What Do I Tell The Forum If...?
Dealing with a personal crisis is a potential nightmare for forum users. We all hope it won’t happen to us, but isn’t it best to be prepared? In order to ready myself for the worst, I thought up three crisis situations, and considered what I might say to the forum if any of them transpired. Each of the three examples is divided into a situation, and a response. I’ve made the response to each example multiple-choice. See which (if any) option you might take in each crisis situation. Maybe, with a view to helping the poor wretch who does end up facing a crisis of this magnitude (and I don’t rule out myself by any means), you may like to add some situation/responses of your own. With enough assistance, the thread could eventually perhaps serve as some sort of survival manual for members down on their (or my) luck. Anyway, here’s what, aside from naughty cheeky onscreen girls, keeps me awake at night…
Situation (1)... A babe you’ve described as the hottest, dirtiest minx on TV has revealed on the ITV News that she’s really a man, working undercover for Ofcom.
a) I knew all the time. I was just playing along to see how far he’d go.
b) Surely you could sense the subtle undercurrent of sarcasm in my posts?
c) Anyone know if she’s still doing the live XXXXXplicit webshow tonight?
Situation (2)... You’ve phoned the QVC TV studio and complained about the size of the OSGs on a Fashion Over 50 show, live on air, and word has hit the forum.
a) I’d never actually watch stuff like that, obviously, but I flicked onto it by mistake and was concerned for people older and more vulnerable than myself.
b) All I saw was a pair of feet. By the time I realised what I was watching I’d already said my piece.
c) I’m sensing this might be a long shot, but has anyone got caps of that show?
Situation (3)... You sent some Y-fronts to a babe show for a joke and they ended up at Scotland Yard. During the annual police piss-up, the CID registered on this forum as MetPol999 and replied to each of your posts with a Rapidshare link to footage of your pants being examined, in a lab, by a woman in an oxygen mask. Image Chunk has been virtually spammed off the web with analytical charts about your pants, and there’s now a 250-post thread just for the chart hotlinks alone. Several forum members have changed their names to UnderpantSquad1, UnderpantSquad2, etc, and begun replying to your posts with copycat Rapidshare links to mock-up pants examination vids. In the most recent mock vid the woman approaches your pants and passes out – even though she’s basically dressed to land on the moon.
a) I’ll be taking this up with DHL, because in no way have they delivered the correct pants!
b) No, honest, I wanted this to happen. What’s the point in making a joke if no one gets to hear about it?
c) Hi MetPol999. Has the bird in the gas mask done any lad mags?
If, of my example answers, your preferred options were c), c) and c), then congratulations! You are a babe fan of the highest standing and you fully understand what this forum is all about. You will never have anything to fear and your future happiness here is assured. For the rest of us, well, it's a nailbiting time...