Gone fishing
01-08-2011 00:34
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babestation xtra