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sexstation live stream

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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #1
sexstation live stream
Is it me or has the sexstation live streaming getting from bad to worse. First the studio lighting was very dark and then they eventully improved it. Then for the most part they would just sit in front of 3G cam and eventually they kinda stopped doing that now. Now on todays show there just sitting in front of the 3G cam again and then they move the cam so don't see anything, so either you pay for the 3G cam or you pay to become a member to actually see anything. If you look at willeyg thread where his put up a screen shot and of the perv cam and you can see fuck all. On so even when you do pay you can't see anything and on top of that even when you do pay your not gonna really see much as it all depends if the model is gonna show anything as some do and some don't. Just seems like a backward step if you ask me. Heres the link for that screenshot:

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30-07-2008 11:58
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willeyg Offline
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Post: #2
RE: sexstation live stream
Hi Kalel76.

You now dont see much from the "roof" camera because they have the 3g camera on the other side of the bed. So you can NOT see it all from the perv cam. Only with a few girls like Cherry, Amber and Twinkle. So in general you dont see much more on the perv cam then you see on live feed with the other girls even if they are naked. Sammi Dee and Kiera allways check the monitor to see where the pervcam is filming and they close the legs if you try to film them. Also in the evenings the girls move the 3g camera so you only see the top of their head or just their backs. I asked a girl on 3g about why they did have the 3g cam like this and she said it was because of the liveshow. Also a lie since there is no liveshow in the evenings and she knew it. Because she moved the camera after the crew did put it under the pervcam. Then you would have a clean view from it. Also if Cherry said they dont have a monitor for it is just a lie.
But still thx to cherry and a few other girls the pervcam is still good from time to time.
30-07-2008 13:39
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #3
RE: sexstation live stream
just watching it now and they keep moving the bloody camera

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
30-07-2008 14:24
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Jack Vikare Offline
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Post: #4
RE: sexstation live stream
Just watching it now and the girl on there has been doing just about everything imaginable for the camera on the right hand side. I guess that's the 3g camera, right? Well whoever was watching that cam just got a bloody terrific show I can tell you. Talk about getting a comprehensive service. Is that girl Twinkle or Tammy? I get some of them mixed up. Anyway she just gave a great value show on the 3g, I don't think there's much chance of the customer not being satisfied. It's what I'd describe as a committed performance! From my angle it wasn't so great, but I could still see what she was doing with those toys. Is this usual or is this kind of thing an exceptional performance?
30-07-2008 17:19
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #5
RE: sexstation live stream
its very rare you see them using a dildo, it really depends on the model. tammy who's on there now when ever shes on, she always makes a effort and is really committed. your always gonna get a good show with her. The rest never do anything like that at all, only tammy does, she should be on more often.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
30-07-2008 17:29
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Jack Vikare Offline
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Post: #6
RE: sexstation live stream
Yes you must be right about her because I checked out this live stream about 3 times before and nothing much was happening, which is totally different to today when Tammy was making just about everything happen. Even from my angle it looked pretty awesome. I'm not sure why the cameraman keeps moving the cam though, because I can't see how that improves the show.
30-07-2008 18:28
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #7
RE: sexstation live stream
yeah i totally agree with you ahout the camera man, for some strange reason he was all over place. for the most part on there some of model's don't do anything. There are what i like to call three types of women on there, you got the ones that just do topless, the ones that take everything off but don't much and finally the one's that take everything off and will do almost anything. Those types of women on there are very rare, when i usually sees who's on there you can tell what kind of a show its gonna be. With today show it just shows what there capable of with the right models, the only negative thing was with the cameraman sodding about. I know that some of the models on there are pornstars and some of them are just glamour models hence why they hardly show anything. I don't think this will last after todays show, i know that tomorrows show won't be anything like todays show lol

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
30-07-2008 20:01
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willeyg Offline
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Post: #8
RE: sexstation live stream
Here is "everything" you see as a pay member most of the time on the pervcam since they moved the 3g camera. This is from tonight.

[Image: 92014968qd1.jpg]
30-07-2008 20:56
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #9
RE: sexstation live stream
Thats what there showing now then?, its a bit funny that they put that up about uploading porn from there and they don't even have any up in the first place lol

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
30-07-2008 21:16
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willeyg Offline
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Post: #10
RE: sexstation live stream
lol, could not edit my post.. Porn my ass. You could allmost see 1 nipple.. Big Grin
30-07-2008 21:52
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