What can i say?? well I have to say THANK YOU so much for all the lovely msgs you guys leave here for me, it so does makes me smile

I always have a great time on my shows and even though we have to be very restrict now I still love to tease you guys so much and if you spoken to me on nightshows you know why Mmmmm

I'm not gonna be back on tv till about end of September, been working soooo hard so I'm enjoying a time off relaxing

Thank you so much for all my callers and to everyone who sent me lovely letters at the studio, I keep them all in a special box at home

As i promised i did reply individually to everyone just show you my love back

when I'm back I'm gonna have a little surprise for you guys Mmmmmmmm secret for now

....hope you all have a fabulous week and can't wait to be back and tease again
Ree's No.1 fan: Thank you for the lovely compliments

I tottally agree in terms of sets, it would be great to have an office set on daytime show , make me remember the old days on Bang when I used to dress as secretary Mmmmmm but unfortunately Ofcom are really working hard this year and are soooo restrict, so Elite like to keep it to the rules because they don't wanna end up like Bang which is understandable for me
blueswin: Thank you for your msgs

yes my website is gonna be very naughty and hopefully in few days will be up Mmmmm can't wait

i bet you loved the catsuit huh Mmmm
Fernfan: I so enjoy chatting with you always, we have a great laugh all the time

oh and I'm happy we got to finish that icecream chat the other night Mmmmmm....thank you so much for the biscuits, I've been a good girl and I'm eating only 2 a day, wonder how long it gonna last

hope the weather is better up there and your flowers are growing even more beautiful, It might atract a brazilian butterfly

Te amo my favorite scotish boy
kevin: It's always really nice chatting with you ;-) you're so sweet on the phone and shouldn't be single

thank you for the lovely msgs
I-Love-U-Fernanda: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the chocolate box and the very nice perfume, you got the perfume right, that is one of my favorites

I was so happy when i got them, you truly are so sweet and gentleman once again thank you

... I love all the pics you sent me on the show, specially the one holding that card with a msg for me awwww

I'm so proud of all you achieve and I'm so glad I helped you in some way

I still can't believe i was so close to you shooting that day but didn't think you would live around there, I feel bad now

I'm gonna e-mail you that secret I wanna tell you
babelover48: Cowgirl shoot sounds like a good idea, will definitely do that for my website probably around november in a very nice location in the country side, thank you for the idea

yes i did FV few times hope you got to see me
Boomerangutangangbang: thank you for the msgs
cwpussylover: hey my very naughty boy, have you still got energy left after all my naughty night shows
Fernanda Fan: I'm glad you heard my shout out to you

thank you for the msg and all the lovely msgs you live here for me

Hope you like me in the school girl outfit
bigguy01: thank you for the msgs

you doing a great job with the pics and videos, thank you for taking time
hops1: Thank you for the compliment
mrloon: thank you for the lovely msgs

yes website is 95% ready only few more day and you will be able to see every inch of me Mmmmmmm
podgioli: Thank you for the lovely msg

yes the pups are grown now but I've sold them, I've already got 2 cute dogs and to have another one would be too much as I live in a flat but was nice to have 7 dog srunning around for 2 months

it was a bit crazy and one of them even managed to bite my nipple h aha ha but I enjoyed while it did last
omg: Thank you
Webs : I do never get tired of giving back the attention and tease to all my callers

love it

so you scared of me? yeah i would
Jusin Sayne: aww thank you so much for the lovely msg
WelshMichael: aww thank you glad you like my natural curly hair
fucu2: thank you for the msgs, love your avatar pic btw
Rammyrascal: thank you so much for always leaving me a msg here

I noticed you in this forum for years now and you're always so gentleman
quiquems: Love your caps, they are just great thank you for taking time
Broncobilly: me the best? awww thank you so much
jdizzle: aww thank you
Charlemagne: Thank you
daytimeSLIPS: awww thank you so much for your msg

you're so sweet

I love those denim shorts too, they are my favorite Mmmmmm
Miss FF