(02-08-2011 04:11 )Lutonian Wrote: Good post, wnakmandango has a lot to learn, escorts might not be for all, but there is so much BS and misinformation regarding sex for sale.
Think how much lads spend on a Saturday night, trying to Impress the girls, and very often they will end up home alone with only a Doner for company. 
Most of the BS regarding the sex industry (but not all) comes from it's critics. Try asking them to name a culture, civilization, society etc that has ever existed on this planet where women did not use their, femininity, good looks, sexuality, fertility etc as "currency" to better their lives in some way!
"Surely sex with a prostitute is not as fun as with a girl you meet for free?"
I have had the whole gamut from mind blowing orgasmic fun to "should have had a quick wank" with long term partners, casual flings, one night stands to paid for commercial sex
"The only benefit I can see using an escort is you can at least hopefully chose one that is very attractive."
Lots of benefits to commercial sex, you can spend days/weeks 100's of £'s dating someone with no guarantee of sex whatsoever. Very unlikely an escort will hassle you about why you haven't called her etc. Maybe i'm not to worried about her looks but just crave some particular service which if mentioned on a conventional first date would be considered outrageous if not taboo
"You can pay to have hardcore sex but not for mutual bonding."
Yes it's paid for sex but what could be more intimate than being inside someone. If you click you click Johns can become friends, boyfriends, husbands etc
"For me prostitution is about ''acquiring'' very attractive women "
Acquire definition: to come into possession or ownership
Slavery is illegal
If you seriously think "women sell themselves" or you have some control over them forget it they are service providers no different to the situation of i can't or don't want to fix my car so i pay a mechanic to do the job
" If I were rich (and old) I guess I wouldnt think to much about it, just do it"
Clients for sex workers come from all age groups, social classes,creeds, races low income high income etc
"it aint an old mans game"
If you can pay you can play regardless of age the clients performance virility etc is irrelevant
"And what if no chemistry?"
I have had superb (unpaid for) fun with "average" looking girls and found some stunning women lacking severely in the "sexual chemistry" department
"But most dont kiss and would you want to? how many guys xxxxx she had in her mouth etc.."
Let's see willing to give me an expert BJ and let me come on her face but NO Kissing....
Unless you track down virgins who have been locked up somewhere virtually all sexual partners will have a history
Personally whether it's a GF or some pornstar escort where i have seen some of her activities i ain't worried it's the "here and now" me and her enjoying the moment that counts