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Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids

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TammysNo1Fan Offline
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Post: #1
Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids
The Gawgus Savana makes her return on Wednesday ( 9th ) at 5.30am to 1.30pm, Tongue

And the original office babe will be in the office Tongue Tongue
06-11-2011 21:55
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tapit54 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
Thats the best news Ive heard in a long time on the babe channels!
06-11-2011 22:19
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
very very very good news savana is back Smile

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
06-11-2011 22:23
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The Juanka Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
What fantastic news!! I'm hard already!!!
I think I know what i will be doing on Wednesday!
07-11-2011 16:44
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IvIaxed Stats 76 Away
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Post: #5
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
(06-11-2011 21:55 )TammysNo1Fan Wrote:  The Gawgus Savana makes her return on Wednesday ( 9th ) at 5.30am to 1.30pm, Tongue

And the original office babe will be in the office Tongue Tongue

eek OH MY GOD !!!
please let this be true & not wind up of the year bladewave
im her biggest fan of all time,i remember buying a necklace for her & watching her put in on while she was on the telly and then thanked me for it over the mic Big Grin best news ever Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
big thanks for the thread aswel Wink

Thanks 4 All The Good Times *!*
07-11-2011 16:44
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the priest Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
Brilliant news used watch savana for hour after hour in that office.
07-11-2011 16:55
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
1st babe I called, a daytime legend !


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
08-11-2011 20:05
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IvIaxed Stats 76 Away
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Post: #8
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
(08-11-2011 20:05 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote:  1st babe I called, a daytime legend !

the 1st and only babe i tried to call,not wen she was as the sexiest office babe but in the boudoir show but the options kept putting me back to the start and i give up after 5 miniutes Sad

i was half dreaming about her last night coz i couldnt sleep thinking about all the goodtimes & if it was really true she was coming back on the telly Blush im just begging red not to restrict her too much and just they just let he do what she does best,get a cam
fix it in position and just let the goodtimes roll Heart
i cant beleive ive missed the 1st 2 hours although that was nothing new
which was why i bought a dvd recorder Smile
honestly,and i was thinking last night,the 1st show of hers i recorded was 20th may 2005 eek its just been such a longtime
the shows are alot different to then but if red light can pull it off and emulate the original show it would just make me so happy

watch her walk in after the lights would go on at 10 am all the way up till you would see her shut down the comp put on her coat,pick up her bag and leave @ 6am untill the cleaner would come in & that was monday-friday,every week & it was definately the best of british tv ive ever seen to be honest and i even had the theme tune spinning around my head while i was trying to sleep last night too laugh
thier is just so much more i would really like to write about this lovely woman but i dont think their is enough room on the forum for me.

ive still got some dvd`s of the original,i dont watch very often just so they dont get damaged coz i had shitloads @ 1 point coz i recorded everyday on a timer while i was in work,from 10 am the dvd would record 4 hours 12 miniutes & i finished work @ 2pm then and it was 25 miniuts walk or a ten miniute run Surprised yes i would get home in time to change the discs but over the last Huh 7 years
most of them got damaged or just would play

and since i got sky in hd last year i use that to record now and every now & then i would set up the dvd recorder again just to relive it all over again,you looked really too good to be true almost savanna & i think it was the best show in the world,dannii harwood did some like that a bit while you where away & she would wear a silk slippy blouse so im hoping you to get on like a house on fire - so to speak Heart
but yes,thanks red light for making this possible,i never ever thought i was gonna ever see savanna again Sad so im kinda like a kid in a candy store right now and i just wanted to say A very big welcome back savanna
i really love you Heart
your biggest fan & ever loving

TigerPETExXx Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

ps sorry for writing so much but its not nearly half as much as i would of liked Blush i luv u darlin`

Thanks 4 All The Good Times *!*
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2011 08:13 by IvIaxed Stats 76.)
09-11-2011 08:08
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
savana is looking stunning as always today in her natural habitat, the office set. hope this isnt a one off appearance and we see more of her on days and nights

great to see her back

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
09-11-2011 08:57
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IvIaxed Stats 76 Away
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Post: #10
RE: Savana James - Chat, Caps and Vids.
thanks for the rep boomerangutangangbang laugh i still laf wen i read your user name,its quality man Ha-Ha Smile

ive had a bit more time to wake up since my last post coz id literally just opened my eyes wen i was herE earlier,for some reason i thought savanna was doing thee afternoon show so wen i woke up @ 20 past 7 and turned on the telly,wen i saw savanna i kNew it was her straight away although laugh for a second i thought i was still dreamin Heart

i just jumped straight outta bed to come to the forum
which i want to say is my favourite
i know ive been a bit off sometimes about the show
but i think maybe sub-consciously i was comparing the babes shows to sweet savanna,i really fell in love when i saw her,the 1st time i think she was dressed up like lara croft in the tomb raider
it was awsome watching her i have to say so sorry if ive upset anyone

i wanted to say though about when savanna would work monday to friday 10am-6pm,when she would walk off and put the lights out on a friday,it was like Rolleyes you genuinly couldnt wait for monday morning to see her again and it was the same each night of the week,you couldnt wait to see her THE NEXT MORNING she was just so awsome laugh
Sad then 1 day she just never came back & it was all over !!

i best stop writing now though coz i dont wanna spam the thread
just thanks for bringing her back red light,and allthough i may not come to the forum everyshow,i will alWAYS be watching AS OFTEN AS I CAN,hope you have a luvly time working on the show baby,lots of love....Tiger X .....hope u liked the necklace sweetheart

Thanks 4 All The Good Times *!*
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2011 10:58 by IvIaxed Stats 76.)
09-11-2011 10:53
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