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Masti Chat & Nights & MastiCam - Schedule

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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #41
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, one of them thinks fairies exist, the other one actually thinks she is a fairy!! Some say, the sun doesnt shine unless one of them smiles in the morning... Yes its the Masti Babes!!

Catch Mariam and Priyanka from 2pm BST only on Sky 906 or
10-10-2011 07:56
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #42
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, when lightening strikes somewhere in the world, its because of the wrath brought by her anger..Some say, when the world shakes, its their mood swings shaking through your very soul..We know them as the Masti Babes...

Catch the edginess of the rockerella queen, Aziza and the kinky movements of the dancing goddess, Shanti..from 2pm BST only on Sky 906 and
11-10-2011 00:02
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #43
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, men will fight over them for as long as time will exist, Some say, their voice will bellow in your dreams, until you sieze to exist...We just know them as the Masti Babes..

Catch Mariam and Priyanka..Live! at 2pm BST only on Sky 906 or
11-10-2011 22:44
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #44
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Guys the weekend awaits..but first..Some say, if they wanted to kill you, they'd bump into you by mistake, and if they wanted to give you pain, they sing you a song...All we know is...They are the Masti Babes!!

Catch Aziza and Shantii..Live!! at 2pm BST only onSky 906 or
12-10-2011 23:26
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #45
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, if they could sing, the world would stop, and the second coming might just fast forward a bit..And that, women love watching them gyrating, to get tips to keep their hubbys hooked to them instead..All we know, they are called the Masti Babes!

Catch Ayesha and Mariam from 1pm today!! only on Sky 906 and
1 pm!!! an extra whole hour!!!...Call them ..!!
14-10-2011 09:47
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #46
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Life as we know it...Some say, the world was made for our pleasure, and they came as a gift, Some others think, they are creations of a mightier power...We just know them as the Masti Babes..

Catch Mariam and Shantii today at 2pm BST only on Sky 906 or
17-10-2011 06:33
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #47
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, their beauty can be compared to the spoils of war, everybody fights over them, They say, if they wanted, they could rule the world, without lifting their pinky even once...We just know, that they are the Masti Babes..

Catch Aziza and Priyanka from 1pm only on Sky 906 or
18-10-2011 06:57
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #48
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, to err is human, to love is human, to enchant is femme fatale...well we are rather used to that here on Masti Chat...

Catch Mariam and Shantii, Live!! From 1 pm only on Sky 906 and
19-10-2011 07:21
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #49
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, when they moan, your insides are filled with honey, when they scream, your brain freezes to function, when they laugh, you see rainbows all around you and your eyes go fuzzy..All we know is..they are the Masti Babes

Catch Shantii and Priyanka from 1pm BST only on Sky 906 and
20-10-2011 10:37
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IndianKing Offline
Masti Chat

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Post: #50
RE: Masti Chat Schedule
Some say, when these two perform, the world can stand still, the air will smell sweet, the wind will calm down, the sun will shine brighter n so on n on...but how come? well to find out:

Tune in at 1pm (BST) today to catch Ayesha and Mariam together once again, only on Sky 906 or
21-10-2011 08:12
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