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Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls

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Headlessman Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Emmaspuppy Wrote:
Headlessman Wrote:Does anyone know anything about this girl who was on PP a few years ago.I think her name is Portia but I can't find anything else about her?
[Image: b9d7d126350036.gif]
Camilla Hedgeland is her real name.

Not a nice person at all. Trust me. I knew her very well.
Won't go too far into details, but she looked down her nose at all the callers & on her old myspace page (under her real name), she described party people as a "tacky tv show in which we tell sad people about what we got up to on our weekends" and bragged about how the "sad people" would blow lots of their hard earned money on gifts such as expensive champaigne as a house warming gift for her ect.
When fans discovered this and the word spead about her, they began texting in to the show about her arrogant myspace page & for Party Boy to sack her. These texts didn't make it on screen. I know cos fellow 'former' fans of hers were emailing me to say what they'd texted in. I didn't text in about it because she wasn't worth a singular £1.50 text from me once I'd seen her true colours.
Avoid this "babe" guys. Not launching a tirade of abuse here, but sticking to the absolute facts of what she wrote herself.
I think she was party peeps from July 2007 to x-mas eve 2007.

Thanks for the info.But if she really felt that way about these shows then why the hell was she on Chat Back a few weeks ago? I do think she's pretty hot though.

[Image: d8ca6426936679.gif] [Image: e33e2b26936686.gif] [Image: 3a850426936692.gif] [Image: 0f03a226936695.gif] [Image: c8eff626936697.gif] [Image: 06ef3d26936699.gif] [Image: 6dc31c26936700.gif] [Image: 018a0026936703.gif] [Image: 9d3e3e26936704.gif] [Image: 12e44226936705.gif] [Image: bf448e26936710.gif] [Image: 10a54726936716.gif] [Image: 26f54526936724.gif] [Image: f4773826936730.gif] [Image: 4d253f26936735.gif] [Image: 8f648c26936741.gif] [Image: 64f02326936746.gif] [Image: 3182a726936756.gif] [Image: d94d0326936759.gif] [Image: 9af21a26936761.gif] [Image: af234f26936762.gif]
(This post was last modified: 17-02-2009 03:54 by Headlessman.)
17-02-2009 01:38
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mega79 Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Headlessman Wrote:Thanks for the info.But if she really felt that way about these shows then why the hell was she on Chat Back a few weeks ago?

Errr... because times are tough and she needs the cash.

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17-02-2009 06:41
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Headlessman Offline
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Post: #33
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Victoria-Jane Harrington

[Image: 19f24b29271063.gif] [Image: 93666329271064.gif] [Image: 6763bd29271065.gif] [Image: d622ca29271066.gif] [Image: 23a0bb29271067.gif] [Image: 3794b329271068.gif] [Image: ec15e029271069.gif] [Image: 13addf29271070.gif] [Image: f1e95129271071.gif] [Image: ffd1ef29271072.gif] [Image: f2979b29271073.gif] [Image: 448aa429271075.gif] [Image: bd884429271077.gif] [Image: dfa11629271078.gif] [Image: ffe6ae29271080.gif] [Image: 6206e229271081.gif] [Image: e8fd8829271082.gif] [Image: a83c8329271084.gif] [Image: 72d15e29271085.gif] [Image: 126b3329271086.gif] [Image: 52374629271089.gif] [Image: 5f3dbc29271090.gif] [Image: 344cc329271098.gif] [Image: 59215429271105.gif] [Image: f1916929271114.gif] [Image: 0256fa29271126.gif] [Image: 663d7529271132.gif] [Image: 700fc529271143.gif] [Image: 0faaa929271155.gif] [Image: 804f5d29271157.gif] [Image: 26e8d929271160.gif] [Image: f7933b29271161.gif] [Image: c9c24429271169.gif] [Image: ea49cc29271181.gif] [Image: 4365c029271189.gif] [Image: d08fed29271196.gif] [Image: 5032ed29271205.gif] [Image: a3182d29271219.gif]
11-03-2009 03:52
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Headlessman Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Lisa Marie Gough

[Image: 494de029270358.gif] [Image: 093c9229270359.gif] [Image: 6db04829270363.gif] [Image: 67e02a29270365.gif] [Image: 64e55729270366.gif] [Image: ff532329270368.gif] [Image: e0b4fb29270372.gif] [Image: 24b64029270373.gif] [Image: c229f029270377.gif] [Image: f14e1429270380.gif] [Image: 816be229270385.gif] [Image: d80a1529270394.gif] [Image: 548caa29270398.gif] [Image: 7faae829270404.gif] [Image: 4b829d29270405.gif] [Image: efc7e729270409.gif] [Image: 428f6e29270411.gif] [Image: ecbe6529270415.gif] [Image: 3c62fd29270420.gif] [Image: ae47e129270422.gif] [Image: 1f933429270427.gif] [Image: 948eec29270430.gif] [Image: 1db19329270437.gif] [Image: 36c3dd29270438.gif] [Image: 77db8329270440.gif] [Image: d23c1429270448.gif] [Image: 75ad7529270450.gif] [Image: 3df66529270455.gif] [Image: fbf0ee29270456.gif] [Image: 9901ef29270458.gif]
11-03-2009 03:58
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Colbert Rules Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Nice pics mate, Lisa Marie Gough seemed a decent girl.

"If loving Leila was a crime, Colbert would be on Death Row."
11-03-2009 04:35
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hedthorn Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
thanks for the pics mate, brings back some happy memories!
11-03-2009 09:50
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Addison Away
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Post: #37
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Great thread. The old Lads' Lounge show was the pick of the daytime shows when it was on. I've put up a clip (+ caps) of Stacey from LL in this thread.
11-03-2009 21:53
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Addison Away
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Post: #38
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Found another Stacey Lads' Lounge clip, which also features Marianne.

Stacey LL clip
114 MB (DivX HTP) | 15 mins 21 secs

[Image: t282265_STCYLL21.jpg]
[Image: t282266_STCYLL22.jpg]
12-03-2009 02:44
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rickhardo Offline

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Post: #39
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Excellent piccies headlessman, I spent some haapy times gazing at Victoria's gorgeous legs.

I don't know where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink!
12-03-2009 16:56
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rawr1 Offline

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Post: #40
RE: Old Lads Lounge/Party People girls
Addison Wrote:Found another Stacey Lads' Lounge clip, which also features Marianne....

Nice clip, thanks. I used to like the interactive shows like Lad's Lounge Cool
12-03-2009 17:12
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