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RE: Content Guidance
Content Guidance Ref 1-186291371 Annex A Letter 3 August 2009
Ofcom Chris Bantvala (Director of Standards) Wrote:Dear
We are writing to all Ofcom licensees who provide broadcast output that consists of adult sex chat telephone lines (post 21:00) and daytime chat telephone lines (pre 21:00). As [name of Licensee] you are on our records as holding the licences for the adult sex chat or daytime chat channels listed in the attached Annex.
Recent Ofcom monitoring has shown that the level and amount of sexual explicitness has increased. We are also receiving a significant number of complaints regarding the content of these channels. Ofcom has noted that some licensees are repeatedly broadcasting content which does not meet generally accepted standards or fails adequately to protect the under-eighteens on services which are freely available without any access restrictions. These are requirements of the Broadcasting Code (“tne Code”). Such content has been broadcast pre-watershed and post-Watershed.
This is despite the fact that over the past two years or so Ofcom has published extensive guidance regarding the protection of the under-eìghteens and generally accepted standards in the context of adult sex chat and daytime chat channels. The guidance has been contained in published findings in the monthly Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin and in various sanctions decisions when fines have been imposed.
Ofcom therefore considers that some licensees’ current compliance arrangements appear to be neither sufficient nor effective. This is a cause of considerable concern.
In addition Ofcom has noted that some broadcasters of daytime chat and adult sex chat content continue to argue that the position of their channel in the ‘adult’ sector of the Sky Electronic Programme Guide ("EPG”), and the fact that parents can set up a voluntary PIN access restriction, mean that adequate measures are in place to protect children from harmful and/or offensive material and ensure compliance with generally accepted standards.
This is not the case. As highlighted in many Ofcom published decisions, where it has been decided that: sexual material is unsuitable for broadcast at a particular time; on services which do not have restricted access and do not adopt a mandatory PIN access system; and is in breach of the Code, a position in the ‘adult’ section ofthe EPG does not in itself provide sufficient contextual justification or protection to children.
All broadcasters of daytime chat and aduit sex chat content must immediately ensure they:
~ inform themselves about all published Ofcom findings and sanctions decisions relevant to their output if they have not already done so; and
~ review their compliance arrangements as appropriate to ensure that all broadcast material remains compliant with the Code.
Ofcom has commenced a number of investigations in this area. Licensees are on notice that where breaches are sufficiently serious or repeated they are likely to be considered for statutory sanction. The Ofcom Content Sanctions Committee[1] has frequently pointed out that where cases involving the broadcast of over explicit sexual material on adult sex chat channels are referred to it in future, it will consider imposing more significant penalties to ensure compliance with the Code.
Published guidance on adult chat and adult sex chat material
As noted above, Ofcom has already published a great deal of guidance about what is and is not acceptable content in terms of the Code. However, for the avoidance of doubt, We repeat here again some of the key points. Please note that the following points are not exhaustive but highlight the main guidance Ofcom has already given to broadcasters in this area. This has been either through its sanctions decisions, “Notes to Broadcasters” or published breach findings. This is no substitute to reading the Code, alongside all of Ofcom’s findings and guidance in this area.
Daytime chat broadcasters must:
~ ensure that all material broadcast is appropriate for the time of day bearing in mind audience expectations since it is transmitted before the watershed and at times when children may be in the audience[2];
~ ensure that a presenter does not behave in an overtly sexual manner (by for example simulating masturbation, lifting a skirt to reveal underwear or buttocks, stroking sexual parts of the body suggestively, or revealing cleavage and jiggling her chest to the camera)[3];
~ not show shots of bare breasts or nipples in a sexual context"[4]; and
~ not promote adult sex phone lines before the 21:00 watershed[5].
1 The body responsible for the consideration and vi/here appropriate the imposition of statutory sanctions against broadcasters for serious breaches of Ofcom’s Codes.
2 Note to Daytime and Adult Sex Chat Service Broadcasters, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 137, 6 July 2009 (the July 2009 Note to Broadcasters”), http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb137/
3 Breach Finding on Chat Café, LA Babes, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 136, 22 June 2009, http://wvw.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb136/
4 Breach Finding on The Pad, Tease 2, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 137, 6 July 2009, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb137/
5 This would breach Rule 1.3 of the Broadcasting Code
Adult sex chat broadcasters must:
~ avoid shots of anal, labial or genital areas[6];
~ not broadcast images of any real or simulated sex acts including masturbation, or intercourse, or insertion of dildos or vibrators, or oral sex[7];
~ not broadcast sexually explicit language (e.g. a female presenter saying male viewers “should spunk all over that”[8] or “l want you to spunk in my mouth. lt makes me really horny” or “she needs a nice hard cock up there”[9]);
~ avoid shots of simulated oral sex[10]; and
~ avoid prolonged and close-up shots of a presenter stimulating and messaging bare breasts, including pinching nipples and shaking them to camere, before 22:00[11].
In addition, the broadcast of website URLs whose websites provide unrestricted access to R18-rated material, whether before or after the watershed, is unacceptable.[12]
Licensees should note that Ofcom has repeatedly made clear that the location of a channel in the ‘adult’ section of the Sky EPG, without mandatory restricted access, does not in itself provide adequate protection to under-eighteens from inappropriate material.[13]
6 The 6 July 2009 Note to Broadcasters: Breach finding on Bang Babes, Tease Me, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 137, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/oob137/; Breach Finding against LivexxxBabes, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 118, dated 29 September 2008. http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb118/; Sanctions decision against Square 1 Management Limited concerning its channel Smile TV, dated 10 July 2008, paragraphs 4.1 and 7.5, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adjud/SmileTV.pdf
7 The 6 July 2009 Note to Broadcasters; Breach Finding on Bang Babes, Tease Me, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 120, 27 October 2008, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb120/; Breach Finding on SportxxxBabes, Ofcom Broadcast 119, dated 13 October 2008, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb119/; Sanctions decision against Satellite Entertainment Limited concerning its channel SportxxxBabes, dated 26 August 2008, paragraphs 4.2, 8.3 and 8.11, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adju...xbabes.pdf
8 Sanctions decision against Satellite Entertainment Limited concerning its channel SportxxxBabes, dated 26 August 2008, paragraph 4.3, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adju...babes.pdf;
Breach finding against Sex Station on Lucky Star, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 115, 11 August 2008, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb115/; Sanctions against Square 1 Management Limited concerning its channel Smile TV, dated 10 July 2008, paragraph 1.4, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adjud/SmileTV.pdf
9 Sanctions decision against Connection Makers Limited dated 30 November 2007, paragraph 1.4, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adjud/babeworld.pdf
10 The 6 July 2009 Note to Broadcasters
11 Breach Finding on Bang Babes on Tease Me 2, in Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 120, 27 October 2008, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb120/
12 RHF sanctions decision, paragraph 8.27, dated 18 May 2008, http:/www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adjud/rhfportland.pdf; Sex Station, Lucky Star, Broadcast Bulletin, 20 July 2009, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/prog_cb/obb138/
13 Breach Finding on The Pad, Tease Me 2, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin 137, 6 July; paragraph 8.5 of the Playboy TV sanctions case dated 2 April 2009, http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/obb/ocsc_adjud/playboytv.pdf
You will note that all this above guidance is currently published, in one form or another, on Ofcom's website. This can be found at http://www.ofcom.org.uk/
Recent research
We also suggest you should ensure you are aware of Ofoom’s most recent research into viewer’s attitudes to sexual material on television. This independent research was published on 15 June 2009 and can be found at http://www.ofoom.org.uk/consult/condocs/...sextv.pdf.
Ofcom uses such independently commissioned and Written research to inform its decisions relating to the generally accepted standards which should be applied to content.
Queries and acknowledgement
If you have any further questions or you require clarification on any of the information included in this letter please contact [NAME] or [NAME].
Given the importance of the contents of this letter, please acknowledge both receipt of this letter and your understanding of its contents, in writing to [NAME] as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Banatvala
Stick 2 fingers up to Ofcom - Sign http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/13222
(This post was last modified: 28-11-2011 02:06 by Wanderer.)