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Service Interruption

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Sm© Away

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Post: #41
RE: Service Interruption
dondoe Wrote:Still gettin the internal error message as well

22-03-2009 23:38
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Service Interruption
I'm getting all of the problems mentioned above, as well as either being unable to log in (like earlier today, seven attempts-none of them successful:rolleyesSmile or being logged in automatically without trying to, like tonight... Also, am I the only one who's lost the quick reply box since the switch over?

I've tried logging out three times now and it just takes me back to the main index where I find myself still logged in. *sighs wearily* I'm closing the tab with the site on it before I start to feel like William Shatner in the Twilight Zone, when he couldn't leave the diner because of that Magic 8 Ball.Rolleyes While the who's online list might show me as here until I time out, I'm actually unavailable until tomorrow morning. If anyone misbehaves in my areas of responsibility, then, erm... I don't know... Consider yourself glared at disapprovingly or something. I'll make sure to shake my head in a disappointed manner at you tomorrowBig Grin

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
23-03-2009 00:00
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hedthorn Offline
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Post: #43
RE: Service Interruption
dondoe Wrote:Still gettin the internal error message as well

same here, 2 mins ago or everytime i try to change a page
23-03-2009 00:03
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rover Offline

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Post: #44
RE: Service Interruption
[Image: 203.gif] damn error message's hope this get's sorted soon [Image: 179.gif]

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23-03-2009 00:16
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$h!ny h3lm3t Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Service Interruption
mr gummidge Wrote:Also, am I the only one who's lost the quick reply box since the switch over?
No, mine's A.W.O.L. as well.

speed wise now it is fine but: (20 members, 2 of whom are invisible, and 21 guests) only online no real test.

If your dying day is near, spend it with a can of beer.
When the angels start to call, make sure you`ve drunk it all.
(This post was last modified: 23-03-2009 05:51 by $h!ny h3lm3t.)
23-03-2009 05:42
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admin. Offline

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Post: #46
RE: Service Interruption
500 Internal Error Message

This error message is occurring because the server is getting more requests than it can easily handle.

When the server gets too many requests it slows down and then the whole site runs slowly for everyone and eventually it starts throwing out the 500 internal error message.
The message basically means that the server is busy and you need to wait and try again.

An investigation is underway now to establish why the site users are making so many more requests than usual and overloading the server - it might be connected to the domain propagation which has taken a while, as some users might be effectively using the temporary domain and the real domain at the same time. There is evidence of some IP addresses using the forum more than once at the same time, even though the users in question probably wouldn't have known that they were doing this.

Rest assured that these difficulties will definitely be resolved before long and everything will end up running smoothly. Apologies to all members for the disruption to normal service, especially the highly annoying 500 messages, but site moves can sometimes take a while for everything to fully even out. The important thing to note is that no problem has occurred which can't be fully solved and then the forum will be better than ever.

Forum Admin
23-03-2009 09:37
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Jack Vikare Offline
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Post: #47
RE: Service Interruption
I've been away for the weekend, so I've obviously missed out on the site move etc. But from reading the above there's obviously been a speed issue, although logging on just now everything seemed absolutely normal (at this moment anyway). I find the speed of the site identical to what we had before, but this was with 180 users (at 10:00 this morning). I obviously don't know how the site will perform at busier times, but it seems to be running like a dream at the moment.

For those who are experiencing any problem other than speed, it might be worthwhile clearing your browser cache in case it sends you to cached pages from the old site location. This isn't expert advice, believe me I'm no computer whiz, but it just seemed to me clearing your browser cache might stop you from being sent to the old site, plus some users may have a confused mixture of cached pages, some from the old site, some from the new site with the temporary domain, and some from the real babeshows domain. This could be an unfortunate cocktail of cached pages and a recipe for problems (this will of course slow the site down for you, since your browser will have to cache the pages all over again, so unless you have some specific problem I wouldn't bother doing it). I've not had any problem myself, but as I said I was away over the weekend anyway, so my computer probably doesn't know that any site move ever happened, as this morning I just logged on to '' as normal.
23-03-2009 10:09
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doc7576 Offline
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Post: #48
RE: Service Interruption
The site is running a bit slower today than normal but faster than over the weekend.

One thing I have noticed however, and dont know if I am the only one but the time showing on the site is at least 5 minutes out. (not a major thing but just noticed)

Thanks for keeping us upto date admin and hopefully things will iron themselves out during the course of today.
23-03-2009 11:29
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #49
RE: Service Interruption
I still cannot access site via old address.
Get 404 error. page not found.
Cleared cache and cookies no difference.
The display is wrong also. simple one not normal one.
11.45am Monday

Also cannot access my pm mailbox on site.
(This post was last modified: 23-03-2009 11:45 by TheWatcher.)
23-03-2009 11:40
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tsurugi Offline

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Post: #50
RE: Service Interruption
still seems slow but not as bad as over the weekend and the quick reply box has returned
23-03-2009 15:48
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