I try to mostly take what the girls currently working at RLC and those that have left say about this channel with a pinch of salt , that goes for all the girls from the other channels and reps as well , very few girls currently working on the babe channels who want to keep their jobs are going to come on this forum and slag the channel off they work for , the same goes for the girls let go or dismissed , it's just human nature to feel bitter about a former employer if you've for whatever reason been given the push , the girls and the employers of the babe channels are all human , they all have their good points bad points faults and failings just like the rest of us , it's also human nature if your a fan boy of ANY babe channel , (i'm not just taling about RLC/Playboy) to look at the channel through rose tinted glasses and can't understand why other people don't see things the same as you do , this also applies to fan boy's of the girls that have left or are still at RLC , they see these girls as perfect and believe every thing they say about RLC or anything else to that matter and will jump to the girls defence if they see the girls has been upset by the channel they worked for or by posters on a forum , Like i say it's just human nature to react this way , i occasionally react this way myself , so i know what i'm talking about (Dannnii Harwood tired bruised and angry through working long hours)

This also goes the other way , some people if they don't like a girl or channel will only see things in a negative matter , whether or not the girl or channel is in the right or not or any good , they will still slag them off , it's just human nature .
For me RLC is generaly good but could do better , they've got a great selection of girls , decent picture quality and good sets , the girls get naked use oil and don't tend to wear 2 pairs of big pants as much nowadays either

, obviously they are still playing safe because of the Ofcom stuff

. But the girls staying on the same set all night needs looking at , most people seem to agree they would like to see the girls moving round different sets , it give the girls the opportunity to do different styles of performances throughout the night , they maybe a naughty nurse for a hour or so , then a dominatrix for a while and later a naughty secretary etc . The RLC rep did say that they maybe moving the girls round different sets this month , so hopefully they will still be looking at doing this .