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Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion

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KerrAvon Offline
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Post: #2341
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
I like Red Light Central. I personally think they're the best night show channel & have the all round best collection of babes, many among my favourites.

But just like any other company, including some of the shysters I've worked for or paid a service for, they are not perfect. Their slow acknowledgment of the phone problems is one point in particular, leaving the victims almost believing it was all in their imagination including the phone bill lol.

Just because they do a lot of good things doesn't mean I automatically take their word for everything over a babe with a grievance just because they're a company. One or both could equally be at fault. Works both ways.
20-12-2011 10:28
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derek purcell28 Offline
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Post: #2342
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion

All the time i phooed Danniì because she is only girl i phone i only had 1 problem with the phone. other than that the phones have been great.

And Rlc and pb do have very gorgeous girls. Think they need 1 or 2 new sets tho.

partly blind derek
20-12-2011 11:15
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southlondonphil Offline
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Post: #2343
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
(20-12-2011 09:16 )twistedmango Wrote:  As for the RLC reps not coming on here and putting their side of the story I'm guessing that they don't want or need to get drawn into a slanging match.

I agree with this. You can't expect the RLC reps to get drawn into an online argument with or about girls who don't even work for them now.
20-12-2011 11:35
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derek purcell28 Offline
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Post: #2344
[split] RLC Schedule
i just look at the schedule and there is no Dannii Harwood but on schedule before it she is working can clear lt up for me please thank you

partly blind derek
20-12-2011 11:39
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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #2345
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
On the phone problem thread red have spoken about the improvements that were put in to allow larger call traffic with less dropped calls. But every system no matter how high tech will have the odd dropped call.
20-12-2011 11:48
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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #2346
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
I apologise if anyone is offended by my views peace
20-12-2011 12:10
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #2347
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
I try to mostly take what the girls currently working at RLC and those that have left say about this channel with a pinch of salt , that goes for all the girls from the other channels and reps as well , very few girls currently working on the babe channels who want to keep their jobs are going to come on this forum and slag the channel off they work for , the same goes for the girls let go or dismissed , it's just human nature to feel bitter about a former employer if you've for whatever reason been given the push , the girls and the employers of the babe channels are all human , they all have their good points bad points faults and failings just like the rest of us , it's also human nature if your a fan boy of ANY babe channel , (i'm not just taling about RLC/Playboy) to look at the channel through rose tinted glasses and can't understand why other people don't see things the same as you do , this also applies to fan boy's of the girls that have left or are still at RLC , they see these girls as perfect and believe every thing they say about RLC or anything else to that matter and will jump to the girls defence if they see the girls has been upset by the channel they worked for or by posters on a forum , Like i say it's just human nature to react this way , i occasionally react this way myself , so i know what i'm talking about (Dannnii Harwood tired bruised and angry through working long hours)Smile .
This also goes the other way , some people if they don't like a girl or channel will only see things in a negative matter , whether or not the girl or channel is in the right or not or any good , they will still slag them off , it's just human nature .

For me RLC is generaly good but could do better , they've got a great selection of girls , decent picture quality and good sets , the girls get naked use oil and don't tend to wear 2 pairs of big pants as much nowadays either Smile , obviously they are still playing safe because of the Ofcom stuff Sad . But the girls staying on the same set all night needs looking at , most people seem to agree they would like to see the girls moving round different sets , it give the girls the opportunity to do different styles of performances throughout the night , they maybe a naughty nurse for a hour or so , then a dominatrix for a while and later a naughty secretary etc . The RLC rep did say that they maybe moving the girls round different sets this month , so hopefully they will still be looking at doing this .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 20-12-2011 15:28 by mr mystery.)
20-12-2011 12:33
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twistedmango Offline
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Post: #2348
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
Dannii should be on this Thursday night according to the website schedule
20-12-2011 12:36
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derek purcell28 Offline
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Post: #2349
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
Thanks for that think schedule says on she is on Friday night unles i read it worng

partly blind derek
20-12-2011 12:54
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Snooks Away
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Post: #2350
[split] RLC Schedule
No Katie K tomorrow night after all then, I had a feeling it all seemed too good to be true Sad

20-12-2011 22:19
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