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What is now the point of these channels

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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #221
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
(23-01-2012 16:56 )Regenerated Wrote:  No I don't care that there's a group of people telling me what I can and can't see. Rolleyes

You know why? Because I don't listen to them. Wink

You don't listen? You have no choice but to listen, unless of course you have some secret button on your Sky remote which over-rides Ofcom's regulations.
23-01-2012 17:38
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #222
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
(23-01-2012 17:38 )StanTheMan Wrote:  You don't listen? You have no choice but to listen, unless of course you have some secret button on your Sky remote which over-rides Ofcom's regulations.

No, no, no Stan. You're missing the point yet again.

What I'm saying is I like the channels as they are, so I have no reason to join a pointless Ofcom bashing brigade. I just enjoy them for what they are.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that there are people like myself that do enjoy the channels? We've already accepted that you and others don't like them. Now you need to accept that there are plenty of other people who do still like them.

There's nothing wrong with being a fan of the channels. I'm quite happy to be labelled a fanboy. Smile As for the secret button, it's not secret at all. Its called the "off" button. Wink

That's all I'm saying for now. It seems like this has gone on to death already and theres little point contributing any further. I think I've made my opinions clear. I won't be responding to any more pointless countering. Smile

(This post was last modified: 23-01-2012 18:01 by Regenerated.)
23-01-2012 17:53
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Rammyrascal Online
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Post: #223
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
same here regenerated and agree totally

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 23-01-2012 18:23 by Rammyrascal.)
23-01-2012 18:22
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #224
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
(23-01-2012 17:53 )Regenerated Wrote:  I think I've made my opinions clear. I won't be responding to any more pointless countering. Smile

So why did you feel it necessary to contribute to this thread at all? If you're happy with the shite we have now, that's just dandy, but given this fact wouldn't it make more sense for you to keep your posts confined to the 'Today/Tonight I'm Loving' and other, channel relevant threads?

(23-01-2012 18:22 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  same here regenerated and agree totally

As for you, Rammy, you're a walking contradiction - agreeing and disagreeing at random with everyone on the board, regardless of their opinion. Your posts carry about as much gravitas as the thoughts of Peter Andre.
(This post was last modified: 23-01-2012 20:18 by StanTheMan.)
23-01-2012 20:14
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gator8 Offline
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Post: #225
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
There does seem to be plenty who like the channels as they are and good luck to them.
The only thing that worries me is that Ofcom doesn't want these channels at all and i can see them coming up with more and more tighter regulations until they can get them to give up.
23-01-2012 20:23
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seth Offline
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Post: #226
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
(23-01-2012 20:23 )gator8 Wrote:  There does seem to be plenty who like the channels as they are and good luck to them.
The only thing that worries me is that Ofcom doesn't want these channels at all and i can see them coming up with more and more tighter regulations until they can get them to give up.

Ofcom needs these channels like the police needs criminals. They get the money through the fines don't they?
23-01-2012 20:53
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Hollywood PillowPants Offline
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Post: #227
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
(23-01-2012 20:53 )seth Wrote:  Ofcom needs these channels like the police needs criminals. They get the money through the fines don't they?

Ofcom doesn't get the money from fines,it goes to HM Revenue and Customs,they need the money so they can waste shit loads of cash trying to make a case against Harry Redknapp,that'll more than likely be thrown out because he's famous!!!

""This show's about as interesting as Nick Griffin reading excerpts from 'Mein Kampf'!"
23-01-2012 21:30
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eccles Offline
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Post: #228
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
Lots of people are happy with things as they stand, whether its babe shows, employment, politics, daytime TV, exam grades, whatever. Im happy for them. And then there are people who have known better, or had a favourite snatched away from them, found themselves on the wrong side of regulations. In most areas the dissapointed group are a small minority. With babeshows there have been sudden drastic clampdowns that have left a large fraction of the audience in shock. Its as if the motorway speed limit was reduced to 50mph and enforced. Some people arent bothered, new viewers dont know what they are missing, but many people do.

Arguing among ourselves isnt changing opinions or adding anything new.

But Seth makes a good point. The ITC regulated the entire television and radio sector, except the BBC, with one part time employee working out of a phone box on alternate Tuesdays. Admittedly there were fewer channels, but Ofcom has ballooned out of all proportion into a self serving self perpetuating bureauracy. The fact that fines go to the Treasury is besides the point - the fines are a small fraction of their running costs anyway. Careers are being made out of this.

Gone fishing
23-01-2012 21:53
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #229
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
(23-01-2012 21:53 )eccles Wrote:  Arguing among ourselves isnt changing opinions or adding anything new.

No truer word has been spoken, and I'm as guilty as anyone for this behaviour. I just get frustrated with people who continue to miss our point so completely.
23-01-2012 23:22
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Post: #230
RE: What is now the point of these channels.
If I had to make a guess, then the "don't think the babechannels can do any wrong" (fanboys) supporters would range in age from 18-30. Whilst the more sensible group, "why do we have to put up with this shite" (miserable bastards) would be the ones that are older and much wiser, me being one. In general I think the younger generation just accept anything in such an apathetic way. When is the last time you saw the under thirties protest about anything. They will not agree, but without knowing it they have become brainwashed. Anyone hoping that they would all join this campaign of being able to watch what we want (in reason) were sadly mistaken. So I'm afraid it will be up to us oldies If we want to get some sort of viewing freedom back on to our TV's once again.

I could be wrong about the young not protesting, I forgot about the "free TV's and designer gear for all" protest back in the summer. My apologies.
24-01-2012 15:35
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