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Call it a day

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Post: #11
RE: Call it a day
Why do we always get the same reaction from the defenders of the Babechannels output whenever we talk about the channels being no longer worth watching. I for one, and I guess I will not be alone, when I say I don't want hard core Gonzo like porn, or "stick it in any orifice" sort of offering. Like Hawaiin Brian said in an earlier post there was nobody like Danica when it came to tease. And that is the type of performances I lament. And if the fanboys oppose what I am saying, then that just shows me how easily pleased they are. If they are satisfied with some of the girls offerings, and I won't mention names, as that would not be fair to the girls, as none of this is their doing, then so be it. But I know that my view is the right one, And I will not be shouted down by the fanboy bullyboys.
15-01-2012 14:33
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Regenerated Online
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Post: #12
RE: Call it a day
Its probably the same reaction because there are those of us who want to see the channels continue, just like there are clearly those who want to see them end.

So I'd say because of the nature of a forum, thats surely the idea of differing opinions, otherwise there'd be no point to your thread?

You raise valid points, and so do people who want the channels to continue. Nobody's "shouting you down", we're having the usual fanboys vs moaners discussion. Smile

15-01-2012 14:39
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seth Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Call it a day
(15-01-2012 14:33 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  Why do we always get the same reaction from the defenders of the Babechannels output whenever we talk about the channels being no longer worth watching. I for one, and I guess I will not be alone, when I say I don't want hard core Gonzo like porn, or "stick it in any orifice" sort of offering. Like Hawaiin Brian said in an earlier post there was nobody like Danica when it came to tease. And that is the type of performances I lament. And if the fanboys oppose what I am saying, then that just shows me how easily pleased they are. If they are satisfied with some of the girls offerings, and I won't mention names, as that would not be fair to the girls, as none of this is their doing, then so be it. But I know that my view is the right one, And I will not be shouted down by the fanboy bullyboys.

Yes because everybody who disagrees with you on this is a fanboy.Rolleyes

Maybe some of us don't really give a damn either way. A quick search on the Internet and I get all the wank material I want.
(This post was last modified: 15-01-2012 14:48 by seth.)
15-01-2012 14:47
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Addison Away
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Post: #14
RE: Call it a day
(15-01-2012 14:33 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  Why do we always get the same reaction from the defenders of the Babechannels output whenever we talk about the channels being no longer worth watching [...]

It's called debate. As Reg. says, it's what happens in a forum Smile . Someone states (or in this case restates) an observation/point of view, and someone counters it with another observation/POV. If yet another threat is started that has a pop at the shows as they currently are, don't be surprised if someone stops by to defend what they see as the shows' continuing value.

What you re-hash in your OP is, as always, fair enough for those pushing for more explicit stuff, but it's tedious for those who enjoy the current output to repeatedly get characterised by the hard-corers as mealy-mouthed fanboys prepared to put up with what gets dished out to them, when, as I say, a decent proportion of them are getting pretty much what they'd want in any event. The babe shows are one of the prime suppliers of good soft-core material anywhere, and this probably explains their continued popularity, in spite of the Ofcom-based curbs (good soft-core material is more difficult to come by online than probably a lot of hard-core fans appreciate).
15-01-2012 15:05
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eagle_si Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Call it a day
(15-01-2012 14:33 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  But I know that my view is the right one, And I will not be shouted down by the fanboy bullyboys.

You clearly don't know the difference between "fact" and "opinion". You don't like the shows, others do. Just because they don't share your view doesn't mean they're wrong.
I really can't believe some of the people who whine almost daily about how awful the shows are. Fine. Don't watch then. No-one is forcing you to watch these terrible shows. And it would let those of us who actually enjoy the shows carry on enjoying them without being made to feel guilty for enjoying them.

Favourite babes remaining: Hannah Martin, Abbey B, Clare Richards, Paige Green, Becky Roberts, Abbee Kimberly, Electra
(This post was last modified: 15-01-2012 15:25 by eagle_si.)
15-01-2012 15:24
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Roquentin Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Call it a day
I wonder whether with time passing some of the problem may go away. For example, I too recognise sometimes the performers seem too restricted and slightly over careful about what they can do, plus refusing the requests of callers who ask for content they may have been used to in the past etc. These things can interrupt the flow or tone of a performance.

Further, I admit that with the restrictions we are seeing more similar positions deemed 'safer', and therefore becoming more repetitive. It must also have a knock on effect with the performers who, after all, have more reason to be bored of the same positions than we do!

But there are exceptions I feel. I don't get that sense of ofcomery from a Jennifer Jade performance for example. She always seems fearless and imaginative, aware of the limitations but building it into the show. Let's not forget that the majority of the eroticism may be in the talking on the phone anyways. Attitude is a huge part of this, although perhaps in part due to Jen being relatively new. Perhaps it will be harder for experienced performers to adapt, finding current content less risqué. It's a bit depressing to see some girls whipping their tops off with no sense of occasion at all. (I certainly shared in the Danica collective *sigh* when she finally revealed more, good times, and nothing to do with Ofcom, just delayed gratification Big Grin )

So I am hopeful that the transition period will pass and eventually many performers will adapt and give great performances within whatever boundaries there are. We may also start to see certain boundary transgressions developing once again.
(This post was last modified: 15-01-2012 16:40 by Roquentin.)
15-01-2012 16:33
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #17
RE: Call it a day
Time to call it a day - certainly not, for as much as I like to rant and rave on this forum (occasionally Big Grin ) the closure of the babe channels would leave this world a very lonely place and this forum would be littered with RIP Tribute Threads only talking in past presence and having nothing at present or future to look forward to, the word grim would sum it up. Even with all the Ofcom red tape regulations put upon the channels it still provides us with somewhat of an intimate show, I mean where I stay we have zero strip clubs and even if we did you could hardly wap your trouser snake out and have a right good pull laugh I'd imagine you'd probably get thown out before you've had enough time to zip your fly up and put the beast back in the cage Big Grin I will keep ranting and hankering for better show's, and just to echoe the sentiments of other posters I'm not looking for a hardcore full on porno here and I certainly wouldn't entertain a show such as one of the online videos I viewed called 2 cups 1 girl, anybody who's seen that it has to be one of the most vile bits of porn ever made, it left me feeling sick and has put me off chocolate ice cream for life Big Laugh All I'm looking for is full frontal and a bit of sexy 2 for 1's, hot naked shower shows aswell as the oil ones too Tongue something similar along the same lines as what eurotic tv does, not this constant bore fest we're at present getting night after night. So just to reitarate the closure of the babe shows is the last thing in the world I want, they are better alive than dead then there is allways still hope yet for improvement. I prefer to stay optimistic as from time to time we do still get some great shows although recently they've somewhat dried up Cool
15-01-2012 16:36
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Robot Devil Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Call it a day
Well I don't see the babe channels lasting more than another couple of years anyway; The rapid rise of models using webcam sites, and subsequently getting a larger share of the money involved, means the majority of models will stick only to cam sites in the near future. I mean how many day-only girls do web shows where they gladly take their off clothes ? Plus, with most sites there is obvioulsy a more relaxed, (almost) anything goes attitude. No OFCOM telling them what they can and can't do.

15-01-2012 16:51
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beardedbob Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Call it a day
(15-01-2012 15:24 )eagle_si Wrote:  
(15-01-2012 14:33 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  But I know that my view is the right one, And I will not be shouted down by the fanboy bullyboys.

You clearly don't know the difference between "fact" and "opinion". You don't like the shows, others do. Just because they don't share your view doesn't mean they're wrong.
I really can't believe some of the people who whine almost daily about how awful the shows are. Fine. Don't watch then. No-one is forcing you to watch these terrible shows. And it would let those of us who actually enjoy the shows carry on enjoying them without being made to feel guilty for enjoying them.

you are both right. in your own dogmatic ways! Bounce
15-01-2012 17:30
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Raider007 Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Call it a day
responsible's right

how dare people watch what they want and spend their own money to entertain themselves

Close em all

My warning level is 0%
What am i doing wrong?
15-01-2012 17:39
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