(13-11-2011 05:05 )mrmann Wrote: I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that sometimes they let callers wait and wait, instead of actually answering a call. I believe the term is call stacking, and it might be because they feel they can make more money by having many people wait, as oppose to the women only getting a small number of callers, some of whom might not stay on long enough. Take Ashley for example, as she rarely ever has any calls. Now either this is because she's much duller than she used to be, and people have lost interest, or it's because she's a actually getting a decent amount of calls, but is ignoring them so that she makes more cash from all the people waiting who will never get through.
Once again the allegation of call stacking arises on here against Elite. I've been calling Elite for 21 months now on both days & nights & never had any problems whatsoever in that regard, either getting straight through or the system telling me "The girl you have chosen is on a call..." & her taking a call within 30/40 secs on screen. If I don't get through I simply hang up.
(13-11-2011 05:05 )mrmann Wrote: Sometimes it looks like the women are pretending to be on a call, and sometimes it looks like they have no calls. I think Elite has been accused of this in the past, though I wouldn't put it past any of these channels to do this.
Perhaps you're unaware, but there is the option of listening in & that in turn allows you not only to listen in to a live call, but also to remain on the line if there is no "live" call & the girl you have chosen will still talk to you, in an attempt to get you to press the option to go through directly & speak to her, where in turn another person(s) may listen in on your call.
So sometimes the girl may not be on a "live" call, if you dial & press the option to talk to the girl I believe your call takes precedence, however that's a risk you take in that she may of course be on a "live" call & you may have to wait to talk to her by pressing the option to listen in & be the next person to talk to her, you may of course be in a queue to do so.
In the case that there are no live calls to listen into, there has to be notification of that & they have to ask you to hang up. On the few occasions I have listened in that has certainly been the case & that notification has been given.
I'm sure others have had problems with calls, not only to Elite, but for the majority of times I've called Elite everything has been as it should & if I've reported any problems, they've been dealt with efficiently & with minimal difficulty.
It's also useful to know that if one of the numbers on the Tv is causing problems there's always the option of the webstream numbers which are different & may be working as they should be & I've used that option with success on more than a dozen occasions to get through & not only to talk to the girl but also to inform Elite of a problem via the girl. On at least 3 of those times Elite have dropped the number offscreen & once my call has finished taken the girl off screen. One time they took her off whilst I was on the call...

It was daytime BTW & not a nighttime call.
(13-11-2011 05:05 )mrmann Wrote: Also, I'm pretty sure the calls are recorded and listened to by the people, incase of psycho fans, which is a good precaution, but still weird to know that other men are listening to you as well 
The calls are recorded for offcom compliance records. The producer at the time has the option to listen in when & if he wishes on days & nights or if the girl requests it.
I'm sure others here can elaborate further with their experiences of calling (not the call itself


) if I've missed anything & perhaps it may also be of benefit to others if they do so.